Kingston University library buildings are open for all our learners and the wider community.
To help manage building capacity throughout the academic year the following protocols apply:
From 3 June 2024: designated study spaces (limited capacity) will be available to visitors. For more information, see our library services for visitors page.
During key academic weeks (dates to be confirmed) only Kingston University students, staff or invited guests are allowed to use our study desks / study areas. Visitors are welcome to view our buildings and use our cafes but not to use study areas.
As a reference-only visitor, you can access print resources, for example, books, journals and use study spaces in the library abiding by the library policies, agreements and regulations.
Students from schools and colleges are welcome but those under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, see our library services for visitors page.
We do not offer any print or copy services to visitors or external library members.
We cannot offer access to computing facilities or e-resources to external library members.
Kingston University provides wireless internet access to visitors. For more details view our Information and Technology Services WiFi page.
All four libraries are wheelchair accessible with hearing loops and height adjustable tables available. Disabled parking is provided at each site with accessible toilets either inside or very close to the libraries.
Detailed information is available on AccessAble:
The libraries provide a variety of additional support options designed to improve access to services and facilities for students who have been assessed by the disability and mental health team. Please contact to speak to an advisor about your individual requirements.
Assessed additional services include:
You may be entitled to use equipment in the Access Technology Rooms (ATRs) in the libraries. The ATRs have the following:
You may have been advised of the need for a personal evacuation plan. If you have one of these you should follow those guidelines. If you do not have a personal evacuation plan and feel that you need one (for example if you have a mobility difficulty or a hearing impairment) you should contact the disability and mental health team at who will be able to advise you.
The general guidelines are that you are advised to inform the library staff on arrival if you have mobility difficulties or impaired hearing so that library staff are aware that you are in the building in case of emergency evacuation. If you are hearing impaired, you are advised not to work alone on remote floors (at Penrhyn Road and Kingston Hill), as the emergency alarm system works only on an audible principle at the present time.
Lifts must not be used during an emergency or fire drill. If you are unable to use the stairs, please be aware of the designated refuge areas which are typically located in stairwells.
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