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Critique of Strategic Reason

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Time: 10.00am - 6.00pm
Venue: Espace Deleuze, Université Paris 8 - 2 rue de la Liberté - 93526 Saint-Denis
Price: free

Critique of Strategic Reason

Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy Workshop 

in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy, University of Paris-8

The notion of strategy involves a problematic knot that instructs and affects both its political dimension and its philosophical use. In the wake of the movements of the late 20th century, strategy is no longer identified with a theory of centralized political organization. Since Foucault in particular, it has been used to analyse antagonisms and the cleavages of confrontations in struggles, the permeability of notions of war and politics, and all the modalities of power: local or sectoral struggles, new forms of workers' struggles, anti- and postcolonial struggles, feminism, LGBTQ+ and anti-racist struggles, and claims for migrant rights. The repercussions of these movements in the philosophical field have given rise to a critique of totalization associated with a strategic logic that calls into play the connections of the heterogeneous, in search of new intersectionalities. Hence the need for a new critique of strategic reason. Where are we today in relation to the questions raised by strategy and its critique? 


09.45 — Peter Osborne (CRMEP): Introduction 

10.00 — Eric Alliez (CRMEP/P8): Strategic presentation: Of a non-dialectical negation. 

10:30 — Frédéric Rambeau (P8): Revolt and Archaism 

11.00 — Peter Hallward (CRMEP) : The End of People's War 

11.00-12.30                   Discussion 

12.30–14.00                  Break  

14.00 — Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc (P8): The Inconsistency of the Alliance 

14.30 –                        Discussion 

15.00–15.15                Break 

15:15 — Matthieu Renault (P8) : Kojève's Mythostrategies 

15.45 — Howard Caygill (CRMEP): Rethinking the Strategy of Escalation 

16.15 — Antonia Birnbaum (P8/University of Applied Arts, Vienna): Quid de l'abstraction ? 

16.45 – 17.45              Discussion 

18.00 –                        Close 



For further information about this event:

Contact: Peter Osborne


Directions to Espace Deleuze, Université Paris 8 - 2 rue de la Liberté - 93526 Saint-Denis:
