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Venue: Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy
to be confirmed
To attend: booking will be available soon, please check back
Roma Tre University, Rome (Italy) is pleased to announce the First International Conference on Iris Murdoch in Rome between 21-22 February February 2014.
Panels will focus on Murdoch's works of philosophy and fiction. We would be particularly interested in papers informed by: the importance of virtue in Murdoch's thought; the relationship between philosophy and the novels; Murdoch and Realism; Murdoch and Plato; considerations of her work alongside that of other philosophers (such as Levinas, Ricoeur, etc.) or novelists. Other panels will include papers on the relationship between Murdoch's early and late works and will engage in how her work has been renewed by changes in critical approaches. Studies of her contemporary significance in the fields of Theology and English Literature will also be welcome.
Plenary speakers will include:
Roma Tre University plans to publish a volume of essays that will be presented during the conference entitled: Iris Murdoch and Virtue Ethics: Philosophy and the Novel.
Abstracts of 500 words are requested by 30 September 2013; responses will be sent by the 15 October 2013. Final drafts of accepted papers for the volume and/or for the conference will be expected by the 15 November 2013. Publication date is January 2014 (copies will be available during the conference).
Conference Organizer: Dr Ester Monteleone (Roma Tre University, Philosophical Department). Please send abstracts electronically to
For further information about this event:
Contact: Dr Ester Monteleone (Roma Tre University)
Tel: TBC
Directions to Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy: