Dr Rex A McKenzie


I was trained at the New School for Social Research in New York USA. My 2006 Ph.D. thesis was entitled Three Essays in the Political Economy of the English Speaking Caribbean. I have held Lecturer, Assistant Professor and Senior Researcher posts in Economics at the University of Technology, Kingston, Jamaica, Purchase College, SUNY, New York, USA, and the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. Before academia, I was a professional Foreign Exchange Dealer for sixteen years and this professional experience connects to my research activities in the area of Global Political Economy. 

I am a 2021-2022 Trust for London (TFL) grantee and lead the Wealth Chains Project (WCP). The WCP is a collaboration of social science researchers from different universities aimed at gaining a greater understanding of the relationship between property investment coming from offshore tax havens and socio-economic inequality in London.

Academic responsibilities

Senior Lecturer in Economics

Teaching and learning

I have been teaching for several years and in my teaching I follow Dave Collander, "Ultimately content, not delivery, determines whether one is or is not a good teacher. No matter how well you deliver it, if you do not have something to say, you are not going to be a good teacher." I therefore spend a lot of time thinking about content. Am I saying what I need to say in the way that students can understand and relate to? Thus for me, the key teaching issues are: "what is the content of what we are teaching; what role does that content serve; and should the content be changed?"

Undergraduate courses taught


Current Research:The Wealth Chain Project

I lead the Wealth Chain Project. The project is the result of a competitive bidding process and is a Trust for London funded research project that combines open ended, semi structured interviews with HM Land Registry data on foreign ownership and a unique empty homes data set to gain a greater understanding of the relationship between property investment coming from offshore tax havens and socio-economic inequality in London.

Research student supervision

Main supervision

Other supervision


Number of items: 30.


Mckenzie, Rex (2024) What is balance sheet driven and real estate backed? Housing and Society, ISSN (print) 0888-2746 (Epub Ahead of Print)

McKenzie, Rex, Atkinson, Rowland and Ingianni, Andrea (2023) Applying the global wealth chain typology to property purchases in the Liverpool and Merseyside Area. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, ISSN (print) 0308-518X (Epub Ahead of Print)

Bourne, Jonathan, Ingianni, Andrea and McKenzie, Rex (2023) What’s in the laundromat? Mapping and characterising offshore-owned residential property in London. Environment and Planning B : Urban Analytics and City Science, ISSN (print) 2399-8083 (Epub Ahead of Print)

Bourne, Jonathan, Ingianni, Andrea and McKenzie, Rex (2022) What's in the laundromat? Mapping and characterising offshore owned domestic property in London. arXiv,

McKenzie, Rex and Atkinson, Rowland (2020) Anchoring capital in place : the grounded impact of international wealth chains on housing markets in London. Urban Studies, 57(1), pp. 21-38. ISSN (print) 0042-0980

McKenzie, Rex (2012) In Ponzi's image. Social and Economic Studies, 61(4), pp. 171-203. ISSN (print) 0037-7651

McKenzie, Rex A. (2011) Casino capitalism with derivatives: fragility and instability in contemporary finance. Review of Radical Political Economics, 43(2), pp. 198-215. ISSN (print) 0486-6134


Comert, Hasan and McKenzie, Rex A., eds. (2016) The Global South After the Crisis: Growth, Inequality and Development in the Aftermath of the Great Recession. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar. 288p. ISBN 9781783474301

Book Section

McKenzie, Rex [Interviewee] and Dyveke Styve, Maria [Interviewer] (2017) The Caribbean plantation economy and dependency theory. In: Kufakurinani, Ushehwedu , Harvold Kvangraven, Ingrid , Santanta, Frutuoso and Dyveke Styve, Maria, (eds.) Dialogues on development. New York, U.S. : Young Scholars International ; Institute for New Economic Thinking. pp. 42-48. 1 ISSN (online) 2472-6966

McKenzie, Rex and Mohamed, Seeraj (2016) Financialisation of non-financial corporations and households : empirical evidence from the sources and uses of funds. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 115-125. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15))

McKenzie, Rex and Mohamed, Seeraj (2016) Growth of finance. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 26-37. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15))

McKenzie, Rex (2016) History and evolution of the structure of South African financial system. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 38-60. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15))

McKenzie, Rex (2016) Plantation meets MEC : political economy of culture in financialised South Africa. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 106-114. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15))

McKenzie, Rex (2016) Privatisation in South Africa. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 136-154. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15))

McKenzie, Rex (2016) South Africa’s inequality : a growth path perspective. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 166-174. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15))

McKenzie, Rex (2016) The nature and conduct of macroeconomic policy in South Africa. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 193-204. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15))

McKenzie, Rex and Mohammed, Seeraj (2016) The political economy of South Africa and its interaction with processes of financialisation. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 11-25. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15))

McKenzie, Rex A. (2016) Monetary transmission in Africa : a review of official sources. In: Comert, Hasan and McKenzie, Rex A., (eds.) The Global South after the crisis : growth, inequality and development in the aftermath of the Great Recession. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar. pp. 123-144. ISBN 9781783474301

Conference or Workshop Item

McKenzie, Rex A. (2013) Determinants of financialisation in South Africa: a balance sheet approach. In: Financialisation Conference: International Capital Flows and Financialisation of the South African Economy: Policy Options for Stimulating the Employment-driven New Growth Path; 3-4 Oct 2013, Pretoria, South Africa. (Unpublished)

McKenzie, Rex A (2005) The party and the garrison. In: University of Massachusetts – New School University Economics Graduate Student Workshop; 5-6 Nov 2005, Amherst, Massachusetts, U.S.A.. (Unpublished)

McKenzie, Rex A. (2005) Structuralist approaches to social & economic development in the English speaking Caribbean. In: 6th Annual SALISES Conference : Governance, Institutions and Economic Growth: Reflections on Sir Arthur Lewis’ Theory of Economic Growth; 17-18 Mar 2005, Mona, Jamaica. (Unpublished)


Mc Kenzie, Rex (2024) Towards a more inclusive economic analysis : reflections on Dymski's dual separation and my research on inequality and uneven development. (Technical Report) Kingston Upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University. 7 p. (Economics Discussion Papers)

McKenzie, Rex A. (2017) Dependency and Hegemony in Neoliberal South Africa. (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 21 p. (Economics Discussion Paper, no. 2017-04)

McKenzie, Rex A. (2016) The Africa Rising Narrative - Whither development? (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 19 p. (Economics Discussion Paper, no. 2016-09)

McKenzie, Rex A. (2016) Financial and Corporate Structure in South Africa. (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 25 p. (Economics Discussion Papers, no. 2016-05)

McKenzie, Rex A. (2015) Monetary transmission in Africa : a review of official sources. (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 36 p. (Economics Discussion Paper, no. 2015-07)

McKenzie, Rex A. (2013) Financialization and labor: what does Marikana tell us about inequality in South Africa? (Working Paper) New York, U.S.A. : New School for Social Research. 23 p. (New School for Social Research, Department of Economics Working Papers, no. 05/2013)

McKenzie, Rex and Pons-Vignon, Nicolas (2012) Volatile capital flows and a route to financial crisis in South Africa. (Working Paper) Munich, Germany : MPRA University Library of Munich. 34 p. (MPRA Paper, no. 40119)

McKenzie, R., Ashman, S., Pillay, S., Mfongeh, G. and Ncube, P. (2011) Capital controls for South Africa: a case study approach. (Working Paper) Corporate Strategy and Industrial Development (CSID) University of Witwatersrand.

McKenzie, R., Newman, S., Mohamed, S., Gwanoya, N., Mfongeh, G. and Ncube, P. (2011) DTI report on historical trends of industry linkages: key sector identification using (input-output analysis). (Technical Report) Corporate Strategy and Industrial Development (CSID), University of Witswatersrand.

This list was generated on Sun Sep 8 07:06:06 2024 BST.

Professional practice, knowledge exchange and impact

Among other things, I work very closely with Action on Empty Homes in order to bring foward policy suggesstions aimed at a more equitable distribution of housing wealth in the UK. I am particularly concerned by the scale of homelessness alongside growing numbers of empty homes in the capital and other cities. To that end, I sit on the Board of Action on Empty Homes and lead periodic workshops and seminars on related housing issues..