Dina Gadallah

Research project: Framing Egyptian foreign policy affairs in international press and its impact on audience attitudes: an analytic field study


Using qualitative content analysis (QCA), my research explores news frames of Egyptian foreign policy issues and international relations in a sampled material from foreign policy journals, online and print newspapers from the U. K. and the United States between( 2018 - 2020). Conducting focus-group interviewing ,the research aims to determine whether the studied news frames adequately reflect upon their target audiences' perception of, and attitudes towards, new orientations in Egypt's engagement with the international community since 2018. My broader research interests are in framing foreign policy questions, international relations of the Middle East, global diplomacy, the changing nature of news journalism, and media audience research.  

  • Research degree: PhD
  • Title of project: Framing Egyptian foreign policy affairs in international press and its impact on audience attitudes: an analytic field study
  • Research supervisor: Dr Hager Weslati


I obtained my master's degree in journalism from Cairo University. In my dissertation project, I explored the correlation between newspaper ownership and the newspaper audience readership in Egyptian political culture. I have worked as a professional freelance reporter in the news media sector for 10 years, alongside my academic work as assistant lecturer in Egypt where I teach on a wide range of subjects and modules such as news-editing, surveying news sources, analysis of international media, and political communication. 

I worked as a professional journalist and editor with well-known publications such as the daily newspaper Al- Akhbar. My most recent publications include analytical articles on international and political communication in The International Politics Journal, a quarterly magazine published by Al Ahram, Egypt.

Areas of research interest

  • Print & Digital Journalism
  • Political communication
  • Content analysis
  • Audience studies
  • News readership
  • International communication
  • Foreign policy


  • Masters Degree in media , journalism , Faculty of mass communication , Cairo university , Egypt

Funding or awards received

  • Egyptian Cultural & Educational Bureau London