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Catching up with... Neomi Bennett

Meet Neomi Bennett, a Registered Nurse practitioner, entrepreneur and inventor of the Multi Award Winning Neo-slip, a life-saving product that aids the application of hospital stockings.

What have you been up to since graduating? 

Neomi BennettI graduated in 2012 with a Nursing degree and took up my first job at the local hospital.

In my spare time and as a hobby I continued to develop my product Neo-slip, which I developed as part of my studies as a student nurse. However, as I worked more on Neo-slip the role became more demanding due to an increase in patient and hospital inquiries.  I decided to hand in my notice at the local hospital and work full time on building my business.

My business is currently supplying 34 hospitals across the UK, Neo-slip is available on NHS prescription and from April 2017 the product will be available across the entire NHS via a framework agreement.

Why did you choose Kingston?

I chose Kingston University because of the good reputation of the nursing school. I attended an open day session and was very impressed with the university facilities and especially the skills lab, which is a simulation of ward area. 

During the induction day, the lecturers were very friendly and everyone made me feel welcome at the event.  I decided at that point, this is where I would like to train to become a nurse.

 What are your best memories from your student days at Kingston?

My best memories from my student days are meeting up with nursing students to celebrate passing exams.  We didn't have much free time due to demands of the course but we sure did make the most of our celebration gatherings.

Have you been back to Kingston since graduating?

I am there almost every day as I work from The Nest at Kingston University.  This is an incubator space created for students and entrepreneurs.

 Are you still in touch with anyone from Kingston? 

I currently mentor a Kingston student on the Beyond Barriers mentorship scheme and I attend business sessions and networking events put on by Kingston University Enterprise. 

What's your greatest achievement? 

My greatest achievement is getting my product Neo-slip into NHS supply chain and making my product available on prescription for all those who need it. This is massive for the nursing community and shows that nurses can innovate to benefit their patients.

What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?

The advice I would give to my younger self would be, believe in yourself, chase your dreams, take each day as it comes and most importantly stop worrying about the future.

What advice would you give current students on the nursing program at Kingston? 

At times the course can seem daunting and time frames can feel almost impossible but stick in there and use the university resources to support your learning. It gets better and the end result is wonderful.  Becoming a Registered Nurse is truly the best job in the world.

Tell us something no one would guess about you.

I once appeared on BBC Dragons Den.

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2nd Floor, Main Building
Penrhyn Road
Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2EE

Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 3664
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Contact us

Development, Alumni Relations and Engagement (DARE)
2nd Floor, Main Building
Penrhyn Road
Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2EE

Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 3664
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Contact us

Development, Alumni Relations and Engagement (DARE)
2nd Floor, Main Building
Penrhyn Road
Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2EE

Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 3664
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