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Catching up with... Craig Chesterman

Twice Kingston University graduate and currently IT Director at Bank of America, looking after the profit and loss systems for the bank.

Craig Chesterman

When were you at Kingston and what did you study?

  • 1987–90 Earth Sciences BSc(Hons)
  • 1996/97 Information Technology MSc

Why did you choose Kingston?

Due to poor A-level grades I didn't get my first choice and so I chose a course that I thought I would enjoy which I did. The second time for my masters was because the course was seen as one of the best conversion courses into software engineering in the country.

What do you remember about your time at Kingston? In three words.  

Fun, fondness and maturing!

Have you been back to Kingston since graduating? If so, what for?

I suppose I came back for my masters and once for a reunion (can't remember what year).

Are you still in touch with anyone from your Kingston days?

I see quite a few in person I played rugby with at Kingston (one was my best man and another godfather to my son) and keep in touch with several of my course via Facebook.

What did you expect to do after graduating? Are you still doing that now?

I did yes both times; the first time I wanted to be in the oil industry and the second I wanted to work as a software engineer. When I first graduated I worked in the North Sea as a mud-logging geologist of all things and now I am an IT Director for Bank of America following my masters.

What's your greatest achievement?

Transforming a dysfunctional team and aging failing system that was on the watch list with senior management. With the team I coached them into a much more collaborative and skilful one. With the system I got buy in from management for resources and time to transform it into one that was much more robust, ran faster and takes greater volumes (it's no longer on the management worry list). Off the back of this I was also promoted.

What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?

Drink less, stay as fit as possible and follow your heart to pursue the correct career from the start.

What last made you laugh?

Probably fools and horses…

What's your ideal weekend?

Being with family and friends at a good sporting event that involved a few drinks with good food. This would be followed by a round of golf on the Sunday. Preferably somewhere warm and near a beach.

Tell us something we would never guess about you.

I wanted to be professional sportsman. And I have very large vertebrae disks!

You are to live out your final days on a desert island…

Who would you take with you and why? (one person only)

Being practical probably Bear Grylls so I didn't starve!

What book would you take and why?

Lord of the Rings as you could read it several times without getting bored.

What movie would you take and why?

The Usual Suspects as I always see different things when I watch it.

What food item would you take and why?

Oh when I worked offshore I used to dream of Guinness and curry so it would be either of those.

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2nd Floor, Main Building
Penrhyn Road
Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2EE

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