Professor Joseph Rizzuto


I am Professor of Civil Engineering with a background in civil, structural and highway engineering. I am Head of School of the Built Environment and Geography which performs strongly in both its educational provision and research. Prior to joining Kingston, I was Head of Engineering, Built Environment and Maths and Stats at the University of West London. Whilst there, I was the founder and Head of the Sustainable Civil and Structural Engineering Research Group which investigated ways of reducing the impact of construction related activities on the environment. It hosted PhD students and produced high quality Journal and conference papers, reports, articles and funding bids. I am a reviewer for journal and book publishers and guest editor for Applied Sciences. I have broad experience of research degree supervisions and examinations and have had extensive involvement in programme leadership, development of new courses, accreditation events and external examining. I have gained significant experience on a wide variety of schemes with consulting engineers and contractors in the UK and overseas. My research interests are listed below.

Academic responsibilities

Head of School


  • BSc Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Trent Polytechnic, Nottingham.
  • MSc Master of Science in Structural Design, Kingston University, London.
  • PhD Doctor of Philosophy, Coventry University.
  • CertEd CertEd (Post-Compulsory Education), University College, Northampton.
  • CEng Chartered Engineer.
  • MICE Member, Institution of Civil Engineers.
  • MIStructE Member, Institutional Structural Engineers.
  • MCIHT Member, Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation.

Teaching and learning

My aim is to provide leadership of the academic provision including relevant professional bodies accreditation, pedagogy, research and knowledge transfer as well as curricula development. I make an active contribution to help develop a fresh-thinking, successful, ambitious, dynamic and forward-looking School. Policy development, strategy, resource management and the quality of the student experience and employability are high priorities. High quality teaching that is both employer and research informed provides a consistently positive students experience. Industry-relevant skills, knowledge, enhanced graduate career prospects and employability are drivers to the programmes offered. External examiner experience includes: BEng H in Civil Engineering at Aston University, (01 Oct 2020 to 31 Sept 2024); MSc in Civil Engineering at Leeds Beckett University (and franchise provision), (01 Nov 2017 to 31 Oct 2021); MEng/BEng/BSc H Civil Engineering degrees provision, University of East London, (01 Oct 2016 to 30 Sept 2020); BEng/BSc H Civil Engineering degrees, University of the West of Scotland, (01 Oct 2011 – 31 Oct 2015); MSc in Advanced Structural Engineering at Edinburgh Napier University, (01 Oct 2006 to 31 Oct 2011).

Undergraduate courses taught

Postgraduate courses taught


My expertise is in civil engineering project-based and problem-based structural design in reinforced concrete, steelwork, timber and masonry. I conduct research in areas that include sustainable civil, structural, and highway engineering materials; structural modelling behaviour; analysis, design and experimental investigations; structures and geotechnics; environmental engineering; sustainable urban infrastructure; modelling and testing of novel space structures; concrete ground-supported slabs; and masonry arches and vaults. This provides the basis for developing postgraduate research projects, research funding, and building strong links and collaborations with industry partners. My publications reads to date on ResearchGate total over 236,400. Current research includes 3-dimensional lattice space structures made from reciprocally supported elements in steel that rely on one another for support at their joints; behaviour of flat concrete slabs strengthening.

Journal Articles

  • Saidani, M. and Rizzuto, J.P. (2000) Proc. Int. Colloquium on Structural Morphology, Engineering Design Assisted by Physical Models, Delft, The Netherlands, The International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures. pp. 422-426.
  • Rizzuto, J.P., Saidani, M. and Chilton, J. C. (2000) The Self-Supporting Multi-Reciprocal Grid (MRG) System Using Notched Elements Journal of The International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures 41 (2) (133) August, pp. 125-131 ISSN: 0304 3622.
  • Rizzuto, J.P., Saidani, M. and Chilton, J. C. (2001) Polyhedric Space Structures Using Reciprocally Supported Elements of Various Cross-Sections Journal of The International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures 42 (3) (137) December, pp. 149-159 ISSN: 0304 3622.
  • Rizzuto, J.P. (2007) Rotated Mutually Supported Elements in Truncated Icosahedric Domes. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures 48 (1), (153), April, pp 3 – 17 ISSN: 0304-3622.
  • Rizzuto, J.P. and Hulse, R. (2007) Dodecahedric Mutually Supported Element Space Structure: Experimental Investigation. International Journal of Space Structures. 22 (2), pp 107 - 121. ISSN: 0266 3511.
  • Rizzuto, J.P. (2008) Dodecahedric Mutually Supported Element Space Structure: Numerical Modelling. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures. 49 (1), (157), April, pp 3 – 18 ISSN: 1028 – 365X.
  • Rizzuto, J.P. and Popovic-Larsen, O. (2010) Connection systems in reciprocal frames and mutually supported elements space structure networks. International Journal of Space Structures. 25 (4), pp 243 - 256. ISSN: 0266 3511.
  • Rizzuto, J.P. (2014) Eccentricity orientation of bolted connections in mutually supported element platonic polyhedral configurations. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures. 55 (1), pp 49 -62. ISSN: 1028 365X.
  • Aboutalebi, M., Alani, A. M., Rizzuto, J.P. and Beckett, D. (2014) Structural behaviour and deformation patterns in loaded plain concrete ground supported slabs. Journal of Structural Concrete.  Ernst & Sohn. 15 (1), pp 81 - 93. ISSN: 1464 4177.
  • Rizzuto, J.P. (2017) Structural modelling investigation of reciprocally supported element lattice honeycomb domes. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements. WIT Press. 5 (4), pp 432 - 441. ISSN: 2046-0546 & ISSN: 2046-0554 (online). Selected Wessex MARAS paper.
  • B-Jahromi, A., Rotimi, A., Tovi, S., Goodchild, C. and J.P. Rizzuto.  (2017) Evaluation of column shortening in mid-rise concrete structures. Advances in Concrete Construction, Techno Press International Journal. Vol. 5, No 2, pp 155-171. ISSN: 2287-5301 & 2287-531X (Online).
  • Rizzuto, J. P. and Chauhan, I. (2017) Learning at Work: enhanced work-shadowing as a way forward for Building Surveying students. RICS Building Surveying Journal, Oct/Nov issue, pp 24-25.
  • Rizzuto, J. P. and Chauhan, I. (2018) Student site visits: scope, scale and challenges. RICS Construction Journal, Feb/March issue, pp16-18.
  • Rizzuto, J. P. (2018) Experimental investigation of reciprocally supported element lattice honeycomb domes structural behaviour. Elsevier, Engineering Structures Journal. 166, pp 496 - 510. ISSN: 0141-0296. IF: 4.471
  • Naoum, S., Harris, J., Rizzuto, J. P. and Egbu, C. (2019) Gender in the Construction Industry: Literature review and comparative survey of men's and women's perceptions in UK construction consultancies. ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering. ISSN 0742-597X. IF: 6.834
  • Rizzuto, J. P., Rowson, J. and Chauhan, I. (2020) Degree Apprenticeships: up-skilling Building Surveying employees. RICS Built Environment Journal, Feb/March issue, pp34-35.
  • Rizzuto, J.P., El-Nemr, A., Bohan, L., Ahmed, H. and, Shaaban I.  (2020) Effects of self-curing admixture on concrete properties in hot climate conditions. Elsevier Construction and Building Materials Journal. Vol 261, 119933. IF: 6.141
  • Shaaban I., Rizzuto, J.P., El-Nemr, A., Bohan, L., Ahmed, H. and, Tindyebwa, H.  (2020) Mechanical Properties and Air Permeability of Concrete containing Waste Tire Extracts. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. IF: 3.285
  • Rizzuto, J.P., Shaaban I., Paschalis, S., Mustafa, T. S. and Benterkia, Z. (2022) Experimental and Theoretical Behaviour of Large Scale Loaded Steel Mesh Reinforced Concrete Ground-Supported Slabs. Elsevier Construction and Building Materials Journal. Vol 327, 126831. IF: 6.141
  • Montaser, W., Shaaban I., Rizzuto, J.P., Zaher, A. H., Rashad, A. and El Sadany, S. M. (2023) Steel reinforced self-compacting concrete cantilever beams: bond behaviour in poor condition zones. The International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials. Springer Open, ISSN 1976-0485.
  • Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K, Albert S. Chen, A. S., Campos, L. C., Rizzuto, J.P and Kapelan, Z. (2023) Event-based decision support algorithm for real-time flood forecasting in Urban drainage Systems using machine learning modelling. Environmental Modelling and Software, Elsevier. DOI:
  • Chin, S. C., Shaaban, I. G., Rizzuto, J.P., Khan S. U., Mohamed, D., and Roslan, N.I.M., (2024) Predictive models for mechanical properties of hybrid concrete containing bamboo and basalt fibres. The International Journal of Structures, 61, 106093.


  • Rizzuto, J.P., Saidani, M. and Chilton, J. C. (2001) Proc. Int. Symp. on Theory, Design and Realization of Shell and Spatial Structures, Extended Abstracts. Joints and Orientation of Module Elements in Multi-Reciprocal Grid (MRG) Systems, Nagoya, Japan, The International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures. pp. 308-309.
  • Rizzuto, J.P., Saidani, M. and Chilton, J. C. (2002) Proc. fifth Int. Conference on Space Structures, Edited by GAR Parke and P Disney, Multi-Reciprocal Element (MRE) Space Structure Systems, University of Surrey, UK, August, pp 641-649, Thomas Telford Ltd, ISBN: 0 7277 31734.
  • Rizzuto, J.P. and Chilton, J. C. (2003) Proc. Int. Symp. on New Perspectives for Shell and Spatial Structures: Extended Abstracts, Mutually Supported Cylindrical Elements, Taipei, Taiwan, The International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures. pp 42-43, ISBN: 986 80222 2 2.
  • Rizzuto, J.P. (2004) Proc. Second Int. Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation: Extended Abstracts, Edited by A Zingoni, Mutually Supported Elements (MSE) in Space Structures, University of Cape Town, South Africa, July, pp 71, AA Balkema, Taylor & Francis Group plc, ISBN: 90 5809 5681, ISBN CD-ROM 90 5809 698X.
  • Rizzuto, J.P., and Saidani, M. (2004) Proc. Int. Symp. on Shell and Spatial Structures from Models to Realization: Extended Abstracts, Edited by R Motro, Mutually Supported Element (MSE) Circuits formed by the Translation Method, University of Montpellier II, France, September, pp 446, ISBN: 2 912261 22 8.
  • Saidani, M., and Rizzuto, J.P. (2004) Proc. Int. Symp. on Shell and Spatial Structures from Models to Realization: Extended Abstracts, Edited by R Motro, Structural Behaviour of Square Grids with Mutually Supported Elements under Static Loading, University of Montpellier II, France, September, pp 192, ISBN: 2 912261 22 8.
  • Rizzuto, J.P. (2006) Proc. IASS-APCS Symposium/Conference on New Olympics/New Shell And Spatial Structures: Extended Abstracts, Notched Mutually Supported Element (MSE) Circuits In Space Structures. Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China, October, pp 180-181.
  • Rizzuto, J.P. (2009) Proc. IASS Symposium/Conference on Evolution and Trends in Design, Analysis and Construction of Shell and Spatial Structures: Extended Abstracts, Dodecahedric Mutually Supported Element Space Structure Experimental and Numerical Modelling Investigation: Discussion of Results. Valencia, Spain, September, pp 440 - 441. ISBN 978 848363 459 2
  • Rizzuto, J. P. (2016) Proc. Wessex MARAS Conference, Structural modelling investigation of reciprocally supported element lattice honeycomb domes. Siena, Italy, September, pp 165-176. WIT Press.
  • Rizzuto, J. P. (2017) Proc. INSTIL Teaching and Learning Conference, Rethinking the Curriculum. Project-based learning assessment methods: student influence on their learning. University of West London, UK, June, Abstract, pp 17.
  • Rizzuto, J. P. and Chauhan, I. (2017) Proc. INSTIL Teaching and Learning Conference, Rethinking the Curriculum. Retention of learning: student perception of assessment methods. University of West London, UK, June, Abstract, pp 11.
  • Rizzuto, J. P. and Chauhan, I. (2018) ExPERT Festival of Learning and Teaching Conference, Developing Creative Professionals. Inclusive teaching practices: student diversity. University of West London, UK, June, Abstract, pp 7.
  • Rizzuto, J. P. and Balodimou, E. (2019) ExPERT Academy Festival of Learning and Teaching Conference: What is the point of feedback? Understanding feedback and feed-forward: insights drawn from project-based learning. University of West London, UK, July, Abstract, pp 7.
  • Rizzuto, J. P. and Balodimou, E. (2022) UWL Festival of Learning and Teaching Conference: Empowering students for a successful transition into professional employment. Implementation of Project-based learning in structural design and architectural modules for improved employability. University of West London, Abstract, pp 24.
  • Rizzuto, J. P. (2018) ExPERT Festival of Learning and Teaching Conference, Developing Creative Professionals. Developing creativity through conceptual structural design. University of West London, UK, June, Abstract, pp 22.
  • Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K and Rizzuto, J.P (2023) Event-based flood data imputation for infilling missing data in real-time flood warning systems. European Geoscience Union EGU General Assembly 2023 Conference. Vienna, Austria and Online 23-28 April.
  • Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K, Albert S. Chen, A. S., Campos, L. C., and Rizzuto, J.P (2023) Real-time flood overflow forecasting in Urban Drainage Systems by using time-series multi-stacking of data mining techniques. European Geoscience Union EGU General Assembly 2023 Conference. Vienna, Austria and Online 23-28 April.
  • Paschalis, S. A., Lampropoulos, A. P., and Rizzuto, J. P (2023) Development of sustainable ultra-high performance fibre reinforced concrete (UHPFRC). Cement-based materials and structural concrete conference SynerCrete'23, 15-16 June 2023, Milos Island, Greece.
  • Balodimou, E., Rizzuto, J. P., and Shaaban, I. G. (2023) Perceptions and Reuse of Concrete Building Structures. 8th International Conference on Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development (UPADSD). Florence, Italy 24th -26th October 2023.
  • Rizzuto, J. P., and Shaaban, I. G. (2024) Reciprocally supported elements (RSE) space structure configurations. 2nd International Summit on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (ISCSEE-2024). Florence, Italy 18th -20th March, 2024.
  • Shaaban, I. G., and Rizzuto, J. P. (2024) Non-destructive testing of silica fume and crumb rubber as partial replacement of cement and fine aggregate concrete. 2nd International Summit on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (ISCSEE-2024). Florence, Italy 18th -20th March, 2024.

Conference papers accepted for publication.

  • Shaaban I., Rizzuto, J.P., El-Nemr, A., Bohan, L., Ahmed, H. and, Tindyebwa, H.  (2024) Permeation Characteristics and Durability Aspects for Sustainable Concrete. 6th international conference on sustainable construction materials and technologies, Scmt6Conference, 9th - 14th June 2024, university of Lyon, France.

Book contributions

  • Rizzuto, J.P. (2008) Bracing and bracing connections. Steel Building Design: Worked examples for Students in accordance with Eurocodes. The Steel Construction Institute, Publication No SCI P376, Edited by Brettle, M., pp 69 – 78. ISBN 978 1 85942 185 7.
  • Rizzuto, J.P. (2009) Bracing and bracing connections. Steel Building Design: Worked examples for Students in accordance with Eurocodes and the UK National Annexes. The Steel Construction Institute, Publication No SCI P387, pp 71 – 81. ISBN 978 1 85942 191 8.
  • Rizzuto, J.P. (2017) Bracing and bracing connections. Steel Building Design: Worked examples for Students in accordance with Eurocodes and the UK National Annexes. The Steel Construction Institute, Publication No SCI P387, pp 83 – 91. ISBN 978 1 85942 191 8. 

Areas of specialism

  • Design, modelling and testing of reciprocally supported elements (RSE) space structures.
  • Non-linear structural behaviour of reciprocally supported steel lattice domes.
  • Sustainable concrete materials and applications.
  • Structural design methods in reinforced concrete, steel, timber, masonry.
  • Behaviour of flat slabs strengthened against punching shear with Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) materials.


Number of items: 27.


ElNemr, Amr, Shaaban, Ibrahim G., Rizzuto, Joseph P. and Elsayad, Hanaa (2024) Properties and microstructure of rubberised silica fume concrete. Advanced Offshore & Structural Engineering Journal, 1(1), pp. 32-48.

Chin, Siew Choo, Shaaban, Ibrahim G., Rizzuto, Joseph P., Khan, Sadaqat U., Mohamed, Diana, Roslan, Nurul Iman Muhammad and Aziz, Azizah Abdul (2024) Predictive models for mechanical properties of hybrid fibres reinforced concrete containing bamboo and basalt fibres. Structures, 61, p. 106093. ISSN (print) 2352-0124

Piadeh, Farzad, Behzadian, Kourosh, Chen, Albert S., Campos, Luiza C., Rizzuto, Joseph P. and Kapelan, Zoran (2023) Event-based decision support algorithm for real-time flood forecasting in urban drainage systems using machine learning modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software, 167, p. 105772. ISSN (print) 1364-8152

Montaser, Wael Mohamed, Shaaban, Ibrahim Galal, Rizzuto, Joseph P., Zaher, Amr Hussein, Rashad, Ahmed and Sadany, Shorouk Mohamed El (2023) Steel reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) cantilever beams : bond behaviour in poor condition zones. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 17(1), p. 19. ISSN (print) 1976-0485

Rizzuto, Joseph P., Shaaban, Ibrahim G., Paschalis, Spyridon A., Mustafa, Tarek S. and Benterkia, Zoubir (2022) Experimental and theoretical behaviour of large scale loaded steel mesh reinforced concrete Ground-Supported slabs. Construction and Building Materials, 327, p. 126831. ISSN (print) 0950-0618

Shaaban, Ibrahim G., Rizzuto, Joseph P., El-Nemr, Amr, Bohan, Lin, Ahmed, Hatem and Tindyebwa, Hannington (2021) Mechanical properties and air permeability of concrete containing waste tires extracts. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 33(2), ISSN (print) 0899-1561

Rizzuto, Joseph P., Kamal, Mounir, Elsayad, Hanaa, Bashandy, Alaa, Etman, Zeinab, Aboel Roos, Mohamed N. and Shaaban, Ibrahim G. (2020) Effect of self-curing admixture on concrete properties in hot climate conditions. Construction and Building Materials, 261, p. 119933. ISSN (print) 0950-0618

Naoum, Shamil George, Harris, Jennifer, Rizzuto, Joseph and Egbu, Charles (2020) Gender in the construction industry : literature review and comparative survey of men’s and women’s perceptions in UK construction consultancies. Journal of Management in Engineering, 36(2), ISSN (print) 0742-597X

Rizzuto, J.P. (2018) Experimental investigation of reciprocally supported element (RSE) lattice honeycomb domes structural behaviour. Engineering Structures, 166, pp. 496-510. ISSN (print) 0141-0296

Rizzuto, J.P. (2017) Structural modelling investigation of reciprocally supported element lattice honeycomb domes. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, 5(4), pp. 432-441. ISSN (print) 2046-0546

B-Jahromi, Ali, Rotimi, Abdulazeez, Tovi, Shivan, Goodchild, Charles and Rizzuto, Joseph (2017) Evaluation of the influence of creep and shrinkage determinants on column shortening in mid-rise buildings. Advances in concrete construction, 5(2), pp. 155-171. ISSN (print) 2287-5301

Rizzuto, J.P. (2014) Eccentricity orientation of bolted connections in mutually supported element platonic polyhedral configurations. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 55(1), pp. 49-62. ISSN (print) 1028-365X

Alani, Amir M., Rizzuto, Joseph, Beckett, Derrick and Aboutalebi, Morteza (2014) Structural behaviour and deformation patterns in loaded plain concrete ground-supported slabs. Structural Concrete : journal of the FIB, 15(1), pp. 81-93. ISSN (print) 1464-4177

Book Section

Rizzuto, J (2009) Bracing and bracing connections. In: Brettle, M E and Brown, D G, (eds.) Steel building design : worked examples for students : in accordance with Eurocodes and the UK National Annexes. Ascot, U.K. : The Steel Construction Institute. pp. 71-81. ISBN 9781859421918

Conference or Workshop Item

Shaaban, Ibrahim G., Rizzuto, Joseph P., El-Nemr, Amr, Bohan, Lin, Ahmed, Hatem and Tindyebwa, Hannington (2024) Permeation characteristics and durability aspects for sustainable concrete. In: Sixth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT6); 09-14 Jun 2024, Lyon, France. (Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, no. 6) ISSN (print) 25153056

Rizzuto, Joseph P., Shaaban, Ibrahim G., , and (2024) Reciprocally supported elements (RSE) space structure configurations. In: 2nd International Summit on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (ISCSEE2024); 18-20 Mar 2024, Florence, Italy. (Unpublished)

Shaaban, Ibrahim G., Rizzuto, Joseph P., ElNemr, Amr, Elsayed, Hanaa and Mowad, Ahmed (2024) Silica fume and crumb rubber as partial replacement of cement and fine aggregate concrete. In: 2nd International Summit on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (ISCSEE2024); 18-20 Mar 2024, Florence, Italy. (Unpublished)

Balodimou, Efcharis, Rizzuto, Joseph P. and Shaaban, Ibrahim (2023) Perceptions and reuse of concrete building structures. In: 8th International Conference on Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development (UPADSD); 24-26 Oct 2023, Florence, Italy.

Paschalis, Spyridon, Lampropoulos, Andreas and Rizzuto, Joseph (2023) Towards development of sustainable ultra high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC). In: SynerCrete’23 : International RILEM Conference on Synergising Expertise towards Sustainability and Robustness of Cement-based Materials and Concrete Structures; 14-16 Jun 2023, Milos Island, Greece. (RILEM Book Series, no. 44)

Piadeh, Farzad, Behzadian, Kourosh, Rizzuto, Joseph P., and (2023) Event-based flood data imputation for infilling missing data in real-time flood warning systems. In: EGU General Assembly 2023; 23-28 Apr 2023, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)

Piadeh, Farzad, Behzadian, Kourosh, Chen, Albert S., Campos, Luiza C. and Rizzuto, Joseph P. (2023) Real-time flood overflow forecasting in urban drainage systems by using time-series multi-stacking of data mining techniques. In: EGU General Assembly 2023; 23-28 Apr 2023, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)

Rizzuto, Joseph and Efcharis, Balodimou (2022) Implementation of project-based learning in structural design and architectural modules to achieve improved graduate employability. In: Expert Academy Festival of Learning and Teaching; 19 Jul 2022, Ealing, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Rizzuto, Joseph and Efcharis, Balodimou (2019) Understanding feedback and feed-forward : insights drawn from project-based learning. In: University of West London Festival of Learning and Teaching; 03 Jul 2019, Ealing, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Rizzuto, Joseph (2018) Developing creativity through conceptual structural design. In: University of West London Festival of Learning and Teaching; 27 Jun 2018, Ealing, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Rizzuto, Joseph and Indira, Chauhan (2018) Inclusive teaching practices : student diversity. In: University of West London Festival of Learning and Teaching; 27 Jun 2018, Ealing, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Rizzuto, Joseph (2017) Project-based learning assessment methods : students influence on their learning. In: University of West London Teaching and Learning Conference 2017; 29 Jun 2017, Ealing, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Rizzuto, Joseph and Indira, Chauhan (2017) Retention of learning : student perceptions of assessment methods. In: University of West London Teaching and Learning Conference 2017; 29 Jun 2017, Ealing, U.K.. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Sat Feb 15 04:39:58 2025 GMT.

Leadership and management

I am the Head of School of the Built Environment and Geography (BEG) and Professor of Civil Engineering. I have line management responsibilities for the two departments within the school. I am the budget holder for the school and am a member of the faculty leadership team (FLT) and chair the school management group meetings (SMG). Prior to taking up my post, I was Head of Engineering, Built Environment and Maths and Statistics, and Professor of Civil Engineering, with leadership and line management responsibility at the University of West London in the School of Computing and Engineering since September 2015 to January 2024. Other roles included Interim Head and Interim Deputy Head of the School. Responsibilities include provision and delivery of undergraduate (UG), postgraduate (PG) and apprenticeship (APP) degree programmes.

University responsibilities

  • Head of School
  • Member of the faculty leadership team (FLT).
  • Chair the school management group meetings (SMG).

Social media
