Forensic Science BSc (Hons)

Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) Gold award

Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) Gold award

Our commitment to high quality teaching has been recognised with a TEF Gold rating. The University has received an overall rating of Gold, as well as securing a Gold award in the framework's two new student experience and student outcomes categories.

Why choose this course?

How is scientific evidence gathered from a crime scene? How is it analysed and used in investigation? How is it interpreted and presented in court?

This course prepares you for a career as a forensic scientist. Case studies, evidence interpretation, fieldwork and laboratory training cover all aspects of investigating criminal offences. These include crime scene processing, forensic archaeology, drugs, toxicology, DNA profiling, body fluids, entomology, fibres, fire investigation and ballistics.

You'll also have an introduction to criminal law, which includes cross-examination in a Crown Court setting.

Specialist topics include blood pattern analysis (BPA), gunshot residue detection, counterfeits and forgeries, and the analysis of trace evidence. In addition, this course also provides additional industry recognised certificates in BPA, forensic toxicology and DNA profiling at no extra cost.

This course is currently being revalidated for 25/26 entry. We are reviewing our modules to enhance the student-centred learning experience. This includes updating course content to meet industry needs and ensuring you develop the skills needed to become a future-proof graduate.

Attendance UCAS code/apply Year of entry
3 years full time F410 2024 (Clearing)
4 years full time including foundation year F411 2024 (Clearing)
6 years part time Apply direct to the University 2024 (Clearing)

Please note: Teaching on this course may take place on more than one KU campus.

Main Location Penrhyn Road

Reasons to choose Kingston University

  • This course is accredited by the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences (CSFS).
  • Kingston is ranked top in London for Forensic Science by the Complete University Guide 2025 and the New Scientist Careers Guide 2024.
  • We've received four commendations from the CSFS for our cutting-edge forensic technology and the innovative student training programmes.


The 410 course is accredited by the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences for the component standards in Interpretation, Evaluation and Presentation of Evidence; Laboratory Analysis; and Crime Scene Investigation. This course is currently accredited until March 2025, when accreditation will undergo renewal. When you graduate you are eligible to apply to be an Associate of the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences (ACSFS post-nominals). Having completed appropriate continuing professional development in a forensic science workplace, you can also become a Professional Member (MCSFS). Find out more from the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences website. The 4 years full-time including a foundation year route is not accredited.

The scene of crime house

The scene of crime house is a real semi-detached house located on-site. Its five rooms contain various types of mock crime scenes, including burglary, arson, assault and sexual crime.

Students have to pick up evidence carefully and transport it back to the labs for preservation and analysis. Even the garden contains evidence and is used by the forensic team's archaeologist for teaching.

The crime scene house is also extensively used to teach Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (BPA).

The library offers:

  • subject libraries, plus a free inter-library loan scheme to other libraries in the Greater London area;
  • online database subscriptions; and
  • a growing selection of resource materials.


We have cutting edge facilities in DNA analysis, archaeology, questioned documents, toxicology and drug confirmation. Our equipment and instrumentation are based on those used in real life casework examinations, we also have a designated crime scene house.

What you will study

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 1 offers a broad understanding of the major branches of biology and biochemistry. You will develop key laboratory skills, and learn to give detailed scientific explanations for the theory and practices used in modern forensic science. The Introduction to Forensic Science module gives an overview of types of forensic evidence, such as skeletal remains, forensic entomology, drugs, toxicology, GSR (gun shot residue), DNA analysis, crime scene investigation and fraudulent document analysis. IT, numeracy and study skills will be taught as part of these modules.

Core modules

Genes, Cells and Tissues

30 credits

This module is a core module taken by students studying Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Biomedical Science, Forensic Science, and Pharmacology. The module introduces students to basic cell biology of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, molecular, organismal and population genetics, germ layers and basic tissue types in the human body, and to a variety of microorganisms. Core information is provided in lectures and supported by material on Canvas. Laboratory practicals give students the opportunity to learn a selection of current techniques used to study cells, tissues, chromosomes and microbes. The module provides a solid foundation for subsequent modules at levels 5 and 6 that expand knowledge in cell biology, anatomy, physiology, genetics and microbiology.

Analytical Techniques in Forensic Science

30 credits

This module will provide theoretical and practice training in cutting-edge forensic science. You will explore key analytical techniques and gain expertise from different forensic specialists. You will learn about the various categories of forensic evidence, then develop your understanding of the underlying techniques used in forensic investigations. You will gain an awareness of key analytical techniques such as fingerprint analysis, SEM, LC/GC-MS in the analysis of gunshot residue, ballistic studies and illicit drug confirmation.

Scientific and Laboratory Skills

30 credits

This first year module provides a firm foundation in general scientific and laboratory skills that students require to successfully complete their programmes of study. Students are introduced to the nature of studying in higher education, the need for effective time management and planning of work, the appropriate use of information sources, and to sources of information relating to careers in the biosciences. Scientific analytical and lab/practical skills are developed, together with essential mathematics and statistical skills for life scientists. A significant component of the module consists of the development of basic research skills such as practical skills in the laboratory, the principles of experimental design and the statistical analysis of data.

Introduction to Forensic Science

30 credits

This module introduces the key types of forensic science and the role and expertise of different forensic specialists. This module is also designed to encourage independent learning and research.

On successful completion of the module, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an awareness of introductory skeletal anatomy, post-mortem change and the autopsy process.
  • Have a knowledge and understanding of key techniques in the analysis of a variety of types of forensic evidence.
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the role of scientific evidence in real-world forensic cases.
  • Show an appreciation of the many classes of trace and contact evidence that may occur in a forensic case.

Year 2 introduces specialist topics in forensic science. These include DNA and human identification, advanced crime-scene analysis, counterfeits and forgeries and the application of analytical techniques to the analysis of trace evidence such as fire, fibres, glass and fingerprints. You will also be introduced to criminal law and receive expert witness training. This will culminate in the cross-examination of expert witness testimony and opinion in a mock courtroom setting at Kingston Crown Court.

Core modules

Research and Employability Skills in Forensic Science

30 credits

This is a core module for students studying Forensic Science. The module aims to develop the scientific and employability skills that were introduced at level 4, and to embed these skills within the real-world applications of forensic biology. This module will develop your Future Skills through engagement with the Explore assessment, applying problem-solving to real-world problems within forensic biology.

You will also develop your knowledge of forensic biology with a focus on key methods of human identification, and contact trace evidence, associated with the human skeleton, tissues and fluids, including DNA analysis. The development of these methods through scientific research and case practice is also addressed to foster a critical evaluation of the applicability and reliability of key forensic techniques.

Key concepts in effective use of biological evidence in forensic investigations, such as the use of controls, reference samples and databases, statistical analyses, and reduction of bias and error will also be addressed. The importance of all these skills to employability within the forensic science sector will be emphasised.

Crime Scene, Evidence and Law

30 credits

This module looks at the duties of all those involved in crime scene processing. Experience of observation and recording at the crime scene, evidence collection, preservation, documentation and chain of custody are discussed. In addition, the module deals with the role of an expert witness and knowledge of the UK Criminal Justice system. The group practical in the crime scene house and the professional conduct and presentation demanded by the mock trials develop key areas of employability. Questions of safety and quality assurance in crime scene processing are also addressed. The Case Assessment and Interpretation (CAI) model will be used in relation to the prosecution and defence scenarios which are  assessed during a mock trial. The module introduces statistical models used by forensic scientists in the court of law.

On successful completion of the module, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an awareness of the role and responsibilities of the forensic scientist and the scene of crime officer with respect to various crime scenes.
  • Apply the correct practices of evidence collection, preservation and recording in compliance with protocols on continuity and health and safety with respect to various crime scene scenarios.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the forensic scientist and expert witness within the criminal legal process.
  • Critically interpret evidence from a crime scene applying the CAI model or relevant statistical approaches.
  • Communicate scientific findings and interpretations effectively in written and oral form for examination in a mock trial scenario.
Analytical Science

30 credits

This module introduces you to the applications of analytical science within analytical biochemistry, clinical chemistry, forensic analysis and the pharmaceutical sciences. It allows you to build your knowledge, practical skills and interpretation skills whilst implementing the analytical process model using scenario-based learning. You will learn the principles of the stages within the analytical process model, including understanding sampling methods, sample preparation, errors and statistics and data recording in analytical science. This module will enable you to select and optimise appropriate analytical methods to solve problems in biomedical, forensic and pharmaceutical cases.

Optional modules

Counterfeits, Fakes and Forgeries

30 credits

This module is an optional module in the Forensic Science pathway. It is designed to introduce you to the forensic analysis of counterfeits, fakes and forgeries, the implications of these, and their subsequent analysis. The module first introduces you to document analysis and its importance in a forensic investigation. Examples of topics include the analysis of counterfeit currencies, handwriting, signatures, inks, indentations, writing implements and art work. The module will then go on to examine the forensic importance of counterfeit drugs, consumer products and digital/cybercrime. Delivery of this module will include formal lectures, practicals and workshops.

Criminal Justice: Policing, Prisons and Punishment

30 credits

This module provides you with a critical insight into key issues and controversies in the delivery of justice, social control and punishment.  It encourages you to think critically about the role of the state in the regulation of behaviour and provides an overview of key changes that have occurred in the field of crime control and criminal justice. The first part of the module is dedicated to developing understanding of the concepts of 'policing' and the 'police'. Key issues confronting contemporary policing are explored together with an enhanced awareness of the historical context within which contemporary policing has developed.

Debates about policing are situated within broader debates of social control and governance, with a critical appreciation of the police function and role. It also considers the implications of globalisation for policing both at an organisational and conceptual level. The second part of the module provides you with the opportunity to undertake a critical examination of contemporary debates on the purpose of punishment. You will be introduced to a range of theoretical perspectives and debates on the use of punishment to address criminality and will consider the purpose of punishment in modern societies. This will be accompanied by an examination of different forms of punishment including an in-depth exploration of the use of imprisonment and comparative penal systems.

Year 3 provides you with the opportunity to study further forensic topics, including the analysis of body fluids, advanced DNA analysis, examination of crime scene exhibits, drugs, toxicology, fire investigation and ballistics. You can tailor your studies through the option modules in Advanced Analytical Techniques or Forensic Archaeology. You will also undertake an independent research project which will allow you to hone your skills in a specific area of forensic science which includes but is not limited to DNA analysis, crime scene investigation, forensic toxicology and drug analysis, GSR analysis, skeletal anatomy, analysis of fire evidence, questioned documents and document fraud.

Core modules

Biological Evidence - Advanced Techniques

30 credits

This module focuses on the detection, recording, analysis and evaluation of a broad range of biological evidence, particularly trace and contact evidence, body fluids and blood patterns.

On successful completion of the module, you will be able to:

  • Critically assess how the composition and function of body fluids impact on their utility as forensic evidence.
  • Critically assess the appropriate analytical techniques applicable to a broad range of biological evidence including blood and body fluids.
  • Evaluate the application of forensic DNA analysis to a range of biological materials.
  • Evaluate and interpret blood pattern evidence.
  • Collect, process and record simulated forensic evidence to current professional standards.
  • Critically interpret and present simulated forensic evidence to current professional standards using the case assessment model.
Forensic Chemistry and Trace Analysis

30 credits

This module introduces the analytical and forensic techniques encountered in trace and contact evidence analysis. The module focuses on four areas of forensic casework; drugs of abuse, fibre analysis, fire investigation and ballistics.

On successful completion of the module, you will be able to:

  • Appreciate the role of the Forensic Scientist as relates to drugs, fibres, firearms and fire, and illustrate the importance of prevention of evidence contamination.
  • Describe and explain the techniques and methodologies used for the analysis of trace and contact evidence samples, particularly in relation to fibres and firearms.
  • Critically assess the best methodology and technique appropriate for a sample.
  • Critically interpret current legislation as applied to trace and contact evidence, drugs of abuse and alcohol analysis.
  • Devise appropriate sampling and storage protocols for a range of analyses and matrices.
  • Demonstrate communication and observation skills and have developed independent learning skills.
Forensic Science Project

30 credits

You will complete your own independent research project, with the guidance of an academic supervisor. There are several types of projects you can choose from, such as a laboratory or field-based project, data projects involving acquisition of data and information from surveys, questionnaires, computer simulations or bioinformatics, or a systematic review of research literature that includes the collection, comparison and original presentation of reported research data.

You will review and critically evaluate qualitative and quantitative data to predict and answer a research question, and produce a written report.

Optional modules

Forensic Archaeology

30 credits

This module introduces the role of the forensic archaeologist and the broad range of cases in which archaeological techniques may be utilised. These techniques include aerial and geophysical survey, excavation and recording of burials and the outdoor crime scene, and the scientific dating of both questioned objects and human remains.  

On successful completion of the module, you will be able to:

  • Critically evaluate and utilise a range of techniques and evidence sources that are employed in locating a missing person, outdoor crime scene, or clandestine burial.
  • Process and record an outdoor crime scene or clandestine burial in keeping with correct protocols and professional standards for the treatment of human remains and related evidence.
  • Critically assess the applicability of scientific dating, authentication and provenance techniques in forensic investigations.
  • Appreciate the study of taphonomy, preservation and the burial environment.
  • Critically assess the use of forensic archaeology in a range of domestic and international contexts.
Advanced Analytical Science

30 credits

This is a core module of MPharmSci (Hons) Pharmaceutical Science and MChem(Hons) Chemistry and an option for BSc(Hons) Chemistry  and BSc(Hons) Pharmaceutical Science students. It takes forward the themes of spectroscopy that were introduced in the previous modules and develops a more rigorous theoretical footing and advanced applications. In parallel to this, analytical themes are introduced covering radiochemical analysis, electroanalysis and thermal analysis.

Global Terrorism and Transnational Crime

30 credits

The aim of the module is to introduce students to relevant issues within the realm of globalisation, terrorism and international crime, such as terrorism, environmental crime, piracy, human trafficking, criminal networks and cybercrime. The module will enable students to develop a detailed comprehension of the complexity of these criminogenic experiences.

In the first part of the course, the module focuses on terrorism. It will introduce students to a range of complex historical, political and social factors that have contributed to the articulation of terrorist practices. Students will have a chance to engage in the understanding of the reasons why certain practices emerge, the interaction between terrorist discourses and the media and how international law enforcement bodies work and interact.

The second part of the module will present a critical overview of different organised and transnational crimes. Students will be offered a chance to explore the articulation, social control and impact of organised criminal behaviour at an international level. Students will understand the links between terrorist practices and other organised crime, such as cybercrime and trafficking of humans.

Please note

Optional modules only run if there is enough demand. If we have an insufficient number of students interested in an optional module, that module will not be offered for this course.

Foundation year

If you would like to study one of our science degrees at Kingston University but are not yet ready to join the first year of a BSc(Hons) course, you can include an extra foundation year within your chosen degree. Please see the science foundation year course page for details of modules.

Future Skills

Knowledge to give you the edge

Embedded within every course curriculum and throughout the whole Kingston experience, Future Skills will play a role in shaping you to become a future-proof graduate, providing you with the skills most valued by employers such as problem-solving, digital competency, and adaptability.

As you progress through your degree, you'll learn to navigate, explore and apply these graduate skills, learning to demonstrate and articulate to employers how future skills give you the edge.

At Kingston University, we're not just keeping up with change, we're creating it.

A female engineering student, in the engineering lab.

Entry requirements

If you would like to join us through Clearing 2024, please call our Clearing line on 0800 0483 334 (or +44 020 8328 1149 if you are calling from outside the UK) and speak to our friendly and knowledgeable hotliners who will be able to provide information on available courses and will guide you through your options.

Please note the entry requirements listed below are for 2025 entry only.

Typical offer 2025

UCAS tariff points: 112-128 for BSc (Hons); 64 for BSc (Hons) including foundation year from Level 3 qualifications.

A-levels to include Biology or Chemistry at a grade C or above.

Alternatively, BTEC Extended Diploma in appropriate Science subject with grades DMM-DDM.

Candidates are normally required to hold GCSE Mathematics at grade C/4 or above.

Typical offer 2024

UCAS tariff points: 112-128 for BSc (Hons); 64 for BSc (Hons) including foundation year from Level 3 qualifications.

A-levels to include Biology or Chemistry at a grade C or above; two science A-levels are desirable; General Studies not accepted.

Alternatively, BTEC Extended Diploma in appropriate Science subject with grades DMM-DDM.

Candidates are normally required to hold five GCSE subjects at grade C/4 or above, including Mathematics and English Language.

Alternative routes

We will consider a range of alternative Level 3 qualifications such as an Access Course in Applied Science or Science, which has been passed with 112 UCAS points.

Applications from those that have undertaken a Science foundation year will also be considered.


We welcome applications from International Applicants. View our standard entry requirements from your country.

All non-UK applicants must meet our English language requirements. For this course it is Academic IELTS of 6.0, with no element below 5.5.

Country-specific information

You will find more information on country specific entry requirements in the International section of our website.

Find your country:

Typical offer and UCAS points explained

Like most universities, we use the UCAS Tariff point system for our course entry requirements.

Find out more about UCAS Tariff points and see how A-level, AS level, BTEC Diploma and T-level qualifications translate to the points system.

Teaching and assessment

Scheduled learning and teaching on this course includes timetabled activities including lectures, seminars and small group tutorials.

Guided independent study (self-managed time)

Outside the scheduled learning and teaching hours, you will learn independently through self-study which will involve reading articles and books, working on projects, undertaking research, preparing for and completing your work for assessments. Some independent study work may need to be completed on-campus, as you may need to access campus-based facilities such as studios and labs.

Academic support

Our academic support team here at Kingston University provides help in a range of areas.

Dedicated personal tutor

When you arrive, we'll introduce you to your personal tutor. This is the member of academic staff who will provide academic guidance, be a support throughout your time at Kingston and show you how to make the best use of all the help and resources that we offer at Kingston University.

Your workload

A course is made up of modules, and each module is worth a number of credits. You must pass a given number of credits in order to achieve the award you registered on, for example 360 credits for a typical undergraduate course or 180 credits for a typical postgraduate course. The number of credits you need for your award is detailed in the programme specification which you can access from the link at the bottom of this page.

One credit equates to 10 hours of study. Therefore 120 credits across a year (typical for an undergraduate course) would equate to 1,200 notional hours. These hours are split into scheduled and guided. On this course, the percentage of that time that will be scheduled learning and teaching activities is shown below for each year of study. The remainder is made up of guided independent study.

  • Year 1: 23.41% scheduled learning and teaching
  • Year 2: 24% scheduled learning and teaching
  • Year 3: 19.94% scheduled learning and teaching

The exact balance between scheduled learning and teaching and guided independent study will be informed by the modules you take.

Your course will primarily be delivered in person. It may include delivery of some activities online, either in real time or recorded.

How you will be assessed

Types of assessment

  • Year 1: Coursework 50%; practical 23%; exams 27%
  • Year 2: Coursework 52%; practical 13%; exams 35%
  • Year 3: Coursework 57%; exams 7%; exams 36%

Please note: the above breakdowns are a guide calculated on core modules only. If your course includes optional modules, this breakdown may change to reflect the modules chosen.

Feedback summary

We aim to provide feedback on assessments within 20 working days.

Your timetable

Your individualised timetable is normally available to students within 48 hours of enrolment. Whilst we make every effort to ensure timetables are as student-friendly as possible, scheduled learning and teaching can take place on any day of the week between 9am and 6pm. For undergraduate students, Wednesday afternoons are normally reserved for sports and cultural activities, but there may be occasions when this is not possible. Timetables for part-time students will depend on the modules selected.

Class sizes

To give you an indication of class sizes, this course normally enrols 50 students and lecture sizes are normally 50­-325­.  However this can vary by module and academic year.

Who teaches this course

This course is delivered by the School of Life Sciences, Pharmacy and Chemistry.

The School of Life Sciences, Pharmacy and Chemistry offers an outstanding and diverse portfolio of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in biological and biomedical sciences, chemistry, forensic science, pharmacy, pharmacological and pharmaceutical sciences, and sport science and nutrition.

We've invested heavily in the development of new facilities including laboratories for teaching and research to provide students with access to ultra-modern equipment in a wide range of teaching facilities.

Postgraduate students may run or assist in lab sessions and may also contribute to the teaching of seminars under the supervision of the module leader.

Course fees and funding

2025/26 fees for this course

The tuition fee you pay depends on whether you are assessed as a 'Home' (UK), 'Islands' or 'International' student. In 2025/26 the fees for this course are:

 Fee category Amount
Home (UK students) £9,250*
Foundation Year: £9,250

Year 1 (2025/26): £18,500
Year 2 (2026/27): £19,200
Year 3 (2027/28): £19,900
Year 4 (2028/29): £20,700

For courses with Professional Placement, the fee for the placement year can be viewed on the undergraduate fees table. The placement fee published is for the relevant academic year stated in the table. This fee is subject to annual increases but will not increase by more than the fee caps as prescribed by the Office for Students or such other replacing body.

* For full-time programmes of a duration of more than one academic year, the published fee is an annual fee, payable each year, for the duration of the programme. Your annual tuition fees cover your first attempt at all of the modules necessary to complete that academic year. A re-study of any modules will incur additional charges calculated by the number of credits. Home tuition fees may be subject to annual increases but will not increase by more than the fee caps as prescribed by the Office for Students or such other replacing body. Full-time taught International fees are subject to an annual increase and are published in advance for the full duration of the programme.

Eligible UK students can apply to the Government for a tuition loan, which is paid direct to the University. This has a low interest-rate which is charged from the time the first part of the loan is paid to the University until you have repaid it.

2024/25 fees for this course

The tuition fee you pay depends on whether you are assessed as a 'Home' (UK), 'Islands' or 'International' student. In 2024/25 the fees for this course are:

 Fee category Amount
Home (UK students) £9,250*
Foundation Year: £9,250

Year 1 (2024/25): £17,800
Year 2 (2025/26): £18,500
Year 3 (2026/27): £19,200
Year 4 (2027/28): £20,100

For courses with Professional Placement, the fee for the placement year can be viewed on the undergraduate fees table. The placement fee published is for the relevant academic year stated in the table. This fee is subject to annual increases but will not increase by more than the fee caps as prescribed by the Office for Students or such other replacing body.

* For full-time programmes of a duration of more than one academic year, the published fee is an annual fee, payable each year, for the duration of the programme. Your annual tuition fees cover your first attempt at all of the modules necessary to complete that academic year. A re-study of any modules will incur additional charges calculated by the number of credits. Home tuition fees may be subject to annual increases but will not increase by more than the fee caps as prescribed by the Office for Students or such other replacing body. Full-time taught International fees are subject to an annual increase and are published in advance for the full duration of the programme.

Eligible UK students can apply to the Government for a tuition loan, which is paid direct to the University. This has a low interest-rate which is charged from the time the first part of the loan is paid to the University until you have repaid it.

Note for EU students: UK withdrawal from the European Union

The Government has announced that new students from the European Union and Swiss Nationals starting their course after August 2021 will no longer be eligible for a student loan in England for Undergraduate or Postgraduate studies from the 2021/22 academic year. This decision only applies to new EU students starting after 2021/22. If you are an existing/continuing EU student, you will continue to be funded until you graduate or withdraw from your course.

Need to know more?

Our undergraduate fees and funding section provides information and advice on money matters.

Additional costs

Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs that are not covered by tuition fees which students will need to consider when planning their studies. Tuition fees cover the cost of your teaching, assessment and operating University facilities such as the library, access to shared IT equipment and other support services. Accommodation and living costs are not included in our fees. 

Where a course has additional expenses, we make every effort to highlight them. These may include optional field trips, materials (e.g. art, design, engineering), security checks such as DBS, uniforms, specialist clothing or professional memberships.


Our libraries are a valuable resource with an extensive collection of books and journals as well as first-class facilities and IT equipment. You may prefer to buy your own copy of key textbooks; this can cost between £50 and £250 per year.

Computer equipment

There are open-access networked computers available across the University, plus laptops available to loan. You may find it useful to have your own PC, laptop or tablet which you can use around campus and in halls of residence. Free WiFi is available on each campus. You may wish to purchase your own computer, which can cost between £100 and £3,000 depending on your course requirements.

Photocopying and printing

In the majority of cases, written coursework can be submitted online. There may be instances when you will be required to submit work in a printed format. Printing, binding and photocopying costs are not included in your tuition fees, this may cost up to £100 per year.


Travel costs are not included in your tuition fees but we do have a free intersite bus service which links the campuses, Surbiton train station, Kingston upon Thames train station, Norbiton train station and halls of residence.


If the placement year option is chosen, during this year travel costs will vary according to the location of the placement, and could be from £0 to £2,000.

Field trips

All field trips that are compulsory to attend to complete your course are paid for by the University. There may be small fees incurred for optional field trips such as travel costs and refreshments.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Kingston University will supply you with a lab coat and safety goggles at the start of the year.

After you graduate

You'll be prepared to work in a range of environments, including forensic laboratories, policing, analytical chemistry laboratories, hospitals and private consultancies.

Employability preparation at Kingston University

In addition to building expertise in your own discipline, our courses will also help you to develop key transferable skills that you'll need for professional life or further study once you graduate.

As well as a range of careers and employability activities at Kingston, we also offer you the chance to apply and develop your skills in live contexts as an integral part of your course. Opportunities include:

  • placements;
  • working or studying abroad;
  • volunteering;
  • peer mentoring roles; and
  • internship opportunities within and outside the University.

In your final year, you'll get the opportunity to complete a major 'capstone' project where you can apply the knowledge and skills you have acquired to a range of real issues in different contexts. This is a great way to learn and is a valuable bridge to employment or further research at masters level.

Courses available after you graduate

If you decide that you would like to go on to postgraduate study after your undergraduate course, we offer a 10% discount on our postgraduate course tuition fees to our alumni.

What our graduates say

Kingston University graduate Susan Richmond talks about her experiences on the Forensic Science:


What our students say

I always wanted to have a career in forensics. As a mature student from a non-science background the foundation entry was a great opportunity for me. What made Kingston stand out above all others was how welcoming the staff were when I attended an open day. I remember feeling extremely nervous and out of place until one of my lecturers took the time to talk to me and made me feel completely at ease and optimistic for the future.

I have loved my time here. Not only have I learned a vast amount of knowledge and skills for my professional career but for my personal development too. Being part of the Faculty, there are so many great opportunities available from the University and I have been lucky to be a part of a few of them, from the amazing mentoring scheme to working an incredible summer internship.

Crime scene evidence and forensic archaeology are my absolute favourites. The crime scene house and bone labs provide the hands-on experience I need and give me an insight into what it is like to work in the field.

My goal is to become a crime scene officer. Here they make that achievable so if you are thinking of studying forensic science, come to Kingston University. Not only are the facilities fantastic but the teaching staff are extremely caring and dedicated to your learning.

My advice to anyone joining is to make the most of every opportunity, enjoy it and never be afraid to ask for help.

Alice McQuillan

Alice McQuillan

Overall I enjoyed my experience at Kingston University. The students and staff are easy to communicate with. Within the course itself, the modules you are given the opportunities to select are enjoyable as well as informative.

For my future goal, I want to study further and become a fire forensics investigator. This has not been an intended goal until I attended the University, branching out my ideas of what forensic science really is.

To future students who wish to study forensics, like for any course, just don't procrastinate and have a want to learn it!

Isra Abdulle

I think the highlight of the course has been getting stuck into the actual forensics.  I have really enjoyed learning more about the biological side of the body. 

The only thing I have struggled with is the chemistry aspect of the course, which I find quite challenging.  It just means I have to do a little bit of extra work to cover myself, but that's easy because there are always extra workshops and help available.

The course has helped to focus my ambitions. I have decided I want to go into the policing side of forensics. During our second semester we investigated a death. Part of that module involved looking at what the police would do. It helped me realise that this was something I really enjoyed and was interested in.

Pardeep Kaur Sangha – Forensic Science and Investigative Analysis BSc(Hons)

At the time when I applied, only three universities in London were running a forensics course. I was impressed with Kingston when I came here for an interview.

The course tutors are very approachable. Many of the lecturers put a lot of effort into their lectures to ensure they are interesting and informative. They are able to pass on their enthusiasm to us, and use cases and their own experience to bring the lectures to life. For me, the most interesting part of the classes is the application of ideas to solve forensic questions. I enjoy problem solving. 

The course has opened my eyes to the vast range of career options in forensics and to the possibility of doing an MSc. I am considering spending a year or two as a SOCO (scene of crimes officer) to gain practical experience of crime scenes before settling on a definitive career route.

Tracey Barlow – Forensic Science and Investigative Analysis BSc(Hons)

Key information set

The scrolling banner(s) below display some key factual data about this course (including different course combinations or delivery modes of this course where relevant).

Course changes and regulations

The information on this page reflects the currently intended course structure and module details. To improve your student experience and the quality of your degree, we may review and change the material information of this course. Course changes explained.

Programme Specifications for the course are published ahead of each academic year.

Regulations governing this course can be found on our website.

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