Your search returned 1102 news stories:
Posted Wednesday 16 November 2022
Kingston University is embedding a new model of education across its curriculum with the launch of the Navigate programme – ensuring students on all courses are equipped with the skills, experience and opportunities to succeed in their future careers.
Posted Tuesday 8 November 2022
A Kingston University research assistant has written his life story about growing up with learning disabilities, the challenges he has faced throughout his life and how he is working to change perceptions, which was celebrated during an event at the Houses of Parliament.
Posted Friday 28 October 2022
11 projects from graduating MA Sustainable Design students were collected together to form an exhibition, held on the grounds of Kingston Museum.
Posted Monday 24 October 2022
Having a pet can help people who are less resilient cope with the stresses of everyday life, new Kingston University research has found. Where owners consider their animals to be more important than the friends in their lives, however, it can contribute to increased feelings of loneliness.
Posted Thursday 20 October 2022
Six practices have been shortlisted as part of a process to determine the architects of a proposed building at Kingston University.
Posted Thursday 13 October 2022
Kingston University has launched a long-term strategy, founded on its sector-leading Future Skills campaign.
Posted Wednesday 28 September 2022
Kingston University PhD student Sadaf Akbari, who is researching how smart materials could be used to replace damaged bones within the human body, has been named winner of this year's national Vitae Three Minute Thesis competition
Posted Tuesday 27 September 2022
Kingston University has been ranked among the best in the country in several subject areas and as one of the top 60 institutions overall in the latest Guardian University Guide league tables. The University topped the national tables for interior design and was named second in the country for fashion and textiles and mental health nursing – as well as being the top ranked London institution for both subject areas.