Assistant Practitioner (Maternity Support Worker) Apprenticeship FdSc

Why choose this programme?

As a maternity support worker, you will deliver hands-on care to women, birthing people, and their families, and will work alongside midwives and other members of the maternity care team. You will play a key part in the multi-disciplinary workforce that is needed to respond to maternity services.

This programme is available as a two-year full-time apprenticeship (employment based, with part-time university attendance). To apply for the apprenticeship route, you will need to be employed as a health care support worker in a maternity service for a minimum of 30 hours per week.

Your employer will need to agree to release you from your work area to achieve off the job learning. This includes identified simulation and study days. Additionally, your employer will need to release you for rotational placements to support you in achieving your competencies. The apprenticeship tuition fees are funded through the apprenticeship levy payable via your employer.

Successful completion of the programme will equip you to work as a qualified Maternity Support Worker. Achieving the FdSc will help you to progress your career within the health and social care sector. Through a combination of theoretical and practice learning you will develop a wide range of specialist and transferable clinical, care and interpersonal skills.

Attendance Apply Year of entry
2 years full time (employment based, with part-time university attendance) Enquire via the KU Apprenticeship Team 2024

Please note: this course has a March start date.

Main Location Kingston Hill

Reasons to choose Kingston University

  • Successful completion of the programme will equip you to work as a qualified Maternity Support Worker.
  • We are top in London for Midwifery (The Guardian University Guide 2024).
  • You'll develop a range of specialist and transferable skills through clinical placements in a variety of maternity settings.
Reasons to choose Kingston University

What you will study

Year 1

Year 2


Public Health

30 credits

This module will introduce you to the socio-political influences shaping the changing context of maternity care provision. You will develop an understanding of feminist theory, psychology, sociology and public health as it applies to childbearing. This module aims to prepare you for the role of the Maternity Support Worker in improving and promoting public health, including sexual health.

Foundation Skills for Maternity Support Worker Practice

30 credits

This module will enable you to develop and apply a range of skills to participate in the holistic assessment and care of people within maternity services, documenting progress and reporting outcomes. You will be introduced to the required skills and underpinning knowledge so that you can participate in ongoing assessment and recognise when it is necessary to escalate findings to other members of the multidisciplinary team for reassessment.

Applied Anatomy and Physiology

30 credits

This module explores the foundations of human anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology relevant to healthcare practice. You will cover the body's key systems and processes, the mechanisms for maintaining homeostasis and an introduction to human development across the lifespan including the childbearing continuum.

Personal and Professional Practice (1)

30 credits

This module introduces you to the concepts of being a maternity support worker. The contemporary role and scope of the Maternity Support Worker is identified and defined. The values and culture of maternity care will also be explored. This module will introduce you to Future Skills through engagement with Navigate.


Women and Families with Additional Needs

30 credits

This module focuses on deviations from normality in maternity care and links relevant theoretical knowledge to practice. You will learn how to contribute to and support a high standard of holistic care for women and birthing people, their babies and their families, inclusive of both physical, social and emotional needs within your role and scope.

You will gain an understanding of policies and guidelines that inform maternity care and learn how to establish and maintain effective communication with service users and the multi-disciplinary team in providing maternity care.

Enhanced Skills for Maternity Support Worker Practice

30 credits

This module is designed to build on your existing knowledge and skills to contribute to providing universal care for all women and birthing people, and their newborn infants, and additional care for those experiencing complexity and complications.

The Maternity Support Worker and Birth

30 credits

This module builds upon Enhanced Skills for Maternity Support Worker module. The module provides the knowledge and skills which will allow the Maternity Support Worker to support the multidisciplinary team in caring for women and birthing people in the birth environment. This module will also cover the Maternity Support Worker's role in assessment and triage.

Personal and Professional Practice (2)

30 credits

This module focuses on the acquisition of knowledge and skills for promoting the delivery of high-quality person-focused care. The module will continue the development and consolidation of your academic practice skills and will support your professional growth. The content will include: leadership and management; supporting learning and assessment in practice; research, development and innovation; policies and frameworks that support effective care. This module will develop your Future Skills through engagement with Explore.

Entry requirements

Typical offer

As an apprentice on this programme, you need to be employed for a minimum of 30 hours per week, see additional requirements below. You will also need to have evidence of Right to Work in England for the duration of your course and endpoint assessment.

  • GCSE at grade 4 or above (or grade C or above for GCSEs taken before 2017) in English Language and Mathematics or equivalent qualification e.g. Functional/Key skills level 2 in numeracy and literacy
  • Learning at level 3 by qualification (normally 56 UCAS points) or two years of verifiable and relevant work experience

Additional requirements

Admission is subject to:

  • Occupational health screening.
  • Enhanced Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) check including checks against the Adult and Child Workforce Barring Lists.
  • Completion of a digital and technological literacy questionnaire.
  • Working in the sector.
  • Sponsorship from an approved employer within the industry.
  • Meeting all the requirements of the Education and Skills Funding Agency to undertake an apprenticeship as listed in the Apprenticeship Funding Rules.

All applicants who meet the minimum requirements are required to attend an interview and selection day. The day will include an appraisal of current digital literacy skills which will assess applicants' level of confidence with selected aspects of digital literacy and provide a baseline from which to develop capability in digital and technological literacy during the programme.

As an apprentice, you should be employed at NHS Agenda for Change Band 2 or 3 as a healthcare support worker (or equivalent). At the point of entry onto the programme, you should be working within a health or care setting where you can be appropriately supervised by a Registered Midwife or other appropriate health or care professional, such as a Band 4 Maternity Support Worker. You will need to have agreed with your employer that you can attend one day of study release each week and attend placements external to usual place of work throughout the course. The apprenticeship tuition fees are funded through the apprenticeship levy payable via your employer.


This programme is not suitable for international applicants without the Right to Work in England.

Teaching and assessment

This programme enables you to develop a broad understanding of care needs, relevant to the role of the maternity support worker. It equips you to identify holistic needs and deliver care to a diverse range of individuals. 

The integration of theory and practice is achieved through learning, teaching and assessment strategies which require you to reflect on your experiences in practice. Maternity knowledge and evidence are applied to these experiences, with an increasing depth of discussion and analysis as you progress through the course.

You will learn through lectures, seminars and online work in our Virtual Learning Environment (CANVAS). You will also participate in tutorials, workshops, conferences and project work. Your learning in the simulation suite will help you relate theory to practice.

The programme is offered through day release, and supernumerary placements. During your on-the-job learning, you will be able to carry out activities to help you achieve the maternity support worker competencies.

Guided independent study (self-managed time)

When not attending timetabled sessions, you will be expected to continue learning independently through self-study. This typically will involve reading journal articles and books, working on individual and group projects, undertaking coursework assignments, and preparing and giving presentations. Your independent learning is supported by a range of excellent facilities including online resources, the library and CANVAS, the online virtual learning platform.

Academic support

Our academic support team here at Kingston University provides help in a range of areas.

Dedicated personal tutor

When you arrive, we'll introduce you to your personal tutor. This is the member of academic staff who will provide academic guidance, support you throughout your time at Kingston and show you how to make the best use of all the help and resources that we offer at Kingston University. 

Your workload

Year 1

Year 2

Year 1
  • Scheduled learning and teaching: 200 hours
  • Placement and simulation skills: 210 hours
  • Guided independent study (self-managed time): 790 hours
Year 2
  • Scheduled learning and teaching: 200 hours
  • Placement and simulation skills: 210 hours
  • Guided independent study (self-managed time): 790 hours

How you will be assessed

There are a range of assessment types including examinations, coursework and practical assessments in both the Clinical Skills and Simulation Suite and the workplace. The assessments are staged throughout the academic year to ensure coherence and an even, manageable workload.

Practice is assessed through successful completion of the practice assessment document and objective structured clinical assessments (OSCAs), in conjunction with successful sign-off in practice by a practice assessor and an academic assessor at the end of Years 1 and 2. Students require a pass in both theory and practice to achieve their final award.

Year 1

Year 2

Year 1
  • Coursework: 50%
  • Practical: 25%
  • Exam: 25%
Year 2
  • Coursework: 75%
  • Practical: 25%

Feedback summary

We aim to provide feedback to you on your assessments within 20 working days.

Your timetable

Your individualised timetable is normally available to students within 48 hours of enrolment. In Year 1, scheduled teaching will be on Thursdays, and Year 2 will be on Wednesdays.

Whilst we make every effort to ensure timetables are as student friendly as possible, scheduled learning and teaching can take place between 9am and 6pm.

Programme fees and funding

Fees for this programme

This degree apprenticeship programme is funded through the Government's Apprenticeship Levy within the approved funding band.

Additional costs

Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which learners will need to consider when planning their studies.

Tuition fees cover the cost of your teaching, assessment and operating University facilities such as the library, IT equipment and other support services. Accommodation and living costs are not included in our fees.

Where a programme has additional expenses, we make every effort to highlight them. These may include optional field trips, materials, security checks such as DBS, and uniforms.

Uniform and equipment

We provide you with a uniform. You will need to purchase appropriate shoes (£20-£60) and a fob watch (£5-£20) for practice. If you want additional uniform items, they are available for purchase

DBS check

Your DBS check will be done via your employer. You may be interested in paying yearly to subscribe to the DBS Update Service. This subscription allows universities and potential employers to view any changes to students' DBS.


Our libraries are a valuable resource with an extensive collection of books and journals as well as first-class facilities and IT equipment. You may prefer to, or be required to, buy your own copy of key textbooks.

Computer equipment

There are open-access networked computers available across the University, plus laptops available to loan. You may find it useful to have your own PC, laptop or tablet which you can use around campus and in halls of residences. Free WiFi is available on each of the campuses.


In the majority of cases coursework can be submitted online. There may be instances when you will be required to submit work in a printed format. Printing and photocopying costs are not included in your tuition fees.


You may need to pay additional travel costs for placements. If you are an apprentice, you can apply for an apprenticeship oyster card.

End-Point Assessment (EPA)

Each apprentice on an approved Apprenticeship Standard is required to take an End-Point Assessment (EPA) to complete the programme. The EPA is delivered by an End-Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) that is registered with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).

The EPA is either integrated as part of the apprenticeship or completed after the course element. If an apprentice is completing the EPA after the course element, they must ensure they have successfully completed their learning, achieved the gateway requirements and finished uploading their evidence prior to taking the EPA.

What does an End-Point Assessment (EPA) involve?

There is no common format for EPAs, as they vary between apprenticeships. All EPAs are developed from 'assessment plans', drawn up by the trailblazer group responsible for apprenticeship standard and subsequently approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE).

An apprentice's EPA plan must detail the knowledge, skills and experience that they are expected to achieve as assessed by independent assessors. Employers have an important role in assessing competency and they have a key responsibility at the gateway in signing off the apprentice as ready to undertake EPA.

The EPA can be conducted either be awarding organisations, training providers like Kingston University, in case of integrated assessment, or End-Point Assessment Organisations (EPAOs). Without exception all should;

  • EPA must be conducted by an independent EPAO, which must be on the Register of End-Point Assessment Organisations. EPAOs will employ independent assessors.
  • Ensure independence – the EPA should be an independent assessment of an apprentice's competence. The decision on whether an apprentice has passed their EPA and what their final grade should be, must be taken by someone who has no vested interest in this decision or relationship to the apprentice. This is to ensure that all apprentices are treated fairly and helps to maintain trust in the robustness of the EPA system.
  • Underpin their EPA services with independent quality assurance.
  • Have relevant occupational experience of the apprenticeship standard.
  • Meet at least twice annually, review programme content and delivery, consider feedback from apprentices, employers and academics, and report findings annually to the University – through established committee structure and to employers.

Who provides a non-integrated assessment?

Employers can choose any organisation listed on the Register of End-Point Assessment Organisations (RoEPAO) against the apprenticeship standard being taken by their apprentice. RoEPAO lists organisations that have been assessed by the ESFA as being suitable to conduct independent EPA of apprentices. The employer can then inform Kingston University who will support the EPA process.

How is an integrated assessment different?

For apprenticeship that follow an integrated approach, the University delivering the apprenticeship will also be the EPAO and must be on the RoEPAO. Thus, integrated apprenticeships are where Kingston University provides both the scheduled teaching and the EPA. No independent assessor organisation is required – though the EPA must still deliver an impartial result – with assessors independent of the apprentice and their employer and, where possible, from a third-party organisation such as a professional body or another employer. If this is not possible, they may be sourced from within the same University but must be occupationally competent, meet any other conditions for assessors and not have been involved in the on-programme delivery.

For further details on EPA process for a particular apprenticeship programme please contact the relevant Apprenticeship Course Leader or Faculty Student/Degree Apprenticeship Officer. You can also get in touch with the Kingston University apprenticeships team via or 020 8417 5492.

After you graduate

This programme will equip you to work as a Maternity Support Worker and enhance your career in the health and social care sector. You may be able to progress to a shortened nursing degree course.

The programme will enable you to develop a wide range of specialist and transferable clinical, care and interpersonal skills (including medicines management).

Visit NHS Careers for more information about the role of Nursing Associates working in the NHS.


Next steps

Next steps


If you are currently employed full time and would like to find out more about apprenticeships, please ask your employer to contact the Kingston University apprenticeship team.


If you are an employer interested in how apprenticeships can support your organisation and employees, please contact the apprenticeship team for further details.

Course changes and regulations

The information on this page reflects the currently intended course structure and module details. To improve your student experience and the quality of your degree, we may review and change the material information of this course. Course changes explained.

Programme Specifications for the course are published ahead of each academic year.

Regulations governing this course can be found on our website.