Anjela Billat


I'm a Senior Lecturer leading on the Acutely Unwell Adult module within the Adult Nursing and Allied Health department. I joined the Faculty of Health and Social Care Education in 2023, after 21 years of clinical practice within the NHS. After initially completing a Biochemistry degree in Dundee University, I studied adult nursing as a postgraduate in Edinburgh. As a registered nurse, I moved to England and worked within various NHS trusts across central/south London. My clinical experience comes from working in acute care wards, intensive care, and critical care outreach (CCOT). I have also worked as a practice educator in critical care and as leader of a CCOT service, I've provided multi-professional teaching on managing deteriorating patients across different specialities. I have peer reviewed serious incidents and clinical guidelines as a member of the trust's risk and governance committees, patient safety, and resuscitation services. I have undertaken quality improvement projects to enhance patient outcomes locally and participated in projects nationally. Locally, one of my projects was published in the Trust's quality improvement training manual for future innovation in practice and nationally, for a critical care outreach conference. I have been involved with improving patient safety initiatives at a national level whilst participating in an acute deterioration project led by an acute NHS trust supported by NHS England. I am passionate about innovation, shared learning though inspirational leadership and shaping future healthcare practice for improved patient outcomes. As an advanced clinical practitioner, I now bring my clinical experience and critical care expertise into higher education. My commitment is to unequivocally support students through their learning path within healthcare. My vision is to further develop a workforce who can deliver not just an outstanding quality of care but also, a high level of excellence for patient experience within healthcare.

Academic responsibilities

Senior Lecturer


  • BSc Hons Biochemistry
  • PG Dip HE Adult Nursing (RN)
  • MSc Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP)
  • V300: Non-Medical Prescriber

Teaching and learning