Helen Potkin


I am an art historian interested in the relationships between art and education and the role of participation in both. As Course Leader for the BA (Hons) Fine Art and Art History, I am engaged with the various ways in which history, theory and practice interact.

I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. I have worked with students on co-creating the curriculum and processes of decolonising. I'm interested in ecologies of theory and practice in the art school and am currently undertaking ethnographic research on the art school.

Academic responsibilities

Associate Professor


  • BA (Hons) History and History of Art, University of York, 1988
  • MA Sculpture Studies, University of Leeds, 1990
  • Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy, 2016
  • Professional Doctorate in Education, 2022-ongoing

Teaching and learning




With Fran Lloyd, & Davina Thackara (2011) Public Sculpture of Outer South and West London (Public Monuments and Sculpture of Britain series), Liverpool: Liverpool University Press

Book Chapters

‘Inhabiting Site: Contemporary Art in Historic Interiors' (2011) in Fiona Fisher, Trevor Keeble, Patricia Lara-Betancourt, Brenda Martin, eds., Performance, Fashion and the Modern Interior: from the Victorians to today, London: Berg

‘Performance' (2000) in Feminist Visual Culture: An Introduction, edited by Fiona Carson & Claire Pajaczkowska, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Articles ‘An Experience of Introducing Reflective Journals' (2012) in Quality Enhancement in Learning and Teaching: How Kingston University is improving the student experience, ADC. 30-32

‘Research and Employability: redesigning the curriculum in BA History of Art, Design and Film' (2011) in Tim Linsey (ed.) Quality Enhancement in Learning and Teaching: How Kingston University is improving the student experience, ADC. 14-15


Potkin, H. (2019). Co-creating the Curriculum. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal2(3), 154–171. 

Conference Papers:

‘Curriculum co-creation: a transformative strategy to enhance student success' (with Annie Hughes, Equality Challenge Unit Conference Birmingham, 2017

‘Sleeping with Art: Hotel Room as Installation' Duration Conference, Culture Lab, Newcastle University 29-31 March 2012

‘In-habiting site: contemporary art practices within the historic(al) interior', Living in the Past: Histories, Heritage and the Interior, Kingston University, London, 14-15 May 2009

‘Constructing Identities: Dora Gordine in 1920s Paris', Dorich House Conference: Women, Sculpture and Place, May 2004

Research students:

Katya Micallef

Celeste Baracchi

Camilla Terhorst

Lisa Slominski

Research student supervision


Number of items: 4.


Lloyd, Fran, Potkin, Helen and Thackara, Davina (2011) Public sculpture of Outer South and West London. Liverpool, U.K. : Liverpool University Press. 404p. (Public sculpture of Britain, 13) ISBN 9781846312250

Book Section

Potkin, Helen (2011) In-habiting site: contemporary art practices within the historic(al) interior. In: Fisher, Fiona , Lara-Betancourt, Patricia , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Performance, fashion and the modern interior: from the Victorians to today. London, U.K. : Berg. pp. 207-218. ISBN 9781847887825

Potkin, Helen (2000) Performance art. In: Carson, Fiona and Pajaczkowska, Claire, (eds.) Feminist Visual Culture. Edinburgh, UK : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 75-88. ISBN 0748610464

Conference or Workshop Item

Potkin, Helen (2009) In-habiting site: contemporary art practices within the historic interior. In: Living in the Past: Histories, Heritage and the Interior: 6th Modern Interiors Research Conference; 14 - 15 May 2009, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

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