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Funding opportunities for small publishers and arts projects

Posted Wednesday 31 July 2013

Are you a small publisher or arts project, with plans to develop multidisciplinary software (MDSD)? If so, did you know that there are government funds available to help you tap into that expertise at the initial stage of software engineering? These schemes are known as knowledge transfer partnerships or KTPs.

The aim of this investment is to:

  • help UK software businesses to access academic learning and embed it into business practice;
  • encourage small software companies to experiment with MDSD and create a pool of companies that understand its benefits;and
  • give those companies an edge over other software companies that do not employ these methods.

The ultimate aim is to ensure that the value of significant annual investment in software development in the UK can be maximised. For more detail about the scheme, which is run by the Technology Strategy Board with the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Find out more.

What is KTP?

KTPs help businesses to improve through better use of the knowledge and research that reside within academic institutions such as Kingston University. A KTP is a partnership between an organisation, an academic and a recent graduate, who is recruited to work on a specific project for up to three years. The funding can typically cover up to 60 per cent of the project costs, depending on the size of the company. Find out more about KTP at Kingston University.

How to find out more

If you are interested in discussing in more detail, please contact Adele Roberts-Hunt, business development manager, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences by phone +44 (0)20 8417 7431 / +44 (0)7833 047651 or by email

Deadlines for application

The final deadline for proposals is noon on 2 October 2013 so get in touch as soon as possible to discuss options.

Funding opportunities for small publishers and arts projects to develop software