Time: 9.00am - 6.00pm Venue:Room 26, Kingston Business School, Kingston Hill campus, Kingston Hill, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT2 7LB Price:
This year the annual Faculty of Business and Law conference will be a two-day event to include the research students' annual conference.
The aim of the conference is to showcase research taking place in the Faculty. It is also a great opportunity for all academic staff and research students to come together, present their research, and exchange ideas for future research, research collaborations and publications.
Monday programme
Registration / coffee
Welcome by the director of research, the dean and the VC
Session 1: Paper presentations
Lunch / posters
Session 2: Paper presentations
Session 3: Paper presentations
Reception and networking
Session 1 – Chair: Sunitha Naredran
The effect of product conspicuousness in vertical downscale extensions: a replication (Francesca Dall'Olmo Riley & Chris Hand)
SME Access to Bank Finance: A comparative study of self-confidence in finance (Bernard Owens Imarhiagbe & George Saridakis)
Owner-managers' rent-seeking in innovation commercialisation: New insights into a small business typology (Hang Do, Tim Mazzarol, Thierry Volery & Geoff Soutar)
Session 2 – Chair : Francesca Dall'Olmo Riley
Quality Assuring Adults' Social Work in London (Angela Jenkinson & John Chamberlain)
How is Disability Conceptualised in the Labour Market? (Laura Williams)
Understanding the impact of internal strategic fit on business performance in service organisations (Alex Hill)
Session 3 – Chair: George Alexandrou
What are the barriers to, and opportunities for, academic research within a profession-based discipline? A case study within Publishing Studies (Alison Baverstock & Jackie Steinitz)
An investigation into the possible causes of the BME attainment gap at Kingston University (Kenisha Linton & Nona McDuff)
Industrial policy and employment in the UK-The Pfizer Astrazeneca takeover saga (Enda Hannon)
Who benefits from the new career deal? An exploration of the links between boundaryless and protean career attitudes and individual and organizational outcomes (Ricardo Rodrigues, David Guest & Teresa Oliveira)
Simple Economic Fictions in Richard Cantillon and Daniel Defoe (Richard Vandenberg)
Session 2 – Chair: Stephen Gourlay
Project Management in Small to Medium-sized Enterprises: The case of the Netherlands (Rodney Turner)
Managing health information system transformation process from an innovation network perspective (Liang Liang, Dr Zhang Miao)
The Discourse of Diversity Strategy in the Police Service - A context-based approach (Kenisha Linton, Fiona Moore & Mark Exworthy)
Session 3 – Chair: Richard Vandenberg
The Impact of the Recent Recession on British Employers and Employees (Yanqing Lai, George Saridakis & Robert Blackburn)
Self-Determination in Turmoil : Crimea, International Law and Implications for Somaliland's Claim for Statehood (Eric Jeanpierre)
Adaptation to Poverty in Long-Run Panel Data (Andrew Clarke, Conchita D'Ambrosio & Simone Ghislandi)
Social Commerce, Information Security, and Privacy from a Cross-Cultural Perspective: Open Research Questions (Hemamali Tennakoon)