Professor Angela Partington


As an undergraduate I studied Fine Art at Bath Academy of Art, before going on to study for an MA and then a PhD in Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham.

For many years I lectured on a wide ranges of art, design and media courses, specialising in Visual Culture, and have taught at all levels including PGR.

My academic career has included the management of the Department of Art & Design and subsequently the Department of Creative Industries at UWE Bristol, and External Examiner and validation panel duties at numerous UK universities.  

In 2012 I was elected to the CHEAD executive, and was appointed as Associate Dean (Education) at Kingston School of Art in 2013. In 2015 I joined the Creative Industries Federation's HE Working Group, achieved PFHEA status in 2017, became an NTFS reviewer in 2019, and a Fellow of the RSA in 2020. In 2021 I joined the UKAT (UK Advising and Tutoring) Advisory Board, and the Women's Higher Education Network.

I am committed to widening access and participation, and to driving innovation in Higher Education, to ensure that it meets the changing needs of increasingly diverse students, through the development of inclusive practices in learning and teaching, co-created curricula, embedding equality, diversity and inclusion in the curriculum, and the provision of more flexible and diverse ways of learning.

As Associate Dean at Kingston School of Art my key achievements are:

- Sustained improvement in subject league table positioning

- Embedding professional skills in the curriculum

- Continuous improvement in NSS results

- Continuous improvements in course quality (including the reduction of award gaps) and graduate outcomes

- Initiation of BME Alumni Advisory Group 

- Review of University-wide Personal Tutor Scheme

Academic responsibilities

Associate Dean Education


  • BA (Hons) Fine Art
  • MA Cultural Studies
  • PhD Cultural Studies
  • Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • FRSA

Teaching and learning

My experience as a lecturer has involved teaching across a range of courses and subject areas, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels (including PhD supervision). UG teaching aims to make cultural theory accessible and usable for creative practitioners. Lecture programmes have included: 

·      the historical interrelationships between capitalism, technology, and modernity;

·      theory and practice in art, media and design;

·      research methodologies in visual culture;

·      theories of taste and pleasure;

·      the consumption of cultural goods in the development of identities;

·      creative practices in commercial contexts;

·      co-creative practices. 

Teaching is underpinned by my research, and has covered a range of subject-areas from fashion histories and technologies in design, to postmodernism and advertising, the gendered gaze, and co-creativity. My aim is to encourage students to question assumptions often made about consumer culture, and about the roles of art, design and the media within it, in order to develop their ability to think critically about their own and others' practices and to 'locate' themselves within a range of contexts, and to think of themselves as 'cultural intermediaries' as well as makers of artefacts.

In my previous and current academic leadership roles I have led a number curriculum developments with a particular focus on professional skills, interdisciplinary learning, and inclusive practice, to ensure that the portfolio is relevant, forward-looking, and attractive to a diverse range of students with differing needs and expectations.

I am committed to widening access and participation, and to driving innovation in Higher Education in response to the needs of C21st students, through the development of inclusive practices in learning and teaching.  

As Associate Dean at Kingston School of Art my key achievements are:

- Sustained improvement in subject league table positioning

- Embedding professional skills in the curriculum

- Continuous improvement in NSS results

- Continuous improvements in course quality and graduate outcomes


My research interests include:

-      the historical development of consumer culture and the emergence of new markets for cultural goods;

-      the role of consumers in driving innovation;

-      the convergence of creative practices;

-      the relationships between creative industries and higher education;

-      theories of creativity and pedagogical practices.  

-      co-creativity, interdisciplinarity, and inclusive practices in learning and teaching 

My recent and current research contributes to current debates about practice-based learning and the marketisation of HE, drawing on recent theories of co-creativity, student engagement, and inclusive practice.

Future work will include collaborative cross-disciplinary research addressing the changing identity of the creative practitioner in the context of contemporary cultural industries, and market-led innovation in Higher Education.

I have published several book chapters and articles in peer-reviewed journals, have presented papers at numerous conferences, have been an invited guest on Radio 4's 'Thinking Allowed', and invited to speak at CHEAD'S annual conference in 2020, on the value of creative education in supporting diversity and inclusion, and to present at a UKAT 'Tutoring Matters' webinar in 2021.  

My work has been cited in 100+ publications.

Scholarly affiliations

  • British Educational Research Association


Number of items: 34.


Partington, Angela (2021) Developing inclusive pedagogies in HE through an understanding of the learner-consumer : promiscuity, hybridisation, and innovation. Postdigital Science and Education, 3, pp. 102-119. ISSN (print) 2524-485X

Partington, Angela (2020) Personalised learning for the student-consumer. Frontiers in Education, ISSN (online) 2504-284X

Partington, Angela (2019) Learner or Consumer? : market-led Higher Education, diversity, inclusion, and equality. Research in Educational Administration & Leadership, 4(3), pp. 527-552. ISSN (print) 2564-7261

Partington, Angela [Reviewer] (2015) Book Review of : 'Fashion and Age' by Julia Twigg. Journal of Design History, 28(1), pp. 101-102. ISSN (print) 0952-4649

Partington, Angela (2013) Class, clothes, and co-creativity. Clothing Cultures, 1(1),

Partington, Angela (2012) Creative professionals/professional creatives. Art & Design and..Business, Innovation and Management, pp. 72-75.

Partington, Angela (2008) The best bits : non-narrative pleasures and creative practices. Journal of Media Practice, 9(1), pp. 9-18. ISSN (print) 1468-2753

Partington, Angela (1986) Review of 'The originality of the avant-garde and other Modernist myths' by Rosalind E. Krauss. Oxford Art Journal, 9(2), pp. 63-67.

Partington, Angela (1985) Design knowledge and feminism. Feminist art news, 2(3), pp. 9-13.

Book Section

Partington, Angela (2009) Co-creative design practice. In: Glynne, Jonathan , Hackney, Fiona and Minton, Viv, (eds.) Networks of design: proceedings of the 2008 annual international conference of the Design History Society (UK). Florida, U.S.A. : Universal-Publishers. pp. 468-471. ISBN 9781599429069

Partington, Angela (2007) Popular fashion and working-class affluence. In: Barnard, Malcolm, (ed.) Fashion theory: a reader. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 220-231. ISBN 9780415413404

Partington, Angela (1996) Perfume: pleasure, packaging, and postmodernity. In: Kirkham, Patricia, (ed.) The gendered object. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. pp. 204-218. ISBN 0919044758

Partington, Angela (1995) The days of the New Look: working-class affluence and the consumer culture. In: Fyrth, Jim, (ed.) Labour's promised land? culture and society in Labour Britain 1945-51. London, U.K. : Lawrence & Wishart. pp. 247-263. ISBN 9780853158110

Partington, Angela (1995) The designer housewife in the 1950s. In: Attfield, Judy and Kirkham, Patricia, (eds.) A view from the interior: women and design. London, U.K. : The Women's Press. pp. 206-214. ISBN 0704344513

Partington, Angela (1992) Popular fashion and working-class affluence. In: Ash, Juliet and Wilson, Elizabeth, (eds.) Chic thrills: a fashion reader. London, U.K. : Pandora. pp. 145-161. ISBN 0044408242

Partington, Angela (1991) Melodrama's gendered audience. In: Franklin, Sarah , Lury, Celia and Stacey, Jackie, (eds.) Off-Centre: feminism and cultural studies. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 49-68. ISBN 9781138167285

Partington, Angela (1990) The gendered gaze. In: Honey, Nancy, (ed.) Woman to woman. Bath, U.K. : Hexagon Editions. ISBN 9780951644201

Partington, Angela (1988) Chronology. In: Sudjic, Deyan, (ed.) The Modern Chair. London, U.K. : ICA. pp. 61-63. ISBN 9780905263175

Partington, Angela (1987) Feminist art and avant-gardism. In: Robinson, Hilary, (ed.) Visibly female : feminism and art : an anthology. London, U.K. : Camden Press. pp. 228-249. ISBN 9780948491313

Conference or Workshop Item

Partington, Angela, Wason, Hilary, Yonkers, Annie and Essifie, William (2023) The challenge of aligning future skills with equity in HE. In: UK and Ireland HEIR Network Conference 2023 : Addressing Equity in Higher Education Through Institutional Research; 07-08 Sep 2023, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Partington, Angela (2019) Understanding the Learner-consumer: market-led Higher Education, diversity and inclusive practice. In: CHEAD Annual Conference 2020; 17-19 March 2020, Birmingham, U.K.. (Submitted)

Partington, Angela (2019) The future of student engagement. In: GLAD 22nd annual conference: Art and design education: where do we go from here?; 6 Dec 2019, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)

Partington, Angela (2019) Re-thinking student engagement : understanding the learner-consumer. In: HEIR Conference 2019 : Measuring Excellence in Higher Education: Approaches and their Impact; 11 - 13 Sep 2019, Wolverhampton, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Partington, Angela (2019) What do we mean by 'active learning'? In: Centre for innovation in HE annual conference: creative approaches to pedagogic research; 10 July 2019, Cambridge, U.K..

Partington, Angela (2019) Towards an understanding of the learner-consumer. In: 8th PedRIO Annual Conference; 12 Apr 2019, Plymouth, U.K..

Partington, Angela (2019) Developing inclusive pedagogies through an understanding of the learner-consumer. In: BERA Annual Conference 2019; 10-12 Sept 2019, Manchester, U.K..

Partington, Angela (2019) Towards an understanding of the learner-consumer. In: 8th PedRIO Annual Conference 2019; 12 Feb 2019, Plymouth University. (Unpublished)

Partington, Angela (2018) Learner or consumer?: market-led Higher Education, diversity, inclusion, and equality. In: International Conference on Educational Leadership & Management; 7-8 March 2019, Kingston, Jamaica.

Partington, Angela (2016) Studio-based pedagogies are not inherently creative. In: GLAD (Group for Learning in Art & Design); 26 Feb 2016, Birmingham. (Unpublished)

Partington, Angela (2015) Two approaches to the creative learning environment. In: GLAD (Group for Learning in Art & Design) Annual Conference; 27 Feb 2015, Sheffield, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Partington, Angela (2009) 21st century creativity and the HE curriculum. In: Higher education and the creative economy; 22-23 Mar 2010, Southampton, U.K..

Partington, Angela (2008) Co-creative design practice. In: 2008 Annual International Conference of the Design History Society; 3-6 Sept 2008, Falmouth, U.K..

Partington, Angela (2008) Co-creative production. In: Narrative/NonNarrative/AntiNarrative; 23-24 Nov 2008, Bristol, U.K..

Sound Recording

Partington, Angela (2017) BBC Radio 4 'Thinking Allowed' - contribution to discussion on Fashion and Class, broadcast on June 7th 2017. (Radio and iplayer). BBC Radio broadcast. (20mins) Panel discussion.

This list was generated on Sun Feb 16 05:13:38 2025 GMT.

Business, knowledge transfer and international

My work has involved the oversight and management of portfolio developments, including the validation of new courses in partnership with other institutions, both nationally and internationally.  

Leadership and management

Through a number of leadership and management roles I have contributed to strategic development in response to the evolving contexts for Higher Education, including:

-      the student experience

-      widening participation and inclusive practice

-      employability and graduate outcomes   

-      interdisciplinary collaboration

-      innovation in learning and teaching 

As Associate Dean Education (KSA), my responsibilities include:

– Leading a continual pedagogic debate, helping to ensure that the latest approaches to learning and teaching are incorporated in the curricula and staff development, leading to sustained inspirational and innovative learning and teaching.

– Leading the review and delivery of the Faculty's Learning and Teaching Strategy, ensuring that this leads to sustained excellence in teaching and learning and the student experience.

– Continuously reviewing the Faculty's portfolio.

– Promoting and helping to manage the development, validation, recruitment and the quality of teaching and learning.

– Overseeing the quality assurance and quality enhancement processes.

– Managing improvement in agreed University and Faculty course metrics.

– Helping to develop and manage the Faculty's academic staff development programme, ensuring that this supports the Faculty's Learning and Teaching Strategy.

To these ends, I have produced Faculty L&T Strategies, a Faculty Access & Participation Plan, and a Graduate Outcomes Action Plan, for which I am responsible in leading the implementation of.

I chair the Faculty's Education Committee, and the Faculty Recruitment Committee, and I represent the Faculty on numerous University committees and groups.

I also lead the Faculty's Portfolio Review operations group, to ensure that the educational offer is internationally relevant and forward-looking, and attractive to a diverse range of students with differing needs and expectations.   

As well as working closely with the Students' Union and its Officers, I also chair committees which involve student consultation, and meet regularly with student reps, to ensure that the student voice is heard and acted on.

In 2020 I was nominated as the strategic lead for an institution-wide review of the University's Personal Tutor scheme, and developed an institutional policy to ensures that the scheme supports a personalised learning journey for all our students, and enables delivery on specific commitments in the University's Access & Participation Plan.

My external network includes:

- Council for Higher Education in Art & Design (CHEAD)

- Group for Learning in Art & Design (GLAD)

- Creative Industries Federation (CIF)

- Principal Fellows HE Academy Network

 - British Educational Research Association (BERA)

- All Party Parliamentary Group for Art Craft & Design Education

- UKAT (UK Advising & Tutoring) Advisory Group

- Women's Higher Education Network

University responsibilities

  • Education Committee
  • Regulatory Framework Committee
  • Student Voice Working Group
  • Teaching Excellence Steering Group
  • Learning Technologies and Spaces Advisory Group

Videos of my work

Social media
