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Time: 10.00am - 11.00am
Speaker(s): Jim Elliott (HRA)
Please note: this event will be held online. Registration link will be sent after registration.
The next Centre for Public Engagement (CPE) Webinar will be on 10th May, 10-11am
The UK COVID-19 Public Involvement Matching Service: building on the lessons learned beyond the pandemic, Dr Jim Elliott, Public Involvement Lead, HRA
Jim Elliott will describe how the Health Research Authority worked in partnership with many health and social care research organisations across the UK to set up and evaluate the UK Public Involvement Matching Service that provided patient and public input in to research studies to address COVID-19 arising from the NIHR's COVID-19 rapid funding calls and other urgent public health initiatives. What was learned has important implications for the involvement of patients and the public in health and social care more widely and Jim will also describe emerging plans for continuing collaborative work across the health and social care research system in the UK to embed patient and public involvement as business as usual.
The HRA report published in Jan 2021 on the UK COVID-19 Public Involvement Matching Service can be accessed at:
Booking is essential to attend this event.
For further information about this event:
Contact: Anastasiya Stravolemova