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Catching up with... Wayne Hitchings

When were you at Kingston and what did you study?

Catching up with... Wayne HitchingsI was at Kingston from 2002-2006 and I studied BEng Aerospace Engineering & Astronautics.

Why did you choose Kingston?

Kingston was my first choice because it was one of very few Universities' in the country which offered the course I wanted to study. Growing up in the countryside I also wanted to move near a city and London was my preference.

What do you remember about your time at Kingston? In three words.

Friends, sport, work.

Have you been back to Kingston since graduating? If so what for?

I was elected into the Students' Union after graduating and then went on to work for the University for several years after that. I recently returned to take part in a ‘Spotlight on Engineering' event at Roe Vale.

What did you expect to do after graduating? Are you still doing that now?

I didn't have any specific expectations after graduating. I spent my placement year working for a large aerospace company so perhaps expected to go back into that but I now work in energy and sustainability.

Are you still in touch with anyone from your Kingston days?

Of course. I made some of my best friends whilst at Kingston. We made many great memories together that we'll always stay in touch.

What's your greatest achievement?

Two things on a par. Graduating at all, I was never academically gifted, and secondly, landing a job at The Natural History Museum!

What advice would you give to your 18 year old self?

Try harder and volunteer! Looking back now I didn't put in enough work at University and could have done better. Also to start volunteering sooner than I did as it's incredibly rewarding.

What last made you laugh?

John Oliver on his Last Week Tonight show. He did a piece on Donald Trump and it was hilarious.

What's your ideal weekend?

That's a tough one. It would probably involve playing some sport, spending time with friends and eating lots of good food.

Tell us something no one would guess about you.

I volunteer in response to natural disasters. I first came across All Hands Volunteers in 2013 after Super Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines and have been volunteering with them ever since. Most recently I was with them in Nepal after last year's major earthquake. In late May 2016 I shall return to Nepal and take on the challenge of hiking to Everest base camp to raise money for the project. For more information on what we do and if you'd like to donate to the cause, please visit my fundraising page.

Contact us

Development, Alumni Relations and Engagement (DARE)
2nd Floor, Main Building
Penrhyn Road
Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2EE

Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 3664
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Contact us

Development, Alumni Relations and Engagement (DARE)
2nd Floor, Main Building
Penrhyn Road
Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2EE

Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 3664
Email us

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Contact us

Development, Alumni Relations and Engagement (DARE)
2nd Floor, Main Building
Penrhyn Road
Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2EE

Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 3664
Email us