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Study Abroad programme fees and expenses

Smiling study abroad students

How much will it cost?

Kingston University's Study Abroad fees are very competitive and represent excellent value for money. 

The fees cover:

  • all tuition (12–16 US [22.5–30 ECTS] credits per semester)
  • discounted airport pick-up service
  • special welcome and departure events
  • enrolment, use of library and computing services
  • student counselling, wellbeing and health centre services
  • membership of the Students' Union
  • provision of a transcript at the end of your studies.

Travel, accommodation, living expenses, insurance or field trips are not covered by the fee.

The fee that you are charged depends upon the length of the study period and whether you are applying to Kingston via a partner institution or independently.

If you are applying independently, the fees are shown below.

Study optionPeriod of studyTuition fees 2023/24Tuition fees 2024/25
1 Academic year £12,080 £13,300
2 Autumn (Fall) semester £6,040 £6,650
3 Spring semester £6,040 £6,650

Payment and deadlines

If you are personally liable for paying your tuition fees to Kingston, you must do so on the first day of enrolment at Kingston. Fees are payable in British pounds and can be paid either via:

Find out how to pay your fees.

Refund policy

The policy is as shown below, dependent upon your date of withdrawal:

Date of withdrawalStudy optionFees
Before 15 August 1 or 2 No administration fee
Before 1 December 3 No administration fee
After 15 August 1 or 2 £200 administration fee
After 1 December 3 £200 administration fee
After arrival at Kingston University, but before first day of teaching 1, 2, 3 Either switch to the next semester/year at no additional cost; or

£200 administration fee plus 90% refund of tuition fees
After the first day of teaching, but before end of second teaching week 1, 2, 3 £200 administration fee plus 75% refund of tuition fees
After second week of teaching 1, 2, 3 No refund

The end of the teaching week is Friday, so the start of the subsequent week is deemed to be Saturday. A proportion of XB5067 British Life and Culture field trip fees (if paid) may be refunded.

Living expenses and accommodation

In addition to the tuition fee, you will need to budget for living expenses. The table below shows you the rough breakdown of what you might need to spend a week. This may be different, dependent upon individual taste and lifestyle. Generally, about £180 per week will cover meals, some local travel, study-related costs, entertainment and other personal items.

Standard university-arranged accommodation will cost between £144 and £192 per week (2023/24 figures).

Expenditure typeApproximate cost per week
Food £80
Textbooks/printing/copying £10
Laundry £8
Travel £12
Socialising/other items £70
Total £180

Financial Aid

Kingston University is not able to administer any financial aid/scholarships that Study Abroad students would normally receive through their home college/university. 
If you are from the USA in receipt of Financial Aid, please check with the Financial Aid office at your home institution, as you may be able to continue with your current funding regime whilst abroad.

BUTEX scholarships for North American students

The British Universities Transatlantic Exchange Association (BUTEX) scholarship is available to all undergraduate students currently registered at an institution in the USA or Canada. In order to apply for this, you must have been made a formal Study Abroad offer in a UK university which is a member of BUTEX, such as Kingston University.

Each scholarship is worth US$500 and will be paid to the recipient after they have enrolled at Kingston University, please visit for further details.

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Study Abroad at Kingston University

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