The search is on for individuals eager to take a leading role in running the University. Kingston's Board of Governors is on the look out for potential members willing to play a key part in cementing the institution's position as a centre of excellence in Higher Education.
University Secretary Raficq Abdulla said there were two vacancies on the Board at present. A list of prospective Board members was also being prepared so there was a pool of suitable people waiting in the wings when Governors' terms of office came to an end. Essential qualifications included an interest in Higher Education, business acumen and strong leadership and decision-making abilities, Raficq said. "The University community looks to its Governors to provide a clear sense of direction for the institution, particularly in an era in which we have to balance the Government's push to increase student numbers with funding and accommodation constraints," he explained. "We're especially keen to get a cross-section of people from different walks of life involved. The position might appeal to someone from a top-level business background, for example, or to one of our alumni who wants to put something back into the University."
Kingston staff and members of the public are being urged to nominate candidates by submitting recommendations to the University Secretary's Office. People interested in serving as Governors are also being invited to put their names forward. The Nomination Committee will consider each suggestion before a decision is made about extending an invitation to join the Board.
Nominations for Board of Governors' membership should be sent to Raficq Abdulla at the University Secretary's Office, River House, 53-57 High Street, Kingston, Surrey, KT1 1LQ.
Bridge - The Kingston University magazine
November 2002