Dr Caoimhe Mader McGuinness


I am a senior lecturer and Course Leader of the BA Drama at Kingston and have also taught on the Humanities Foundation and MA in English, as well as across London at Birkbeck, Queen Mary, Goldsmiths and Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. My teaching specialisms are grounded in critical and historical considerations of drama, theatre and performance and how to activate these through writing and performance. Specific topics explored in my classes are Empire, Gender, Sexuality and Disability as they are treated through performance and how this can make us think in turn about broader social, economic and political contexts. 

My research and publications look at the politics of spectatorship, criticism and institutions of contemporary culture, theatre and live art through a Marxist, Feminist, Queer and Post-Colonial lens. I broadly focus on the specific histories of Western imperialism and its liberal /aphasic afterlives as these apply to cultural production and reception in contemporary Britain and France in their relationships to the state in particular. Further interests are protest, social reproduction in feminist performance, the 1951 Festival of Britain and Marxist approaches to theatre and performance.

I am currently writing a book comparing the 1951 Festival of Britain and  2022's Unboxed Festival and how these speak to similarities and differences in conceptions of the British state, empire and identity and developing a collaborative project on 'Cartoon Theatre'.

Course Leader Drama

Joint Research Officer: Awards for the Theatre and Performance Research Association: https://tapra.org/executive-committee/ 

Joint Working Group Convenor 'Performance Economies' International Federation for Theatre Research: https://iftr.org/working-groups/performance-economies 

London Theatre Seminar Organising Committee

Academic responsibilities

Senior Lecturer in Drama


  • PhD in Drama, Queen Mary University of London 2017
  • MA in Theatre and Performance, Queen Mary University of London 2010
  • BA in Drama and Theatre Arts, Goldsmiths College University of London 2009
  • Baccalauréat , Lycée Expérimental de St Nazaire 2000
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Teaching and learning

Qualifications and expertise

  • Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy

Undergraduate courses taught

Postgraduate courses taught


My research is currently organised around four separate but interlinked topics

My single authored publications and my doctoral thesis explore questions of racialised and gendered representations in perfromance, often in their intersection with protest, censorship and the role of the British liberal state both present and historical. This informs the current Cambridge Elements Monograph I am writing for Cambridge University Press, drawing on these reflections as they interlink with energy extraction and the climate crisis through an investigation of the links between identity and extractive practices in the 1951 Festival of Britain and 2022 Unboxed (colloquially known as 'The Festival of Brexit'). 

I am also a part of the Performance and Political Economy research collective, a group exploring the relationship between Marxist Political Economies and Performance practices as these pertain to a wide range of topics such as struggle,  labour, ideology, institutions and more. We often collectively author work, so far in the form of key words and also organise events and work days exploring Marxist approaches to Performance.

I am also developing a larger research project with CHS (illustration) colleague Maggie Gray exploring Cartoon Theatre, 1965 -1992. This is the first in-depth study of cartoon theatre, grounded in an original interdisciplinary methodology twinning performance studies and popular art history, grounded in innovative modes of archival research.

Finally I also am developing work exploring French colonial aphasia (Stoler, 2016) as it relates to theatrical and cultural production across three sites: the settler colony of Algeria from 1945 until its liberation in 1962, the current colony of French Guyana and hexagonal France itself. My overarching concern is to trace how linking together these spatially disconnected but deeply historically connected spaces reveals the aphasia at the heart of the French state's relationship to its past and present modes of imperial governance.

Joint Research Officer: Awards for the Theatre and Performance Research Association: https://tapra.org/executive-committee/ 

Joint Working Group Convenor 'Performance Economies' International Federation for Theatre Research: https://iftr.org/working-groups/performance-economies 

London Theatre Seminar Organising Committee

Research student supervision

Main supervision

Other supervision


Number of items: 13.


Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe (2024) Against community : ambivalent identities in Actors Touring Company and David Greig’s The Events. Studies in Theatre and Performance, ISSN (print) 1468-2761 (In Press)

Mader McGuinness, Caoimhe (2022) Policing Exhibit B in St Denis and Paris : afterlives of the French Imperial state at the theatre doors. Performance Research, 27(3-4), pp. 98-104. ISSN (print) 1352-8165

Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe [Reviewer] (2021) Double take. Book Review of: 'Unmaking mimesis : essays on feminism and theatre' by Elin Diamond. Theatre Research International, 46(3), pp. 407-410. ISSN (print) 0307-8833

Blackwell-Pal, Jaswinder, Boyle, Michael Shane, Dilks, Ash, Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe, Mckeon, Olive, Moravec, Lisa, Simari, Alessandro, Unger, Clio and Young, Martin (2021) Marxist keywords for performance. Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, 36(1), pp. 25-53. ISSN (print) 0888-3203

Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe (2019) Book Review of: 'Viral dramaturgies : HIV and AIDS in performance in the Twenty-First Century' by Alyson Campbell and Dirk Gindt (eds.). Nordic Theatre Studies, 31(2), pp. 132-134. ISSN (print) 0904-6380

Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe (2018) Book Review of: 'Space invaders : radical geographies of protest' by Paul Routledge. Performance Matters, 4(3), pp. 158-159. ISSN (online) 2369-2537

Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe (2018) Performing solidarity : affirmation, difference and debility in Project O’s SWAGGA. Contemporary Theatre Review, 28(3), pp. 367-377. ISSN (print) 1048-6801

Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe [Reviewer] (2017) Book Review of: 'Performing antagonism : theatre, performance & radical democracy' by Tony Fisher and Eve Katsouraki (eds). Contemporary Theatre Review, 27(4), pp. 529-530. ISSN (print) 1048-6801

Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe (2016) Protesting 'Exhibit B' in London : reconfiguring antagonism as the claiming of theatrical space. Contemporary Theatre Review, 26(2), pp. 211-226. ISSN (print) 1048-6801

Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe [Reviewer] (2014) Book Review of: 'Performing European memories : trauma, ethics, politics' by Milija Gluhovic. Theatre Survey, 55(3), pp. 420-422. ISSN (print) 0040-5574

Mader McGuinness, Caoimhe (2012) Book Review of: 'Agency and embodiment : performing gestures/producing culture' by Carrie Noland. Contemporary Theatre Review, 22(2), pp. 274-275. ISSN (print) 1048-6801

Book Section

Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe (2021) Dissensual reproductions in You Should See the Other Guy's 'Land of the Three Towers'. In: Fryer, Nic and Conroy, Colette, (eds.) Rancière and performance. London, U.K. : Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 217-235. (Performance Philosophy) ISBN 9781538146576

Conference or Workshop Item

Altman, Dennis [Interviewee] and Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe [Interviewer] (2016) Queer Conversation with Dennis Altman. In: In Conversation; 24 May 2016, London, U.K..

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Social media
