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Contact us for financial help and advice

Money advisors can give advice and guidance on living on a budget, student finance queries, banking, dealing with debt and financial capability and literacy.

Student Funds Advisors administer the various University Student Support Funds. They also provide information about student finance and support.

Both teams are in the University's Student Life, Health and Wellbeing Team in the Directorate for Students.

  • Kingston University
    Student Life, Health and Wellbeing Services
    John Galsworthy Building
    Penrhyn Road
    Kingston upon Thames
    KT1 2EE

    Money advisers (student finance, budgeting, dealing with debt): +44 (0)20 8417 7312
    Student Funds (applications for university and government hardship funds): +44 (0)20 8417 7315

    Fax: +44 (0)20 8417 7561

Contact us about paying your fees

If you have any queries about how to pay your fees, contact the Accounts Receivable team.

  • Enquiries can be submitted to these teams online via the 'My Fee Payments' section of the StudentHUB or by calling:
  • Accounts Receivable on +44 (0)20 8417 3333

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