PGCE Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS) (Birth to 5 Years)

Welcome to the course

Welcome to the PGCE in Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS) (Birth to 5 Years) Graduate Employment-based pathway. We look forward to receiving you onto the programme and hope that you will enjoy your study with us.

This pathway will support you to ‘top-up' your knowledge, understanding and skills with all three age groups so that you can meet the Teachers' Standards (Early Years).

Knowledge and experience needed to demonstrate the Teachers' Standards (Early Years) encompasses:

  • Knowledge of child development and practice with birth to 5 year olds;
  • Experience of working with babies (birth to 20 months), toddlers (16 to 36 months) and young children (30 to 60 months)
  • Experience in leading practice and supporting other practitioners to implement the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for birth to 5 year olds.

Teaching and learning will consist of a range of strategies including:

  • Weekly sessions at the University to share practice, support learning, develop knowledge and prepare for the Assessment Process.
  • Independent reading and research to develop your knowledge and understanding of working with children from birth to five years old to lead practice across the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
  • Masters level modules that will support your ongoing professional development beyond the course and into your career as a teacher.

The Early Years Team is looking forward to working with you in what will be an intensive, challenging but also, we hope, rewarding, exciting and enjoyable programme.

Helen Sutherland
PGCE Early Years Teacher Status Course Leader

Term dates

TermTerm datesReading Week
Term 1 Monday 5 September 2022 to
Friday 16 December 2022
Monday 24 October 2022 to
Friday 28 October 2022
Term 2 Tuesday 3 January 2023 to
Friday 31 March 2023
Monday 13 February 2023 to
Friday 17 February 2023
Term 3 Monday 17 April 2023 to
Friday 23 June 2023
Monday 29 May 2023 to
Friday 2 June 2023

These are provisional dates and may be subject to change.

PGCE EYTS students attend the University on Fridays for taught sessions.

Induction and enrolment


The exact date, time and details of your enrolment sessions will be confirmed at a later date. Please make sure that you read the information carefully and bring the necessary documents.

Induction and first teaching session: Friday 16 September

  • 9am to 12 noon: Induction / LRC
  • 1pm to 4pm: Early Years Standards and Assessment Process

(Room and building to be confirmed)

Car parking for campus sessions

If you are arriving by car, please park in Car Park D where there will be signs directing you to the relevant room. 

Parking restrictions are in place on site during term-time. You must obtain a temporary parking pass from Reception during the first week of term. You will be able to apply for a permanent Kingston Hill pass once you have enrolled.

Please note: car park G outside the Education Building is for staff and visitors only between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm. 


The 85 and K3 buses stop outside the Kingston Hill campus. The free Kingston University buses stop on the campus itself. 

Registered name

When you enrol, you should ensure that your name on our student record system is the same as your passport/photo card driving licence. Your details are sent direct from the University record system to the DfE following enrolment for allocation of your Teacher Registration Number (TRN). 

Reading lists and tasks

You will be able to download the pre-course reading list and tasks for your subject below.

Occupational Health information

Please visit the Occupational Health page for information on how to complete your Occupational Health questionnaire.

FAQs: Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS) (Birth to 5 Years)

When does my course start?

Friday 16 September 2022.

What day of the week does teaching for EYTS take place?

Teaching always takes place on a Friday from 9am until 4pm.

When will I find out about placements and how many days will I have to do?

Students must complete a minimum of 10 days in an Early Years setting. However, this may be extended to 20 days depending on your experience. The course leader will discuss this with you early on in the course.

When will the first employer incentive payment be made to my setting?

We aim to make the first payments in October, however, if this is not possible we will make a double payment in November.

I have received an activation email from Health Management Limited (HML). What is this?

This is the service we use to assess students' health and suitability for the course. You must activate your account and complete the questionnaire accurately so if required, we can ensure that reasonable adjustments are made for you while you are on the course.

Support for students with disabilities or dyslexia

Who to contact for support

If you have a disability or dyslexia and require support while you are at University, you must contact the Disability and Mental Health Support Service.

The contact details are:
Kingston University - Disability and Mental Health Support
020 8417 7314

Full details of the support services and facilities are also available here.

You are also strongly encouraged to contact us in the Department of Education before you start the programme. We are committed to providing you support during your studies and if we are aware of your specific needs in advance, we can make provisions and have these in place for your course start.

Please email with details of your specific requirements.

If you would like to speak with someone in confidence, please contact Nina Sohal, the Admissions Team Leader.

Useful contacts

University departmentContact numberEmail address
School of Education 020 8417 5145
Main Switchboard 020 8417 9000  
Accommodation services 020 8417 7311
Fees and funding (undergraduate) 020 8417 7312
Fees and funding (postgraduate) 020 8417 7312
Student life advisory 020 8417 7312  
Disability and mental health support 020 8417 7314
Contact details for external organisationsContact number
Kingston Hill  
Student Finance England 0300 100 0607
First Advantage Online Disclosures 0115 969 4600

How to find us

Your course will be taught at the Kingston Hill campus, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT2 7LB.

View campus information, directions and public transport options on the Kingston Hill webpage.