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Postgraduate Progression Scholarship

Get a 15% reduction on your postgraduate tuition fee

For undergraduate students completing their degree in the academic year 2023/24 and progressing to enrol on a postgraduate degree (taught or research) in the 2024/25 academic year, Kingston University is offering its graduates (home, EU and international) a scholarship entitling them to a 15% reduction to the tuition fees for their postgraduate programme.

Students will be eligible if, at the time of applying, they have attained a qualifying bachelors degree in 2023/24 which has been awarded by Kingston University and they meet the entry criteria for the postgraduate course* at Kingston University commencing in the academic year 2024/25.

Architecture students completing the architecture bachelors degree who progress to a year out in industry before then commencing the MArch Architecture will still be eligible for the 15% discount.

Students who have completed a Kingston University degree at a partner institution will qualify for the discount provided the degree awarded was a Kingston University bachelors degree and was completed in 2023/24.

This Scholarship is inclusive of any alumni or loyalty discounts that may be offered by Kingston University, including faculty, department or school discounts that may be available and may not be combined with any other such scholarship or discount.

The scholarship can be combined with a Student Loans Company Postgraduate Loan for those students who meet the eligibility criteria for both.

There is no guarantee that the 15% progression discount will be available for students enrolling for postgraduate programmes in subsequent years.

Qualifying postgraduate programmes

The scholarship will be available to students who enrol either full-time or part-time on a postgraduate course which is classified as either a taught or research degree including MRes and MPhil or PhD*.

*PhD students will qualify for the 15% Progression Scholarship on their first year's fees when enrolling in 2024/25; the standard Alumni Discount of 10% may be claimed for each subsequent year of study in enrolment (subject to the terms and conditions of the discount).

Final decisions on eligibility will be determined by Finance Shared Services.

Part-time students

The 15% Scholarship will be applied to part-time students on a pro-rata basis.

Payment by instalments

Where fees are paid by instalments, the 15% Scholarship will be deducted from the final instalment payable by the student.

Withdrawals and deferrals

Students who withdraw or take a break in their studies will no longer be eligible for the scholarship and will therefore be liable for the relevant percentage of the full course fee determined by the date of their withdrawal or break. For further information on payment and withdrawal conditions, please download the Money Matters Guide (PDF).

Students returning from a break in study will no longer be entitled to the Progression Scholarship. The course must therefore be completed with no gaps in study to retain the discount.

Students may change mode (full-time to part-time; part-time to full-time) through their programme and retain their scholarship discount.

Students wishing to defer starting their postgraduate course to 2025/26 or beyond will not be eligible for the scholarship (including unforeseen circumstances). However, they may still receive the standard 10% Alumni Discount when starting a programme at a later date.

In the event of a course not running in 2024/25 we will offer a place on a suitable alternative course if available. If no alternative is available, no cash award of the scholarship will be made.

*Eligibility exceptions

We regret that the 15% fee reduction scholarship will not apply to the following postgraduate programs as fee payment and/or student numbers are part of a contract with third parties:

  • MMid / MSc Midwifery (eligible for 10% alumni discount)
  • PGCE (eligible for 10% alumni discount)
  • Post-qualifying Social Work, such as ASW, PG Cert and short courses (eligible for 10% alumni discount)
  • Continuing Personal Development (CPD)
  • Preparatory programmes such as the Graduate Diploma Creative Practice
  • Distance learning programmes.

Policy date: April 2023

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