I am a senior lecturer and Course Leader of the BA Drama at Kingston and have also taught on the Humanities Foundation and MA in English, as well as across London at Birkbeck, Queen Mary, Goldsmiths and Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. My teaching specialisms are grounded in critical and historical considerations of drama, theatre and performance and how to activate these through writing and performance. Specific topics explored in my classes are Empire, Gender, Sexuality and Disability as they are treated through performance and how this can make us think in turn about broader social, economic and political contexts.
My research and publications look at the politics of spectatorship, criticism and institutions of contemporary culture, theatre and live art through a Marxist, Feminist, Queer and Post-Colonial lens. I broadly focus on the specific histories of Western imperialism and its liberal /aphasic afterlives as these apply to cultural production and reception in contemporary Britain and France. Further interests are protest, social reproduction in feminist performance, the 1951 Festival of Britain and Marxist approaches to theatre and performance.
I am currently writing a book comparing the 1951 Festival of Britain and 2022's Unboxed Festival and how these speak to similarities and differences in conceptions of the British state, empire and identity and developing a collaborative project about 'Cartoon Theatre'.
Course Leader Drama
Joint Research Officer: Awards for the Theatre and Performance Research Association: https://tapra.org/executive-committee/
London Theatre Seminar Organising Committee
Senior Lecturer in Drama
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