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Time: 5.30pm - 8.00pm
Venue: Kingston Hill Business School, Room 0026, Kingston University
Speaker(s): Professor Suzy Braye
The Department of Social Work and Social Care at Kingston University and St George's, University of London runs a regular programme of seminars at its Kingston Hill Campus on issues of topical and contemporary importance. Delivered by leading national and international researchers, policy makers and commentators, the seminars are open to all who have an interest in social work best practice and in social work education. Drawing on research conducted by the author and colleagues for the Department of Health, this seminar considers how, in an evolving legal and policy context, professionals address the complex safeguarding challenges presented by self-neglect.
It reviews what is known about the causes of self-neglect, and explores how practitioners can develop an understanding of its presentation in individual cases.
Building on learning from safeguarding adults' reviews of ‘what goes wrong', it then explores the evidence on ‘what goes right', identifying approaches that facilitate positive outcomes from the perspective of both practitioners and people who use services.
Finally it casts light on the organisational and inter-agency structures and mechanisms that best support self-neglect work.
Suzy Braye is Emerita Professor of Social Work at the University of Sussex, and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. Her professional background is in social work, and in local authority management. She now practises as an independent consultant in adult safeguarding.
Booking is essential to attend this event.
For further information about this event:
Contact: Amanda, FHSCE Events
Tel: 020 8725 0792
Directions to Kingston Hill Business School, Room 0026, Kingston University: