Dr Hager Weslati


I am course director of the MA in Media and Communication and a core faculty member in the department of Journalism, Publishing and Media since 2010. I have also taught at Lancaster University, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Tunis, and have been visiting senior research fellow in American studies at Indiana University, Bloomington, and the New School, New York

I lead teaching on and contribute to the curriculum design of BA and MA modules on media narratives and the podcasting industry, media philosophy, the psychoanalysis of social media, software studies, media archaeology and strategic political communication

Academic responsibilities

Course Leader MA Media & Communication


  • PhD
  • FHEA

Teaching and learning

Undergraduate courses taught

Postgraduate courses taught


My primary research interest is in contemporary philosophy with a focus on the philosophy of information, psychoanalysis, and political communication.

My current work explores the manuscripts of Alexandre Kojève and their ideological translations in Western and Eastern (philosophical) thought around the notions of authority, legality, and power. Past projects include studies on spatial ordering after the end of history, theology after modern physics, the aesthetics of visual vacancy in film and contemporary art, and the role of women's travel writings in shaping modernist projects of transnational cultural governance

Current PhD supervision includes projects in progress on the semiotics of social media, the metaphysics of Palestinian cinema, the algorithm of authority, and manifestations of the ordinary psychosis in AI and new media technologies   

I welcome PhD proposals related or relevant to my areas of specialism. 

Research student supervision

Main supervision

Other supervision


Number of items: 24.


Weslati, Hager (2024) Kojève, Kant, and paganism. Continental Philosophy Review, ISSN (print) 1387-2842 (In Press)

Weslati, Hager (2023) Critique of pure violence : Weil contra Kojeve. Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence, ISSN (online) 2559-9798 (In Press)

Weslati, Hager (2023) Tyranny and boredom. Journal for Cultural Research, 27(2), pp. 172-188. ISSN (print) 1479-7585

Weslati, Hager (2022) «Предположив, что истина есть женщина»: КОнцеПтУАЛьные ПеРСОнАжи КОжеВА и иХ РОЛь В егО СиСтеме ЗнАния = "Supposing that truth is a woman" : Kojève's conceptual characters and their role in his system of knowledge. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie = New Literary Observer, 175, pp. 26-39. ISSN (print) 0860-6365

Weslati, Hager (2020) Book Review of: 'Atheism' by Alexander Kojève, translated by Jeff Love ; and 'The black circle, a life of Alexander Kojève' by Jeff Jove. Chiasma : A Site For Thought, 6(1), pp. 200-216. ISSN (print) 2292-6887

Weslati, Hager (2018) Unaccented beat : positional politics and the enigma of visibility in The Stuart Hall Project. African and Black Diaspora, 11(3), pp. 293-308. ISSN (print) 1752-8631

Weslati, Hager (2017) The Inexistent in the Ontology of Alexandre Kojève. China Media Research, 13(4), pp. 48-56. ISSN (print) 1556-889X

Weslati, Hager (2014) Kojeve's letter to Stalin. Radical Philosophy, 184, pp. 7-18. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Weslati, Hager (2010) La pensée du desert: the paradox of 'theory' and the narrative of boom and bust in cultural studies. Tropismes, 16, pp. 47-62. ISSN (print) 0761-2591


Kojève, Alexandre and Weslati, Hager [Translator] (2024) Kant. London, U.K. : Verso Books. 272p. ISBN 9781804290651 (In Press)

Pagano, Maurizio , Bubbio, Diego , De Cesaris, Alessandro and Weslati, Hager, eds. (2019) Hegel, logic and speculation. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Publishing. 256p. (Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9781350056367

Weslati, Hager [Translator] (2014) [Translation] Notion of authority by Alexandre Kojeve. London, U.K. : Verso Books. 224p. ISBN 9781781680957

Book Section

Pagano, Maurizio and Weslati, Hager (2019) Introduction : speculation and hermeneutics of effectual reality. In: Bubbio, Paolo Diego , De Cesaris, Alessandro , Pagano, Maurizio and Weslati, Hager, (eds.) Hegel, logic & speculation. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 1-14. ISBN 9781350056367

Weslati, Hager (2019) The silence of logik : Hegel after Kojeve. In: Pagano, Maurizio , Bubbio, Diego , De Cesaris, Alessandro and Weslati, Hager, (eds.) Hegel, logic & speculation. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 217-232. ISBN 9781350056367

Weslati, Hager (2009) Travel in disguise: on travel writing and cultural governance. In: Brisson, Ulrike and Schweizer, Bernard, (eds.) Not so innocent abroad: the politics of travel and travel writing. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 85-109. ISBN 9781443812979

Weslati, Hager (2008) Deserts in literary and religious fundamentalism. In: Stierstorfer, Klaus and Kern-Stähler, Annette, (eds.) Literary encounters of fundamentalism: a case book. Heidelberg: Germany : Universitätsverlag Winter. pp. 187-212. (Anglistische Forschungen, 385(385)) ISBN 9783825354602

Conference or Workshop Item

Weslati, Hager (2021) Kojève's Sophia : bored girls and the philosopher in the striped pyjamas. In: Kojève: here and now: international workshop 2021; 1 - 3 Sept. 2021, Held online. (Unpublished)

Palma, Massimo [Speaker] and Weslati, Hager [Speaker] (2019) Philosophie et politique : Qu'est-ce que l'autorite? = Kojeve, philosophy and politics : what is authority? In: Kojeve - dialogues : pratiques extra-philosophiques de la philosophie; 29 Mar 2019, Paris, France. (Unpublished)

Weslati, Hager [Speaker] (2018) Silicon Valley's sovereign individuals and the rise of occult politics. In: 15th Annual Historical Materialism Conference 'Taking on the Right'; 08 - 11 November 2018, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Weslati, Hager [Speaker] (2018) The Aesopian challenge. In: Exemplarity, authority, universalizability : how is a geopolitics of philosophy to be conceptualised?; 04 May 2018, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Weslati, Hager (2016) The question of symbolization and the philosophy of the fourth subject after modern physics. In: SEP-FEP 2016; 25 - 27 Aug 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Weslati, Hager (2016) The polyhedron of social inequality, social change and media events. In: New perspectives on researching social inequality; 05 Feb 2016, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Weslati, Hager [Speaker] (2015) Les campus engages de Tunis a Rio : l'insurgence de l'anti-ethnologie du « dehors » dans l'enseignement de Michel Foucault. In: Les epistemologies politiques de la decolonisation; 23 Mar 2015, Paris, France. (Unpublished)

Weslati, Hager (2013) Bloch-Kojève : divine non-existence. In: Ernst Bloch London Symposium; 12 Dec 2013, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Mon Sep 9 06:51:22 2024 BST.

Social media
