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In Conflict? Lent Talks 2019

This event has taken place

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Time: 1.10pm - 2.00pm
Venue: All Saints Church, Marketplace, Kingston
Price: free
Speaker(s): Various

In Conflict? Lent Talks 2019

Why do we disagree? Why do some disagreements hurt us so much whereas others don't?  What exactly is a disagreement and how does it affect us? How can we learn to disagree well, perhaps even productively, even when the disagreement is within our families, religious community, political sphere?

This Lent we shall be holding a series of talks that explore from a psychological point of view what it is to disagree and how to do it well. The talks will use case studies drawn from the religious sphere, the legal sphere and within families.

All the talks are free, non-ticketed, and open to students, staff and members of the general public. Please just come on the day(s).

Five Wednesdays, 1.10 - 2.00pm, starting on Wednesday 13 March:
  • Wednesday 13 March: "Why do we disagree? Why does it hurt when we do?" Professor Adrian Coyle, Department of Psychology, Kingston University;
  • Wednesday 20 March: "Conflict in Religion?" Bishop Tim Thornton (Anglican Bishop at Lambeth and former Diocesan Bishop of Truro);
  • Wednesday 27 March: "Conflict in Law?" The Hon Richard Hawkins QC, (retired Judge at the Old Bailey);
  • Wednesday 3 April: "Conflict in the Family?" Suzanna Stein (Accredited Family Mediator and Counsellor);
  • Wednesday 10 April: "How to disagree productively. An Open Discussion" led by Louise Walton (Kingston University Faith Advisor).

For further information about this event:

Contact: Louise Walton / Faith and Spirituality, Student Wellbeing
Tel: 02084172940


Directions to All Saints Church, Marketplace, Kingston:
