Early Years Special Interest Group (EYSIG)

About us

Kingston University's Early Years Special Interest Group (EYSIG) is a professional learning community of early years practitioners, students, teachers, lecturers and other professional colleagues who share research knowledge and practice experience in order to generate innovation and effective change in the early years field.

We value and respect the uniqueness of every child and their family. Our commitment is in developing and enhancing high quality early years provision for all young children.

You are warmly invited to join membership of the group if you share our commitment.

Please read the details about membership in the box below.

Our mission statement

The Kingston University, Early Years Special Interest Group (EYSIG) is a professional community focusing on driving innovation and effective change in the field of early years, both nationally and internationally.

It provides a forum for discussion, sharing, advocacy, research, networking and development of professional practice through a range of formal and informal activities.

The intention is for the EYSIG to generate advancements in the field of early years with positive implications for babies, young children and their families.

Our aims

The EYSIG aims to:

  • develop a 'community of practice' to explore and critically examine early years within political, social and cultural landscapes.
  • develop an early years network within and beyond the University, nationally and internationally, to disseminate and share research and effective practice.
  • identify opportunities for research within early years, in order to contribute new knowledge and applications to enhance practice.
  • encourage collaborations on conference presentations and publications, such as journal articles and book chapters.
  • organise conferences and seminar events to critically examine theoretical and empirical research as well as practice innovations and their implications for early years.
  • encourage and provide mentoring and support for peers and colleagues, including applications for research funding.

EYSIG Committee

The EYSIG Committee is responsible for steering the direction and path of the EYSIG. They are responsible for organising events, monitoring the website and ensuring dissemination of knowledge to all stakeholders.

The Committee has a Chair, two deputy Vice-Chairs, one responsible for Advocacy and the other for Professional Development. The Chair of the EYSIG is appointed every three years and the same Chair can serve up to two terms of office.

The EYSIG group provides an annual report to the Kingston University Education Research Group.

Portfolios should be developed by members through discussions and driven by the current needs and issues within the sector, which will fall under either the Advocacy or Professional Development arm of the EYSIG.

Membership of the EYSIG

The EYSIG has a range of membership categories which include:

  1. Academic membership
    This category of membership is open to any academic within KU who wishes to collaborate in achieving the aims of the group. The EYSIG Committee is appointed from this category of membership.
  2. External academic membership
    This category is open to academics working within Higher Education Institutions outside of KU who are interested in contributing to the aims of the EYSIG. They enjoy access to most of the rights and privileges of Academic Members. Members in this category of membership can be invited to be Advisors or Special Guests within the EYSIG Committee.
  3. Associate membership
    This category of membership mainly consists of practitioners, students, tutors, lecturers, advisors, support staff and other roles held within early years. This level of membership allows access to some but not all of the benefits and privileges of categories 1 and 2. The Associate Membership category within the EYSIG allows for extensive networking, sharing of information and advocacy through a variety of forums. Members in this category of membership can be invited to be Advisors or Special Guests within the EYSIG Committee.
  4. Affiliate membership
    This category of membership is open to those who are not involved directly in the field of early years but have interest in participating or promoting some of the developments of the EYSIG. Members in this category of membership can be invited to be Advisors or Special Guests within the EYSIG Committee.

Distribution list

All members of the group, regardless of category, will be enrolled on the SIG website and will receive updates and newsletters.


The EYSIG has

  • Three formal EYSIG Committee meetings per academic year.
  • Two online EYSIG meetings per year open to all membership categories.
  • One biannual conference.

In addition, EYSIG facilitates the following opportunities for members to meet (details of specific arrangements are disseminated to all members as developed).

  • Discussion forums on current topics/themes/policies
  • CPD activities
  • Seminars
  • Best practice case studies
  • Networking
  • Field trips
  • Research workshops
  • E-Periodical – Early Years in Action (EYA)
  • Representation at Government events
  • Consultation
  • Advisory work
  • Partnerships
  • Application for grants and funding

Contact us


Faculty of Health, Science, Social Care and Education