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Catching up with... Christen Harm

Kingston University alumnus Christen HarmThis month we catch up with US exchange graduate Christen Harm of Ramapo College of New Jersey who studied a semester of English Literature at Kingston in 2010.

When were you at Kingston?

I was at Kingston for the Spring semester in 2010 as a Study Abroad student.

What course did you do?

English literature.

Why did you choose Kingston?

I chose Kingston because it has an excellent English course and is in a great location.

What do you remember about your time at Kingston? In three words.

Mind the gap!

Have you been back since graduation? If so when and what for?

I have been back since my time at Kingston, in March 2012 to visit a friend and see the campus again.

Are you still in touch with anyone from your Kingston days?

Yes, I still keep in touch with friends that I made at Kingston. The friendships I made during my time at Kingston are very dear to me.

What did you expect to do after graduating? Are you still doing that now?

After graduation, I expected to be working in a writing or editing position and I am currently working as a technical writer for a Pharmaceutical company in New Jersey.

Who was your favourite lecturer and why?

I truly feel like I learned a lot from every lecturer I had at Kingston so it is difficult to pick favourites! If I had to choose one I would choose Jane Jordan. I took her 19th century English novel class and really loved it. Jane is so passionate about the subject and pulls you into the novels in such a way that you really feel the character's plight or happiness.

What's your greatest achievement?

My greatest achievement up to now has been graduating from university and finding a great job that is in my field of expertise.

What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?

You will want to quit sometimes, but remember the outcome is worth it and that difficult things never last a very long time. Work as hard as you can, but always make time to socialize and experience things, that's just as important.

What last made you laugh?

A bumper sticker that said "My Governor can eat your governor" and a picture of Chris Christie (I am from New Jersey).

What's your ideal weekend?

My ideal weekend is spending time in Inverness, Scotland walking along the River Ness with my boyfriend and staying in a lovely B&B.

You are to live out your final days on a desert island...

Who would you take with you and why?

I would take my partner Michael. He has an imagination that will always keep me entertained and happy, even on a desert island.

What book would you take and why?

I would take Works by Edouard Leve with me. I would take this book because it is a collection of over 500 ideas that are strange, crude, amusing, and interesting, and would help me cultivate my own imaginative ideas to pass the time.

What movie would you take and why?

My favourite movie and the one I would bring with me is a silent film from 1927 called 'My Best Girl' starring Mary Pickford and Buddy Rogers.

What food item would you take and why?

I would bring chicken with me because protein is essential and you can change a chicken meal with any seasonings and sides.

Tell us something we would never guess about you?

I am planning on moving back to the UK in the next few years because I loved my time there so much.

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