View all upcoming events at Kingston University.
Time: 11.00am - 12.00pm
Speaker(s): Candace Imison, Associate Director of Evidence & Dissemination, NIHR Centre for Engagement & Dissemination (CED), Jodi Brown
An event by the Centre for Public Engagement, Kingston & St George's with:
- Candace Imison, Associate Director of Evidence & Dissemination, NIHR Centre for Engagement & Dissemination (NIHR CED) @cimison
- Professor Ade Adebajo, Consultant Rheumatologist and Clinical Director at Barnsley NHS Foundation Trust
- Tina Coldham, PPI Advisor, National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) @TinaColdham
- Meerat Kaur, Senior Patient Involvement Manager, NIHR Centre for Engagement & Dissemination (NIHR CED) @Kaumee
You are invited to take part in a free workshop with The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Centre for Engagement and Dissemination (NIHR CED) to help shape their next Themed Review: "How do we create Patient and Public Participation, Involvement and Engagement (PIE) in research that is truly inclusive?".
The NIHR is the nation's largest funder of health and care research and provides the people, facilities, and technology that enable research to thrive. The NIHR CED encourages people to talk about knowledge and evidence. This helps us to make sense of complicated areas of research, in turn developing and improving health and social care. One of the ways in which we do this is through our Themed Reviews. We produce three Themed Reviews a year, based on topics or themes that have been highlighted as being of interest and importance.
Themed Reviews give equal importance to both academic studies and the practical wisdom of lived experience. They Focus on getting evidence into practice by working with a wide variety of people who help us make sense of complex areas of research. We greatly value the lived experience from patients, carers and those working in the field..
We will be holding discussions, workshops and consultations with our stakeholders to help us identify and scope our next Themed Review. These will happen between now and the end of June 2021.
This session will include:
-A brief introduction to our Themed Reviews.
-An exploration of how to promote truly inclusive Participation, Involvement and Engagement in research, including a review of current evidence and a panel discussion with experts by experience.
-The opportunity to have your say and feed your views into the Themed Review.
We would like to hear your thoughts and ideas in advance of the workshop. It will only take a few minutes of your time but will be invaluable in helping inform the discussion on the day:
You can Tweet using the hashtag: #PIEinc @CPE_FHSCE @NIHRevidence
Booking is essential to attend this event.
For further information about this event:
Contact: Anastasiya Stravolemova