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Kingston School of Art Research Degrees Open Evening

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Time: 5.30pm - 7.30pm
Price: free

Kingston School of Art Research Degrees Open Evening

Venue: Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Kingston School of Art, University of Kingston London, invite prospective research degree applicants to an open event to find out more about Research Degrees in the Faculty and meet staff involved with the research degrees programme. Details of AHRC Techne funding will be presented at the Open Day.

To book: Please send an email with the header ‘KSA PGR Evening' to  Please include the subject descriptor that best describes your research area (see list below).

Kingston School of Art are currently seeking applications within the following arts and humanities areas:

· Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape - History, Theory, Reflective Practice

· Archival Practices - History, Theory, Practice

- Art history and critical theory

- Contemporary art practice

- Creative arts

- Creative writing

- Critical and Historical Studies: Art, Design, Film, Museums and Archives

- Curating

- Dance

- Design history and material culture

- Design practice for health and sustainability

- Designer maker spaces

- Drama

- English language

- English literature

- Film practice

- Film and television studies

- Heritage, museum and galleries

- Illustration practice theory

- Journalism and Publishing

- Media and culture/cultural studies

- Modern European philosophy

- Music

- Photography practice

- Photography, history, theory and culture

- Sound studies


Booking is essential to attend this event.

For further information about this event:

Contact: Emerald Day