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Time: 1.00pm - 2.00pm
Venue: Heritage Room, Hunter Wing, Floor 6, St George's, University of London, Cranmer Terrace, London SW17 0RE
Speaker(s): Professor Fiona Jones and Dr Karolina Gombert
EBCD combines participatory design and user experience design to improve patients' experiences of healthcare services. As the first example of EBCD used in acute stroke services, this three year study aims to effect change in four stroke units in London and Yorkshire to enable a therapeutic environment which supports greater social, cognitive and physical activity. Throughout the structured EBCD process, patients, staff and families work together to design change: identify improvement priorities, implement changes, and reflect on their achievements. At two sites to date, co-design groups have worked together to design interventions to improve activity in three priority areas: space, activities and communication and culture.
Fiona and Karolina will report on the co-design process, and show the changes that have happened on the stroke units. They will also present the results of data collected pre-and post-implementation: eg. extracts of the filmed interviews with patients and family members, that formed a powerful trigger for action. EBCD to date has shown a catalytic effect and evidenced the potential for jointly driven changes to improve opportunities for greater social, cognitive and physical activity in a stroke specific context.
Booking is essential to attend this event.
For further information about this event:
Contact: Anastasiya Stravolemova, FHSCE Events Team
Tel: 0208 725 4735
Directions to Heritage Room, Hunter Wing, Floor 6, St George's, University of London, Cranmer Terrace, London SW17 0RE:
Anastasiya Stravolemova, FHSCE Events Team
Tel: 0208 725 4735
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