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Venue: SOAS, University of London, Brunei Gallery, 10 Thornhaugh Street, London
Historically, Asia has been a contended space of exploration and domination, where both Asian and non-Asian agents sought to define themselves against others. Within this broad historical and geographical context, this international and interdisciplinary conference brings together various forms of visuals, such as films, cartoons, and objects, in their interaction with discourses of ‘other'. The platforms of visualising Asia were assimilated into daily life and practices, feeding into narratives that transcend any single medium. Due to their visual impact, they became lasting repositories of imagined identities and thus have critical implications for those representing and those being represented. This conference invites discussions on the differing ways ‘otherness' has been used in both Asian and non-Asian societies through visuals. The aim is to bring together an array of visualities from across various disciplines in order to reflect on the importance of visuals in knowledge production and circulation within and across cultures and societies.
Conference convenors: Amy Matthewson (SOAS, University of London), and Dr Irene González-López (Kingston University).
Confirmed Keynote: Dr Anne Witchard
Booking is essential to attend this event.
For further information about this event:
Contact: Irene Gonzalez-Lopez
Directions to SOAS, University of London, Brunei Gallery, 10 Thornhaugh Street, London: