Posted Friday 11 August 2023
Miguel Verdades Guerra completed his masters in adult nursing at Kingston University, after having done an undergraduate degree in nutrition. He shares why he decided to go into nursing and how Kingston University has gave him the skills to work in practice.
Why did you decide to get into nursing?
Miguel Verdades Guerra completed the Adult Nursing MSc course at Kingston.As cliché as it may sound, I have always wanted to work in a hospital setting. After working at St George's Hospital for two years as a phlebotomist, I was interested in how nurses work and the care provided to patients. One experience that really made me want to get into nursing was when I was tasked to go to an elderly care ward to take bloods. The patient really wanted someone to be present and wanted to hold my hand as they were feeling overwhelmed. At that precise moment, all I could do for the patient was reassure them and take their blood, but I felt the urge to want to do more for them, so that is when I began drafting my application form for nursing.
How have you find your time at Kingston University and what skills have you learn from it?
I enjoyed studying nursing at Kingston University because all the lecturers were experts in their own field. I was able to see how passionate they were about investing in the next generation of nurses and hear and learn from their own experiences within nursing. The university fosters a sense of partnership and accountability within the course and there is ample support from the personal tutor scheme, with tutors guiding nursing students throughout their course.
Throughout the course we took part in placements in partner trusts where we practiced our theoretical knowledge acquired from the modules and it gave us an opportunity to learn new nursing skills. I also enjoyed the opportunity to go on an elective placement. This gives students the opportunity to arrange a placement for themselves in areas that aren't included in the curriculum, either within the UK or abroad, creating an amazing opportunity to learn in a completely new area.
What advice would you give to people considering pursuing a degree in nursing?
Don't underestimate the power of community. Helping one another and always reaching out to staff members when you're struggling in a timely manner is crucial as a nursing student. There will be a lot of academic content to go through, so it's important to remain organised and on top of it all. Things will very quickly pile up if not. Be open minded to new experiences and have a can-do approach to everything, especially when on placement and always work within the limitations set by the NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council). Don't underestimate the power of constant reflection, this will help to improve your practice and learn from mistakes. Lastly, believe in yourself.