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Catching up with... Rob Holden

We catch up with Rob Holden, Geology BSc graduate of 1988 on his time at Kingston University and what he's working on now.

Rob HoldenWhy did you choose Kingston?

Hmm, I didn't get into the uni I wanted and heard Kingston was good for geology. Luckily it was true.

What do you remember about your time at Kingston?

In three words. Didn't. Study. Enough.

Have you been back since graduation? If so when and what for?

Yes, for the geology alumni reunions. Always guaranteed the same warm welcome as 25 years go.

Are you still in touch with anyone from your Kingston days?

Lots of people. Though some remain elusive.

What did you expect to do after graduating? Are you still doing that now?

I thought I'd know by the time I'd graduated. I didn't. And I still don't.

Who was your favourite lecturer and why?

Dr Alastair Gardner, nicknamed 'Cheeky' by the class of '88 for his love of whisky and some very cheeky highland songs.

What's your greatest achievement?

Still being alive.

What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?

Girls are not that scary.

What last made you laugh?

Seeing my cat overdose on catnip.

What's your ideal weekend?

Snowboarding… an Alpine chalet... a cold beer and Formula 1 on TV.

Tell us about your recent fundraiser for Macmillan Cancer Support. Was it as you expected and would you do it again?

Rob Holden on Boris Bike in the south of FranceTaking a Boris Bike to the south of France, riding it up Mont Ventoux and getting back to London within 24 hours was a truly remarkable day. It was a total unknown. It could have been a disaster but turned out to be an amazing 24 hrs. From a completely daft idea to actually achieving it shows you just need to stop thinking and do it. Would I do it again... no chance. 

Read more about Rob's challenge.

Any more unusual challenges on the horizon?

Yes, there are more challenges on the horizon. I never learn.

Tell us something we would never guess about you.

Yes, I really am 47.

You are to live out your final days on a desert island:

Who would you take with you and why?

Dita von Teese, so I could go out all guns blazing.

What book would you take and why?

Captain Scott by Ranulph Fiennes. It makes you realise how soft we've become.

What movie would you take and why?

Withnail & I because I have of late, wherefore I know not, lost all my mirth.

What food item would you take and why?

Beer is a food item right?

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Contact us

Development, Alumni Relations and Engagement (DARE)
2nd Floor, Main Building
Penrhyn Road
Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2EE

Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 3664
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Contact us

Development, Alumni Relations and Engagement (DARE)
2nd Floor, Main Building
Penrhyn Road
Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2EE

Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 3664
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