Your search returned 73 news stories:
Posted Thursday 19 October 2023
Artificial intelligence (AI) can be a force for good, but greater diversity in the networks involved in its development and better regulation are needed to avoid unintended consequences.
Posted Friday 6 October 2023
Kingston University is embarking on a project to provide its initial teacher training students with the skills and knowledge to support pupils who present with dyslexia or other conditions that affect their literacy skills. The new initiative will see the University employ a full-time specialist dyslexia tutor, who will work with students and staff, as well as the Education Department's partner schools, to provide enhanced knowledge of the challenges some pupils can encounter with reading and writing.
Posted Thursday 28 September 2023
Kingston University's commitment to high quality teaching, providing an outstanding student experience and supporting its students to achieve successful degree outcomes has been recognised with a Gold rating in the Teaching Excellence Framework.
Posted Wednesday 27 September 2023
Kingston University's collaboration with industry partners, entrepreneurial strengths and wide-ranging engagement activity with the local community has been recognised in this year's Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF). In the recently released KEF results for 2023, the University has been assessed as having very high or high engagement in three of the seven perspectives – continuing professional development (CPD) and graduate start-ups, public and community engagement, and research partnerships.
Posted Wednesday 13 September 2023
Academics and professional services staff from institutions across the UK and Ireland converged on Kingston University for an international conference exploring how research and data can best be utilised to ensure students from all backgrounds are provided with the tools and support to succeed.
Posted Tuesday 12 September 2023
Leading figures from across industry visited the University to hear about the wide-ranging impact on society of research and knowledge exchange activity being carried out across the Faculty of Engineering, Computing and the Environment.
Posted Friday 8 September 2023
The shortlisting recognises the University's expertise in enterprise education and strategic approach to entrepreneurship.
Posted Wednesday 23 August 2023
Chelsea Barrett graduated from her degree in adult nursing at Kingston University in September 2022. Almost one year later, she is working as a nurse at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, supporting cancer patients. Here, she reflects on how Kingston prepared her for the transition from nursing student to newly qualified nurse.