Kingston University is committed to creating an equal and inclusive learning environment where we can celebrate our individual diversity and feel confident to challenge inequality. This calendar features religious festivals, awareness days and key equality, diversity and inclusion campaigns. Use the calendar to help plan events and initiatives in an inclusive way.
Special dates and events have been chosen to represent the diversity of our community and is not an exhaustive list. Religious festivals are highlighted so that students can ask for reasonable study adjustments to meet their religious commitments.
Please note when using the calendar:
As students are welcomed to the university, becoming a University of Sanctuary will ensure that everyone feels safe, welcome and able to pursue their right to education.
University of Sanctuary is an initiative to recognise and celebrate the good practice of universities welcoming people seeking sanctuary into HE.
Read more about the University of Sanctuary.
Black History Month is a time for us to reflect, celebrate and champion the rich history and legacy of Black people both past and present. Although Black history and the significant achievements and contributions of people from the African Diaspora to society should be acknowledged all year round, Black History Month serves as an opportunity to directly draw attention to this and to challenge the systems that allow racial inequality to exist in our society.
The anti-racism pledge is a sector-wide commitment started by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC). Kingston University fully endorses the anti-racism pledge: 'Racism exists on our campuses and in our society. Call it what it is and reject it in all its forms. We stand united against racism.'
View and attend this year's BHM programme.
'Whoever you are, wherever you are from and whatever your world view, religion or faith, we believe you belong here and are part of our university community' – Faith and Spirituality at Kingston University.
Each year, Inter Faith Week begins on Remembrance Sunday and provides a focal point, together with the wider community, to open up inter faith activity and increase understanding between people of religious and non-religious beliefs. On Remembrance Day we all come together to commemorate those who have died as a result of war or genocide.
Our Faith and Spirituality team works in partnership with the local faith communities to offer spiritual care to all students and staff.
Check out our faith facilities and all upcoming Faith and Spirituality events.
Taking care of ourselves emotionally, physically, and mentally can really affect our happiness, our levels of stress and how we study and work. Various teams are available to support you throughout your studies.
The Disability and Mental Health Advisors at KU work with students who have diagnosed health conditions, disability, Specific Learning Differences (SpLD) and mental health conditions. International Day for Persons with Disabilities occurs on 3 December annually.
Explore the Student Wellbeing Hub for more support.
We all have a responsibility to be respectful to others and challenge poor behaviour.
You can:
Read something thought-provoking from our Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Collection on iCat.
LGBT History Month focuses on the celebration and recognition of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people (LGBT+) and culture. The theme this year is 'Medicine', promoting the work and lives of historical LGBT+ people who worked in medicine and healthcare.
Read more on LGBT+ History Month.
Join our LGBT+ Student Society or Stand Tall Think Big Network staff network.
Kingston University celebrates Women's History Month and International Women's Day (IWD) by sharing inspirational stories and the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women across the institution. Each one of us can help create a gender equal world.
In March the Global Festival also returns with a week-long series of events run by Kingston Students' Union that celebrates diversity and internationalism.
Read more about the IWD 2023 campaign #EmbraceEquity.
This month we focus on KU Cares support for students.
Our award winning team has been providing a comprehensive package of support for students who have experience of local authority care, are estranged from their families, are young adult carers, and also our KU Sanctuary Scholars.
This month we mark Care Experienced History Month to celebrate and acknowledge the existence of care-experienced people and the history of care, to best understand the system as it is today.
Visit the Care Experienced History Month website for resources, lectures, and untold stories.
In honour of UNESCO's Cultural Diversity Day, each May we celebrate our vibrant community by sharing stories and lived experiences. This day marks the need for intercultural dialogue, peace and united sustainable development.
During Cultural Diversity Week, we will also be marking Refugee Week which spotlights the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary.
Tell your story, take part in the I am... campaign or the #MyNameIs campaign.
Pride Month takes place every June to commemorate the Stonewall Riots in 1969. At Kingston, queer or not, all are welcome to celebrate and reflect together during Pride Month.
Take a look at the Kingston LGBT Forum community blog.
In line with the UN International Day of Friendship taking place on 30 July, this month we encourage you to join a network or society that you are passionate about. Kingston Students' Union offers several active societies related to culture, faith, academia, arts, activities, liberation and campaigns.
July also marks South Asian Heritage Month, a time for our KU community to reflect on identity, community, gender, faith and family. SAHM seeks to commemorate, mark and celebrate South Asian cultures, histories and communities.
Make a friend in a new network or society!
The University has many ways to report unwanted behaviour, both formally and informally. Keep yourself and others safe on campus and access the right support if you need it.
Familiarise yourself with Report and Support.