Reducing, reusing and recycling waste at Kingston University

Supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Kingston University's practices tie in with the United Nations SDGs, which aim to transform our world and promote prosperity for all while protecting our planet. The University's policy on reducing, reusing and recycling supports:

Our approach

Kingston University recognises that all aspects of our operations generate waste, emissions and discharges and we are committed to optimising use of our resources by implementing the waste hierarchy.

Kingston University has a zero waste-to-landfill policy in place and we are working to continuously prevent and reduce waste production in all areas of the University. Anything we can't recycle is taken to an energy recovery facility (incinerator) where it is burned to generate electricity for the national grid and food is anaerobically digested to where it is broken down by micro-organisms to create biogas and liquid fertiliser. 

Read more about how we manage food waste.

In 2022/2023, the University generated 488 tonnes of waste from operational activity and 747 tonnes from construction activity. Of our operational activity, 63% was incinerated to generate energy from waste, 32% was recycled and 5% was anaerobically digested.

Kingston University has a waste target divert 60% of operational waste (residential and non-residential) from landfill/EfW per academic year.

Read more about our commitments to waste in our Waste Policy, on our Policies and Reports webpage.


When our students move out of their halls of residence at the end of term, many have items which they no longer want or need. To address this and make sure these items don't end up in the bin, we run an annual 'Re:Love' project, where we collect items that could have been re-used, and donate them to charity.

In 2022/23, students in Clayhill Halls of Residence donated more than a tonne of unwanted belongings (clothes, books, food and kitchen items).

Re:Use Hub

The Reuse Box, located in the John Galsworthy Courtyard at Penrhyn road, offers unwanted stationery for staff and students to rehome. typically open Thursdays 12:00- 13:00.

Our ethos: only take what you need, to donate your surplus and reduce waste

If you are a local charity and would be interested in claiming items that the University no longer needs, please contact us.

Kingston University students helping to recycle in the local area

Get in touch with the Sustainability Team

Estates and Sustainability
Services Building
Penrhyn Road Campus
Kingston upon Thames
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)20 8417 6520

Get in touch with the Sustainability Team