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Renewing items from library

Kingston University library buildings are open for all our learners and the wider community.

To help manage building capacity throughout the academic year the following protocols apply:

From 3 June 2024: designated study spaces (limited capacity) will be available to visitors. For more information, see our library services for visitors page.

During key academic weeks (dates to be confirmed) only Kingston University students, staff or invited guests are allowed to use our study desks / study areas. Visitors are welcome to view our buildings and use our cafes but not to use study areas.

As a reference-only visitor, you can access print resources, for example, books, journals and use study spaces in the library abiding by the library policies, agreements and regulations.

Students from schools and colleges are welcome but those under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, see our library services for visitors page.

We do not offer any print or copy services to visitors or external library members.

We cannot offer access to computing facilities or e-resources to external library members.

Kingston University provides wireless internet access to visitors. For more details view our Information and Technology Services WiFi page.

How are items renewed?

Automatic Renewals

Four-week loans and seven-day loans are automatically renewed a day before the due date unless:

  • they have been requested by someone else; or
  • your library account has been blocked preventing you from borrowing or renewing other items.

Your account will be blocked from borrowing items if your account has reached £15 in fines.

In these circumstances the item will not be automatically renewed. You will be emailed and informed that you must return these items or fines will apply.

Desk loan items can only be renewed at the library helpdesks.

Renewing Yourself

If you wish, you can renew items yourself at any time provided they meet the conditions above. You can do this in the 'My Account' area on iCat:

First, sign in to iCat using the 'Sign in' link in the top-right corner, then click 'My Account'. All the items you have on loan will be displayed, with their due dates.

Select 'Renew' or 'Renew all' to renew your loans. The due date for the renewed items will be updated if the renewal was successful 

You can also do this using the 'Renew items' option on the self-service machines in the libraries.

How many times can items be renewed?

Items on your account will continue renewing, unless someone else requests them or your account is blocked. 

Items will be renewed from the day of the renewal, so a seven-day loan that has been renewed will be due back seven days after the date it was renewed.

What happens during vacations? 

Four-week loans, seven-day loans and desk loan items continue to be issued and renewed for their normal loan periods over the vacations and during placements.

Your loans will not renew if they have been requested by another borrower or if there is a problem with your account. If you live a long distance from the libraries we ensure fines on an item are suspended for seven days to provide you with adequate time to return the item. If you do not return the item within those seven days you will be subject to the full fine.

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