Dr Huda Morgan


My teaching and learning exceeds 30 years of experience, during which, I have taught on a wide range of UG and PG courses and modules in materials, chemical, and pharmaceutical sciences across many institutions in the UK and aboard. As a career and employability champion, I initiated academic - soft skills development into the curriculum to empower the students with the must-have skills that are essential, not just for the university work, but for the workplace and life. 

I also have established a track record in research with four postdoctoral research fellow positions between Imperial College, The Royal London Medical College, Queen Mary University, London and Kingston University working on EU, AQUA, MRC, and EPSRC projects. My research interests are interdisciplinary in nature, predominantly on natural products to combat neoplastic disease in collaboration with internal colleagues and research partners from across Europe and the rest of the world.

As a registered STEM Ambassador, I am extremely passionate about inspiring the next generation into STEM and related subjects to make a difference in their lives.  

Kingston University is at the forefront of innovation in pedagogy and research and I am committed to contributing to the KU22+ strategic plan in advancing our inclusive and vibrant learning community. 

Academic responsibilities

Senior Lecturer in Materials Chemistry


  • DPhil in Materials Science, Imperial College, London
  • DIC in Engineering, Imperial College
  • MPhil in Inorganic Chemistry, Southampton University
  • BSc (Hons) in Chemistry, Basra University
  • FHEA

Teaching and learning

I teach on a wide range of UG and PG courses across three departments in the School of Life Sciences, Pharmacy and Chemistry. This has given more depth of subject knowledge in teaching outside of my field of expertise such as; polymer chemistry, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, and medicinal chemistry.

As a senior lecturer, I have designed, delivered and assessed modules across all university levels (3-7), supervised an extensive range of research projects; PhD, MSc, MPharm, MChem, MPharmSci, BSc, summer intern and taught MSc dissertations. I am a module leader in analytical and experimental chemistry and chemistry for pharmacy with foundation year in addition to being a personal tutor for 33 tutees to foster personal development and social acumen. 

I lead skills development to strengthen students' career prospects and provide 360 evidence TEF support. I designed, developed and embedded a bespoke Academic-Soft Skills Checklist (ASCL) in several modules within my school and across the university, which proved to be successful pedagogical tool in assessing students' strengths and weaknesses. I run workshops and extra curricular with invited alumni and industrial guest speakers in partnership with our career and employability centre. During Covid-19 lockdown, I incorporated online hackathon activities with the KU Enterprise to brainstorm and advance entrepreneurial skills given Kingston's cosmopolitan nature.

I presented skills development at the Kingston's Employability Summit in March 2021, and SADRAS research work on skills pedagogy at the Festival of Learning, June 2020 and given a guest lecture presentation at DryLabs, Oxford University, July 2020.    

Being a teaching and learning observer, I influence colleagues' practices to promote high quality teaching to our future scientists, engineers and mathematicians to maintain national and international presence and reputation of this institution. 

Qualifications and expertise

  • Certificate of PGCHE-Supervising Research Students Module, Kingston University
  • Certificate of Teaching English as a Second Language, UK-TEFL
  • Fellow of The Higher Education Academy
  • Certificate of Mentoring, The Royal Society of Chemistry
  • Senior Fellow of The Higher Education Academy
  • Certificate of Public Engagement, IN2SCIENCEUK

Undergraduate courses taught

Postgraduate courses taught


My research interests and expertise have evolved over the years to be more focused on interdisciplinary areas through working on a broad range of research projects across many institutions nationally and internationally contributing to REF and KEF.

At Kingston University, I conducted research on thermoplastic blends and composites with Prof Peter Foot and University of North London; and researched on liquid fingerprints with Prof Andy Augusti, Queens University Ireland, Barcelona water and Manchester. Previously, at The Royal London Hospital Medical College and QMU, London, I worked with Prof Jim Elliott on an MRC project on biomaterials and biophysics in relation to dentistry with Bristol University. In addition, my DPhil was an EU project on nano-ceramics from molten salts between Imperial and Universite Claude Bernard, Lyon, France.

For my research teaching, I introduced diverse projects on phytochemicals and pharmaceutical properties of dried fruits, biodegradable polymers blends for bone scaffolding, nanotechnology in toothpaste to risk assessments of chemicals in cheap cosmetics. Most recent research project on nutraceuticals to manage cancer carried out in collaboration with internal colleagues with Dr Moses Langat of Kew Gardens. All my projects are advertised on FindAPhD. So far, I have secured £15,600 for 15 summer interns, was awarded £3000 grant to lead a SADRAS (Student Academic Development Research Associate Scheme) and recently included in Kingston GRS PhD-studentship competition. 

I reviewed book proposals for Elsevier, worked on transcript of molten salts chemistry book (French) for John Wiley & Sons, and reviewed research articles for Smithers-Rapa and SAGE-Journal of Polymers and Polymer Composites. I supervised more than 23 masters, over 50 undergraduates, 13 summer interns, one postdoctoral fellow and three successful PhD completion. I am also internal examiner of 7 MPhil-PhD transfers, and a PhD thesis. 

Qualifications and expertise

  • Summer Internship Grants, Kingston University
  • SADRAS Research Grant 2019, Kingston University
  • Academic Impact Awards, Best Supervisor 2021, Union of Kingston Students
  • GRS PhD studentship Award 2022, Kingston University

Areas of specialism

  • Nanoceramics
  • Conducting Polymers
  • Biomaterials
  • Natural Products

Scholarly affiliations

  • MRSC, The Royal Society of Chemistry
  • MBPS, British Pharmacological Society

Research student supervision


Number of items: 12.


Ajaj, Asmaa, J’Bari, Shayma, Ononogbo, Anthonia, Buonocore, Federico, Bear, Joseph C., Mayes, Andrew G. and Morgan, Huda (2021) An insight into the growing concerns of styrene monomer and poly(Styrene) fragment migration into food and drink simulants from poly(Styrene) packaging. Foods, 10(5), e1136. ISSN (online) 2304-8158

Yong, K.C., Foot, P.J.S., Morgan, H., Cook, S., Tinker, A.J. and Ahmed, Md Aris (2008) Electrically conductive epoxidised natural rubber-polyaniline dodecylbenzenesulfonate blends prepared by solution mixing. Journal of Rubber Research, 11(2), pp. 59-77. ISSN (print) 1511-1768

Abbas, Zaid K., Barton, Stephen J., Foot, Peter J.S. and Morgan, Huda (2007) Conductive polyaniline/poly (epichlorohydrin-co-ethylene oxide) blends prepared in solution. Polymers and Polymer Composites, 15(1), pp. 1-7. ISSN (print) 0967-3911

Yong, K.C., Foot, P.J.S., Morgan, H., Cook, S. and Tinker, A.J. (2006) Conductive poly(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile)-polyaniline dodecylbenzenesulfonate [NBR-PAni.DBSA] blends prepared in solution. European Polymer Journal, 42(8), pp. 1716-1727. ISSN (print) 0014-3057

Poussin, Denis, Morgan, Huda and Foot, Peter J.S. (2003) Thermal doping of polyaniline by sulfonic acids. Polymer International, 52(3), pp. 433-438. ISSN (print) 0959-8103

Morgan, H., Foot, P.J.S. and Brooks, N.W. (2001) The effects of composition and processing variables on the properties of thermoplastic polyaniline blends and composites. Journal of Materials Science, 36(22), pp. 5369-5377. ISSN (print) 0022-2461

Morgan, H., Wilson, R.M., Elliott, J.C., Dowker, S.E.P. and Anderson, P. (2000) Preparation and characterisation of monoclinic hydroxyapatite and its precipitated carbonate apatite intermediate. Biomaterials, 21(6), pp. 617-627. ISSN (print) 0142-9612

Morgan, H., Wilson, R., Elliott, J., Dowker, S. and Anderson, P. (1998) Cells for the study of acidic dissolution in packed apatite powders as model systems for dental caries. Caries Research, 32(6), pp. 428-434. ISSN (print) 0008-6568

Al-Raihani, Huda, Durand, Bernard, Chassagneux, Fernand and Inman, Douglas (1996) A novel preparation of calcia fully stabilised zirconia from molten alkali-metal nitrate. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 6(3), pp. 495-500. ISSN (print) 0959-9428

Al Raihani, Huda, Durand, Bernard, Chassagneux, F., Kerridge, David H. and lnman, Douglas (1994) Zirconia formation by reaction of zirconium sulfate in molten alkali-metal nitrates or nitrites. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 4(8), pp. 1331-1336. ISSN (print) 0959-9428

Conference or Workshop Item

Yong, Kok Chong, Ahmed, Md Aris, Foot, P J S, Morgan, H, Cook, S and Tinker, A J (2009) Preparation and characterisation of novel electrically conductive rubber blends. In: 1st International Conference on Polymer Electronics; 04-05 Feb 2009, Barcelona, Spain. (Unpublished)

Morgan, H., Elliott, J.C., Anderson, P. and Dowker, S.E.P. (1997) Effect of grinding on CaHPO4.2H2O formation during acid treatment of apatites. In: British Society for Dental Research The British Division of the IADR 45th Annual Meeting; 07-10 Apr 1997, Brighton, U.K.. ISSN (print) 0022-0345 (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Sun Feb 16 05:24:35 2025 GMT.

Business, knowledge transfer and international


  • Asmaa Ajaj, Shayma J'Bari, Anthonia Ononogbo, Federico Buonocore, Joseph C. Bear, Andrew G. Mayes, and Huda Morgan*. Migration of styrene monomer and polystyrene microplastic particles from food and drink packaging into simulants, Scientific Reports, Nature submitted in November 2019.
  • Z Abbas, S Barton, P Foot & H. Morgan. Conductive Polyaniline/poly(epichlorohydrin-co-ethylene oxide) blends prepared in solution; Polym and Polym Composites, Vol. 15, No. 1 (2007).
  • KC Yong, PJS Foot, H. Morgan, S Cook & AJ Tinker. Conductive poly(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile)-polyaniline dodecylbenzenesulfonate blends prepared in solution. European Polym J 42, 1716-27 (2006).
  • Light-Weight Organo-Ceramics for Prosthetic, Surgical and Structural Applications. H. Morgan and PJS Foot, UK Patent Appl. no. GB03290566 March 2005.
  • D Poussin, H. Morgan and PJS Foot. Thermal doping of polyaniline by sulfonic acids, Polym Inter 52, 433-38 (2003).
  • H. Morgan, P Foot & NW Brooks. The effects of composition & processing on properties of thermoplastic polyaniline blends/composites, J Mater. Sci. 36, 5369-77 (2001).
  • H. Morgan, R. Wilson, J. Elliott, S. Dowker. Preparation and characterisation of monoclinic hydroxyapatite and its precipitated carbonate apatite intermediate, Biomaterials, 21, 617 (2000).
  • H. Morgan, R. Wilson, J. Elliott and P. Anderson. Cells for the study of acidic dissolution in packed apatite powders as model systems for dental caries, Caries Res.; 32:428 (1998).
  • Effect of Grinding on CaHPO4.2H2O Formation during Acid Ireatment of Apatites. H. Morgan, J. Elliott and P. Anderson. Abstract in J. Dent. Res. 1997, 76, 1083.
  • Preparation of Bulk Stoichiometric Hydroxyapatite. J. Elliott, S. Dowker, H. Morgan and P. Anderson. BSDR Conference, Brighton, April 7-10, 1997.
  • Novel System to Study Demineralization Process in Packed Apatite Powders. H. Morgan, J. Elliott and S. Dowker. Poster at the BSDR Conference, Brighton, April 7-10, 1997.
  • Dissolution Rate as a Function of Depth of Acid Overlying Packed Apatite. H. Morgan, J. Elliott and S. Dowker. Abstract in J. Dent. Res. 1997, 76, 1081.
  • Making Ceramic Powders from Molten Salts. Y. Du, D. Inman and H. Morgan, Materials World, August 1996, 458.
  • A Novel Preparation of Calcia Fully Stabilised Zirconia from Molten Alkali-Metal Nitrate. H. Morgan, B. Durand, F. Chassagneux and D. Inman, J. Mater. Chem., 1996, 6(3), 495.
  • Preparation of Yttria-Doped Zirconia Powder from Molten Salts. Z. Zhao, H. Morgan and D. Inman. Rare Metals, 1995, 14, 2, 91.
  • Zirconia Formation by Reactions of Zirconium Sulfate in Molten Alkali-Metal Nitrates or Nitrites. H. Morgan, B. Durand, F. Chassagneux, D. Kerridge and D. Inman, J. Mater. Chem., 1994, 4(8), 1331.
  • Preparation of Yttria-Doped Zirconia Powder from Molten Salts. Z. Zhao, H. Morgan and D. Inman. Proceedings of the Fifth China-Japan Bilateral Conference on Molten Salts Chemistry and Technology, Kuning, China, 28th Sept. to 2nd Oct. 1994, 126-129.

Published in Kingston University

·         Heba Elmedlou, Huda Morgan, (supervisor), Identification of the antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial compounds in a selected type of date-fruits known as (Phoenix dactylifera). MPharm final year project report, June 2019 Kingston University.

·         Sarah Namuk, Huda Morgan, (supervisor). What are the antioxidants and antiseptics present in dates fruits that could be used as a possible cancer prevention therapy? BSc summer internship project report, July 2019 Kingston University.

·         Yostina Ishak, Huda Morgan, (supervisor). Dates as anti-cancer prevention drugs/cancer-therapy. MPharm summer internship project report, July 2018, Kingston University.

·         Bugrahan Bulut, Huda Morgan (supervisor). Could eating dates prevent cancer? BSc final year project report, July 2018 Kingston University.

·         Aonss Hadi, Huda Morgan, (supervisor). Dates as anti-cancer prevention drugs/cancer-therapy. BSc summer internship project report, July 2017 Kingston University.

Papers in Preparations:

·         Fingerprinting of Beverages/Liquids, A. Augousti, J. Mason and H. Morgan.

·         Preparation of Homogenous Nano-Sized ZrO2-Y2O3 Solid Solution Crystallites from Molten Alkali Nitrates and Nitrites. H. Morgan, B. Durand and D. Inman

·         Processing of Polyaniline Blends/Composites. H. Morgan, P. Foot, & A. Farid.

·         Preparation of Novel Superconductors from Salts. H. Morgan and D. Inman.

Assisted Publications:

·         New Lightweight Biomaterials, E. Drillet, STAGE project, 2004

·         Conducting polyaniline, E. Campbell, 2004

·         Conducting Thiophenes, C. Pratt, Kingston University, 2000

Professional practice, knowledge exchange and impact

Awards, Professional Memberships, Certificates and CPDs

1.      SFHEA Advance HE (The Higher Education Academy) October 2019

2.      FHEA Advance HE (The Higher Education Academy), 2017

3.      Member of ATHENA-SWAN committee, December 2018

4.      Member of Network for Equality Champions (NEC's), July 2019

5.      MRSC of The Royal Society of Chemistry, London 2016

6.      TEFL Teaching English as Foreign Language Award by UK-TEFL, 2013

7.      PGCHE-Supervising Research Students certificate, Kingston University 2003.

8.      Member of the UK Society of Biomaterials UKSB, 2000

9.      Member of the UK Nanotechnology and Nanoscience, UK 2003

10.  Workshops for SFHEA of Advance HE (Higher Education Academy), 2019

11.  Workshops for FHEA of Advance HE (the Higher Education Academy), 2017

12.  Teaching Observation Training for Teaching Observers, January 2019

13.  Athena SWAN member, December 2018

14.  Health and Safety, September 2018

15.  Annual Festival of Learning (FoL) KU conference, 2017 and 2018

16.  General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 2018

17.  Winning Research Grant Funding, June 2018

18.  Refresher for Supervisors of Research Students, May 2018

19.  Ongoing training on canvas, SEAts, Unified, SITS, OSIS, Turnitin, Clearing

20.  MRSC of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016

21.  Member of the UK Biomaterial Society, 2012

22.  TEFL-UK-Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, 2013

23.  PGCHE-Supervising Research Students Module, Kingston University, 2003

24.  Applications to EPSRC, Kingston University, 2002

25.  Maximizing your Management Potential, 2002

26.  Influencing and Negotiating Skills and Project Management Kingston, 2002

27.  Save a Life, Kingston University, 1998

28.  Health and Safety, The Royal London Hospital Medical College, 1996

29.  SERC/CRAC-Graduate, Durham University, 1993

Leadership and management

As a member of the Athena SWAN Charter Committee, I support gender equality in higher education and research and currently working towards our Silver Award.

I completed a number of leadership and management courses; New Academic Leaders; Strategies for Success and 20min Mentoring by Manga Publishing, Develop, Engage and Retain Team Performance, Data Protection, Harnessing Diversity and Diversifying Leadership by Advance HE. I also attended a vast number of internal, national and international continuous staff development (CPD) courses. 

I observe colleagues' teaching and learning practices across my school to strategically support innovation and meet TEF. I review and influence Kingston University's KAP assessor panel in awarding SFHEA. I also mentor academics, manage researchers and summer interns. I am the Principle Investigator of SADRAS research project and Lead for the skills development initiative with my bespoke ASCL pedagogical skills assessment tool to influence colleagues to embed in the curriculum within my school and across the university and provide support to our students to improve career prospects.  

Qualifications and expertise

  • Certificate of Diversifying Leadership, Advance HE
  • Certificate of Harnessing Diversity
  • Certificate of New Academic Leaders Strategies for Success, Magna Publishing
  • Certificate of 20Min Mentoring, Magna Publishing
  • Certificate of Mentoring, The Royal Society of Chemistry, UK National Mentoring Consortium

University responsibilities

  • Module leader of analytical and experimental chemistry
  • Module leader of chemistry for foundation pharmacy year
  • Champion of skills and employability
  • Member of the Athena committee