Membership of professional organisations
1989 - present Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society
1988 - present Member of the British Ecological Society
List of publications
Journal papers
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (published online May 2017) Ocean acidification needs more publicity as part of a strategy to avoid a global decline in calcifier populations. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Doi:10.1017/S0025315417000455.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R., Roy, D.B., Scholze, M., Tucker, A. and Sumpter, J.P. (2012) The role of the North Atlantic Oscillation in controlling UK butterfly population size and phenology. Ecological Entomology 37, 221-232.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R., Leroy, S.A.G., Collins, P.E.F. and Harrington, R. (2007) Temporal variations in English populations of a forest insect pest, the green spruce aphid (Elatobium abietinum), associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation and global warming. Quaternary International 173-174,153-160.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (2004) A game demonstrating aspects of bumblebee natural history. Journal of Biological Education 38, 133-135.
Corbet, S.A. and Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (1992) Cotoneaster for bumblebees and honeybees. Journal of Apicultural Research 31, 9-14.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. and Hereward, C. (1989) An automatic maggot counter for use in blowfly development studies. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 3, 323-324.
Haggar, J.P., Westgarth-Smith, A.R. and Penman, D.B. (1989) Threatened flora and forests in the Azores. Oryx (Journal of the Fauna and Flora Preservation Society) 23, 155-160.
Bulletins of scientific societies
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (2013) All at sea (article on ocean acidification). The Biologist 60(6), page 12.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R., McVeigh, A. and Read, H.J. (2011) Mire and wet heath restoration and management in Burnham Beeches, Buckinghamshire, results in the return of plant species absent for many decades. BSBI News (Botanical Society of the British Isles) 116, 10-11.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (2008) Spruce pest on the move. The Horticulturist (Institute of Horticulture) Volume 17(2), page 28.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R., Leroy, S.A.G., and Collins, P.E.F. (2005) The North Atlantic Oscillation and U.K. Butterfly Populations. The Biologist 52, 273-276.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R., Leroy, S.A.G., Collins, P.E.F. and Roy, D.B. (2005) Mechanisms for the control of U.K. Butterfly abundance by the North Atlantic Oscillation. Antenna 29(4) 257-266.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R., Leroy, S.A.G., Collins, P.E.F. and Roy, D.B. (2005) The North Atlantic Oscillation and UK butterfly life cycles, pigmentation, morphology, behaviour and conservation. Antenna 29(3),186-196.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (2003) Teaching natural history in undergraduate biology courses. Biologist 50 (3): 103.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (2002) Assessing the success of heathland restoration using pitfall trapping at Black Park Country Park, Buckinghamshire. Antenna 26(3), 172-179.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (1998) Chemical treatment of football pitches to kill earthworms and leather jackets. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society 29(1), 11.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (1994) Japanese knotweed. Antenna 18(1), 3.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (1988) Freshwater Coleoptera from the Azores. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 124, 185.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (2011) Teaching natural history in undergraduate biology courses. In Collie, J. (2011) Way Up – Upper Intermediate. Page 58. Rokus Klett Publishing, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (1986) Ingolfshofdi (South-East Iceland) A Bird Survey ISBN 0-9510909-0-9.
Conference Presentations - Lectures
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (2007) Temporal variations in English populations of a forest insect pest, the green spruce aphid (Elatobium abietinum), associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation and global warming. Royal Entomological Society Aphid Special Interest Group, University of Birmingham.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (2012) The North Atlantic Oscillation, climate change and the ecology of British insects. PhD thesis, Brunel University, UK.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (2000) The use of pitfall traps to assess the success of heathland restoration. MSc thesis. Brunel University, UK.
Publications for a wider audience
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (2008) Link revealed between global warming and destructive pest. New Frontiers (Brunel University) July 2008, issue 3, page 8.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (2008) Link between global warming and a destructive forest pest. EnviroSciNews March 2008, page 2.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (2008) Green aphid thrives in warmer weather. Forestry and Timber News (Confederation of Forest Industries (UK) Ltd), April 2008, page 25.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (2008) Warmer springs raise aphid risk. Horticulture Week 6 March 2008, page 8.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (2008) Study of 41 years shows link between spruce forest pest and climate change. Environment Times. (Posted 18 April 2008).
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (2008) 41-year study reveals link between forest pest and global warming. BBSRCBusiness April 2008, page 27.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (2008) Link revealed between global warming and destructive pest. Brunel News. March 2008, issue 98, page 6.
Smith, L. (2008) Climate change is a boon for insects. Times Online Green Central Blog. 22 February 2008.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (1989) UK withholds backing for wildlife aid. Irish News. 5 January 1989.
Corbet, S.A. and Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (Autumn 1988) A Buzz in the Air (article on bumblebees). Natural World (Magazine of the Royal Society for Nature Conservation) pp 16-18.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (1988) Buzziness as usual (article on bumblebees). Cambridgeshire Wildlife. No. 5.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (1988) Bees in mammal nests. Mammal Society Newsletter. 72: winter 1987- 1988.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (1986) Bats from Iceland. Letter in Bat News, No. 8.
Westgarth-Smith, A.R. (1987) WATCH. Time is running out – Bumblebees. Trends Recruitment – Classified. December 1987, Volume 1(7), page 8. Elsevier Ltd.
Newton, A. (January 2008) Aphid outbreaks. (A review of Westgarth-Smith et al., 2007). Nature Reports Climate Change. Volume 2, page 3.
Number of items: 23.
The Niche, British Ecological Society, 52(1),
p. 8.
ISSN (print) 2631-9306
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 98(6),
pp. 1227-1229.
ISSN (print) 0025-3154
The Biologist, 60(6),
p. 12.
ISSN (print) 0006-3347
, Roy, David B., Scholze, Martin, Tucker, Allan and Sumpter, John P.
Ecological Entomology, 37(3),
pp. 221-232.
ISSN (print) 0307-6946
, McVeigh, Andy and Read, Helen J.
BSBI News, 116,
pp. 10-11.
Forestry and Timber News, April,
p. 25.
ISSN (print) 1476-8615
The Horticulturist, 17(2),
p. 28.
ISSN (print) 0964-8992
Horticulture Week,
p. 8.
ISSN (print) 0269-9478
, Leroy, Suzanne A.G., Collins, Philip E.F. and Harrington, Richard
Quaternary International, 173-4,
pp. 153-160.
ISSN (print) 1040-6182
, Leroy, Suzanne A.G., Collins, Philip E.F. and Roy, David B.
Antennae : Bulletin of the Royal Entomological Society, 29,
pp. 257-266.
, Leroy, Suzanne A G and Collins, Philip E F
The Biologist, 52(5),
pp. 273-276.
ISSN (print) 0006-3347
, Leroy, Suzanne A.G., Collins, Philip E.F. and Roy, David B.
Antennae : Bulletin of the Royal Entomological Society, 29,
pp. 186-196.
Journal of Biological Education, 38(3),
pp. 133-135.
ISSN (print) 0021-9266
The Biologist, 50(3),
p. 103.
ISSN (print) 0006-3347
Antenna : Bulletin of the Royal Entomological Society, 26,
pp. 172-179.
The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 29(1),
p. 11.
ISSN (print) 0306-8307
Antenna : Bulletin of the Royal Entomological Society, 18(1),
p. 3.
ISSN (print) 0140-1890
Corbet, Sarah A and
Journal of Apicultural Research, 31(1),
pp. 9-14.
ISSN (print) 0021-8839
Haggar, J. P., and Penman, D.
Oryx, 23(3),
pp. 155-160.
ISSN (print) 0030-6053
and Hereward, C.
Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 3(3),
pp. 323-324.
ISSN (print) 0269-283X
Irish News,
Trends Recruitment Classified, 1(7),
p. 8.
Slough : A.R. Westgarth-Smith.
ISBN 0951090909
This list was generated on Sun Feb 16 04:47:38 2025 GMT.