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Catching up with... Samantha Smalling

Samantha SmallingWhy did you choose Kingston?

It was located in a nice town near the river and very close to London by train.

Have you been back since graduation? If so when and what for?

I have thought about visiting Kingston University again, hopefully in the near future. I am sure a lot of changes have happened to the main campus building on Penrhyn Road.

Are you still in touch with anyone from Kingston?

Yes, I am in touch with some of the lecturers and a few of my friends in my geography and French classes.

What did you expect to do after graduating? Are you still doing that now?

After graduating I knew that I wanted to teach. Even before I completed my BSc, I did a placement year as an English assistant in two schools in Guadeloupe which was very good experience. After graduating, I completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Education and Training in Jamaica, where I continue to teach.

Did you have a favourite lecturer?

I actually have three favourite lecturers. Dr Annie Hughes and Professor Guy Robinson were lovely, easy to talk to and they encouraged me to be a good geographer. Mr Gordon Phillips was another of my favourite lecturers; he taught me well and helped me achieve good grades in French.

What's your greatest achievement?

My greatest achievement would have to be starting my own charitable society called Years 2 Soar. It is still new and in its infancy.

I believe that one of my purposes in life is to help people in whatever way that I can. I have always had a passion to help people, especially, since I see this need from people on a daily basis. I said to myself, I want to try and make a positive change to help needy families to continue to send their children to school and to help communities conserve water in Jamaica. I know that I cannot do this on my own, and I know that I need help to achieve this continuous objective.

A small sponsored walk was done recently in Suffolk, UK, to raise funds for Years 2 Soar but we are still well away from the budget that is needed to help these needy families in Jamaica. However, it is a great start!

What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

Never give up on your dreams, keep trying and you will succeed. 

What last made you laugh?

My husband and children, they always put a smile on my face!

What's your ideal weekend?

To be with family and friends in a sunny place.

Tell us about your outlook on life.

I always try to look at life and situations positively. Even when there may be obstacles or failures on the way, I always see that it is a time for me to improve or to prepare myself for something bigger and better to come.

You are to live out your final days on a desert island:

Who would you take and why?

That is hard. My husband (I would love to take my children too). My husband is my other half. It would be hard to leave him!

Which book would you take and why?

My holy Bible, it is the most important book to me in the world, it teaches you about life.

Which food item would you take and why?

Rice, peas and chicken, that is what I like. They all have to come with me!


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Penrhyn Road
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Development, Alumni Relations and Engagement (DARE)
2nd Floor, Main Building
Penrhyn Road
Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2EE

Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 3664
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Development, Alumni Relations and Engagement (DARE)
2nd Floor, Main Building
Penrhyn Road
Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2EE

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