I studied Philosophy and Economics at the University of Bristol in the late 1970s and took a MA and a DPhil in Philosophy at the University of Sussex (The Carnival of Philosophy: Philosophy, Politics and Positive Science in Hegel and Marx.) From 1992 to 2010 I taught post-Kantian Philosophy and Art Theory at Middlesex University, mainly to postgraduates, founding the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy (CRMEP) in 1995. In summer 2010, I moved to Kingston, along with three of my colleagues in the CRMEP, the taught postgraduate programmes and PhD students. From 1983 to 2016 I was an editor of the journal Radical Philosophy. I have held Visiting professorships at the University of Paris-8 (2012, 2014, 2019), The Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm (2015) and Yale School of Art (2017).
Director of the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy
My research interests are in Philosophies of Time, History and Experience; Philosophy of Art: historical ontology of the artwork, philosophical criticism, postconceptual art and global comparativism; Transdisciplinarity in the arts and humanities; Frankfurt Critical Theory: Benjamin and Adorno; Modern European Philosophy: Kant, Hegel, Marx, Heidegger . My most recent book is Crisis as Form, which appeared from Verso in September 2022. I am currently working on a monograph that rereads Marx's Capital from the standpoint of post-Kantian European Philosophy, focusing on its articulation of various categories of time and the subject. I am also developing a grant project on the Historical Ontology of Contemporary Art.
Osborne, Peter (2024) Interesting art. New Left Review(150), pp. 156-168. ISSN (print) 0028-6060
Osborne, Peter (2024) The planet as political subject? New Left Review, 145, ISSN (print) 0028-6060
Osborne, Peter (2022) [Contribution to the symposium] What is radical? ArtMargins, 10(3), pp. 72-74. ISSN (print) 2162-2574
Osborne, Peter (2018) Ilusoes de totalidade : a contemporaneidade global e a condicao do museu = Illusions of totality : global contemporaneity and the condition of the museum. MODOS - Historia da Arte, 2(3), pp. 91-100. ISSN (online) 2526-2963
Osborne, Peter (2017) Redemption through discourse? New Left Review, 108, ISSN (print) 0028-6060
Osborne, Peter (2016) Die Idee der postkonzeptuellen Kunst (und Musik) = The idea of postconceptual art (and music). MusikTexte : Schriften fur neue Musik(151), ISSN (print) 0178-8884
Osborne, Peter (2016) Arte contemporanea e arte pos-conceitual. Poiesis, 17(27), pp. 39-54. ISSN (print) 1517-5677
Osborne, Peter (2016) Introduction. Radical Philosophy(196), pp. 6-8. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2016) The Kabakov effect : 'Moscow conceptualism' in the history of contemporary art. Afterall : a journal of art, context and enquiry(42), ISSN (print) 1465-4253
Osborne, Peter (2015) Gillian Rose and Marxism. Telos, 2015(173), pp. 55-67. ISSN (print) 0090-6514
Osborne, Peter (2015) El archivo como vida después de la vida [Archive as Afterlife]. Concreta(6), pp. 38-49. ISSN (print) 2254-9757
Osborne, Peter (2015) Problematizing disciplinarity, transdisciplinary problematics. Theory, Culture & Society, 32(5-6), pp. 3-35. ISSN (print) 0263-2764
Osborne, Peter (2015) The distributed image = Das Verteilte Bild. Texte zur Kunst(99), pp. 74-87. ISSN (print) 0940-9459
Osborne, Peter (2015) Futures Present: Lite, Dark and Missing. Radical Philosophy(191), pp. 39-46. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2015) Out of sync: Tomba’s Marx and the problem of a multi-layered temporal dialectic. Historical Materialism, 23(4), pp. 39-48. ISSN (print) 1465-4466
Osborne, Peter (2014) 'Art' versus 'Image'? Texte zur Kunst(95), pp. 52-55. ISSN (print) 0940-9459
Osborne, Peter (2014) The postconceptual condition, or, the cultural logic of high capitalism today. Radical philosophy(184), pp. 19-27. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2013) More than everything: Zizek’s Badiouian Hegel. Radical Philosophy(177), pp. 19-25. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2013) Temporalization as transcendental aesthetics: avant-garde, modern, contemporary. Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 23(44-45), ISSN (print) 2000-1452
Osborne, Peter (2011) Guattareuze? (Book Review of: Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari: intersecting lives by Francois Dosse). New Left Review(69), pp. 139-151. ISSN (print) 0028-6060
Osborne, Peter and Charles, Matthew (2011) Walter Benjamin. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Spring, ISSN (online) 1095-5054
Osborne, Peter (2010) Infinite exchange: the social ontology of the photographic image. Philosophy of Photography, 1(1), pp. 59-68. ISSN (print) 2040-3682
Osborne, Peter (2010) A sudden topicality: Marx, Nietzsche and the politics of crisis. Radical philosophy(160), pp. 19-26. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2009) An image of romanticism - fragment and project: from Schlegel's 'Athenaeum Fragments' to LeWitt's 'Sentences on Conceptual Art'. Verksted #11: Sol LeWitt's 'Sentences on Conceptual Art': manuscript and draft materials 1968-69., pp. 5-27. ISSN (print) 1503-8467
Osborne, Peter [Interviewer] (2008) Art after photography, after conceptual art. Radical philosophy(150), pp. 36-51. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2008) Marx and the philosophy of time. Radical philosophy(147), pp. 15-22. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2007) Living with contradictions: the resignation of Chris Gilbert and the presentation of politics in recent curatorial practice. Afterall, 16, pp. 108-113. ISSN (print) 1465-4253
Osborne, Peter (2007) Ou est l'oeuvre d’art? l’art, l’architecture et l’espace de l’oeuvre post-conceptuelle. Multitudes, HS1, pp. 87-112. ISSN (print) 0292-0107
Osborne, Peter (2007) Neo-classic: Alain Badiou's Being and Event. Radical philosophy(142), pp. 19-29. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2007) Imaginary radicalisms: notes on the libertarianism of contemporary art. Verksted #8: ISMS: recuperating political radicality in contemporary art: I. constructing the political in contemporary art, pp. 9-35. ISSN (print) 1503-8467
Osborne, Peter (2006) The dreambird of experience: Utopia, possibility, boredom. Radical philosophy(137), pp. 36-44. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2006) Whoever speaks of culture speaks of administration as well. Cultural Studies, 20(1), pp. 33-47. ISSN (print) 0950-2386
Osborne, Peter (2006) Elmgreen and Dragset's the Welfare Show: a historical perspective. Verksted #7: Art of welfare, pp. 19-40. ISSN (print) 1503-8467
Osborne, Peter (2005) On comparability: Kant and the possibility of comparative studies. Boundary 2, 32(2), pp. 3-22. ISSN (print) 0190-3659
Osborne, Peter (2004) Art beyond aesthetics: philosophical criticism, art history and contemporary art. Art History, 27(4), pp. 651-670. ISSN (print) 0141-6790
Osborne, Peter (2004) The reproach of abstraction. Radical philosophy(127), pp. 21-28. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2003) Interpreting the world - September 11, cultural criticism and the intellectual Left. Radical philosophy(117), pp. 2-12. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (2001) Images abstraites. Signe, image et l'esthetique dans la peinture de Gerhard Richter. La Part de l'Oeil, 17/18, pp. 228-239. ISSN (print) 0773-9532
Osborne, Peter (2001) Non-places and the spaces of art. The Journal of Architecture, 6(2), pp. 183-194. ISSN (print) 1360-2365
Osborne, Peter (2001) Modernism as translation. Traces: a multilingual series of cultural theory and translation, 1, pp. 319-329. ISSN (print) 1533-3426
Osborne, Peter (2001) Review article: Installation, performance, or what? Oxford Art Journal, 24(2), pp. 147-154. ISSN (print) 0142-6540
Osborne, Peter (2000) Radicalism and philosophy. Radical philosophy(103), pp. 6-11. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter [Interviewer] and Fletcher, John [Interviewer] (2000) The other within: rethinking psychoanalysis. Radical philosophy(102), pp. 31-41. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (1998) Remember the future? The Communist Manifesto as historical and cultural form. Socialist Register, 34, pp. 190-204. ISSN (print) 0081-0606
Osborne, Peter (1996) Times (modern), modernity (conservative): notes on the persistence of a temporal motif. New Formations: a journal of culture/theory/politics(28), pp. 132-141. ISSN (print) 0950-2378
Osborne, Peter (1995) Tactics, ethics, or temporality? Heidegger's politics reviewed. Radical philosophy(70), pp. 16-28. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (1994) The politics of time. Radical philosophy(68), pp. 3-9. ISSN (print) 0300-211X
Osborne, Peter (1992) A Marxism for the postmodern? Jameson's Adorno. New German Critique(56), pp. 171-192. ISSN (print) 0094-033X
Osborne, Peter (1992) Modernity is a qualitative, not a chronological, category. New Left Review, I/192, pp. 65-84. ISSN (print) 0028-6060
Osborne, Peter, ed. (2022) Afterlives : transcendentals, universals, others. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : CRMEP BOOKS. 212p. (CRMEP BOOKS, 4) ISBN 9781999333782
Osborne, Peter (2022) Crisis as form. London U.K. : Verso. 224p. ISBN 9781839763625 (In Press)
Osborne, Peter, ed. (2020) Thinking art : materialisms, labours, forms. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : CRMEP Books. 217p. (CRMEP Books, 2) ISBN 9781999333744
Osborne, Peter , Alliez, Eric and Russell, Eric-John, eds. (2019) Capitalism : concept, idea, image : aspects of Marx's 'Capital' today. Kingston, U.K. : CRMEP Books. 250p. (CRMEP Books, 1) ISBN 9781999333706
Osborne, Peter (2018) The postconceptual condition : critical essays. London, U.K. : Verso Books. 223p. ISBN 9781786634207
Osborne, Peter (2013) Anywhere or not at all: the philosophy of contemporary art. London, U.K. : Verso. 282p. ISBN 9781781680940
Alliez, Eric and Osborne, Peter, eds. (2013) Spheres of action: art and politics. London, U.K. : MIT Press. 160p. ISBN 9780262518437
Kuzma, Marta , Osborne, Peter and Lafuente, Pablo, eds. (2012) The state of things. Oslo, Norway : Office for Contemporary Art Norway. 290p. (Verksted, (14)) ISSN (print) 1503-8467 ISBN 9788292495186
Osborne, Peter (2010) El arte mas alla de la estetica: ensayos filosoficos sobre el arte contemporaneo. Murcia, Spain : CENDEAC. 497p. ISBN 9788496898677
Kuzma, Marta and Osborne, Peter, eds. (2008) ISMS: recuperating political radicality in contemporary art 2. Populism and genre. Oslo, Norway : Office for Contemporary Art Norway. 104p. (Verksted, (9)) ISSN (print) 1503-8467 ISBN 9788292495094
Kuzma, Marta and Osborne, Peter, eds. (2007) ISMS: recuperating political radicality in contemporary art 1. Constructing the political in contemporary art. Oslo, Norway : Office for Contemporary Art Norway. 189p. (Verksted, (8)) ISSN (print) 1503-8467 ISBN 8292495088
Kuzma, Marta and Osborne, Peter, eds. (2006) Art of welfare. Oslo, Norway : Office for Contemporary Art Norway. 136p. (Verksted, (7)) ISSN (print) 1503-8467 ISBN 8292495053
Osborne, Peter (2005) How to read Marx. London, U.K. : Granta. 136p. (How to read) ISBN 1862077711
Osborne, Peter, ed. (2004) Walter Benjamin: critical evaluations in cultural theory. London, U.K. : Routledge. 1392p. ISBN 0415325331
Osborne, Peter, ed. (2002) Conceptual art. London, U.K. : Phaidon. 304p. (Themes and movements) ISBN 0714839302
Sandford, Stella and Osborne, Peter, eds. (2002) Philosophies of race and ethnicity. London, U.K. : Continuum. 220p. ISBN 0826459943
Osborne, Peter, ed. (2000) From an aesthetic point of view: philosophy, art and the senses. London, U.K. : Serpent's Tail. 224p. ISBN 9781852426682
Osborne, Peter (2000) Philosophy in cultural theory. London, U.K. : Routledge. 146p. ISBN 0415238013
Osborne, Peter (1995) The politics of time: modernity and avant-garde. London, U.K. : Verso Books. 272p. ISBN 0860916529
Osborne, Peter (2023) Knowledge, truth, history : contemporary art and the problem of art-historical periodisation. In: Fox, James and Simonti, Vid, (eds.) Art and knowledge after 1900 : interactions between modern art and thought. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. pp. 111-130. ISBN 9781526164261
Osborne, Peter (2021) No going back – but not forward to there either : once more on art and/as research. In: Slager, Henk and Balkema, Annette W., (eds.) The Postresearch Condition. Utrecht, The Netherlands : Metropolis Books.
Osborne, Peter and Buergel, Roger M. (2020) Imperial Hangover : a conversation between Roger M. Buergel and Peter Osborne. In: Amanshauser, Hildegund and Bradley, Kimberly, (eds.) Navigating the Planetary : a guide to the planetary art world—its past, present, and potentials. Vienna, Austria : Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts; Verlag für Moderne Kunst. pp. 191-204. ISSN (print) 9783903320673
Osborne, Peter (2020) Adorno and Marx. In: Gordon, Peter E. , Hammer, Espen and Pensky, Max, (eds.) A companion to Adorno. Oxford, U.K. : Blackwell. pp. 303-319. (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy) ISBN 9781119146919 (In Press)
Osborne, Peter (2020) Notes on form. In: Osborne, Peter, (ed.) Thinking art : materialisms, labours, forms. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : CRMEP Books. pp. 159-179. (CRMEP Books, 2) ISBN 9781999333744
Osborne, Peter (2019) Osovremenivayaklassiku / klassitsiziruyasovremennost = Contemporizing the classical / classicizing the contemporary. In: Grachikova, Julia , Shishko, Olga and Yuzhakova, Elizaveta, (eds.) Klassika i sovryemyennost : otrazhyeniya = Classics and contemporary : reflections. Moscow, Russia : Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. pp. 18-23. ISBN 9785891890152
Osborne, Peter (2019) Working the contemporary : history as a project of crisis, today. In: de Assis, Paulo and Schwab, Michael, (eds.) Futures of the contemporary : contemporaneity, untimeliness and artistic research. Leuven, Belgium : Leuven University Press. pp. 135-146. (Orpheus Institute Series) ISBN 9789462701830
Osborne, Peter (2019) The exhibition-form and the space-time of the artwork: a retroactive ontology. A conversation with Peter Osborne. In: Garcia, Tristan and Normand, Vincent, (eds.) Theater, garden, bestiary: a materialist history of exhibitions. Berlin, Germany : Sternberg Press and ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne. pp. 269-277. ISBN 9783956794551 (In Press)
Osborne, Peter (2019) The image is the subject: once more on the temporalities of image and act. In: Goerling, Reinhold , Gronau, Barbara and Schwarte, Ludger, (eds.) Aesthetics of standstill. Berlin, Germany : Sternberg. pp. 124-137. ISBN 9783956794674
Osborne, Peter (2019) Capitalism : concept, idea, image. In: Osborne, Peter , Alliez, Éric and Russell, Eric-John, (eds.) Capitalism : concept, idea, image - aspects of Marx's 'Capital' today. Kingston, U.K. : CRMEP Books. pp. 3-18. (CRMEP Books) ISBN 9781999333706
Osborne, Peter (2018) Anachronismo Feliz : Luis Camnitzer, Arte Conceptual y Politica = Happy anachronism : Luis Camnitzer, conceptual art and politics. In: Pinteno, Alicia, (ed.) Luis Camnitzer : Hospicio de Utopias Fallidas. Madrid, Spain : Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. pp. 46-73. ISBN 9788480265768
Osborne, Peter (2018) Dialectics of taste and non-taste : archive as afterlife and life of art. In: Quinn, Malcolm , Beech, David , Lehnert, Michael , Tulloch, Carol and Wilson, Stephen, (eds.) The persistence of taste : art, museums and everyday life after Bourdieu. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 49-62. (Culture, Economy and the Social) ISBN 9781138670983
Osborne, Peter (2015) Every other year is always this year: contemporaneity and the biennial form. In: Esche, Charles , Eilat, Galit , Enguita Mayo, Nuria , Lafuente, Pablo , Proenca, Luiza , Sagiv, Oren and Seroussi, Benjamin, (eds.) Making Biennials in Contemporary Times: Essays from the World Biennial Forum No. 2. São Paulo, Brazil : Biennial Foundation, Bienal de São Paulo Foundation and. pp. 15-27.
Osborne, Peter (2014) Dialectical ontology of art: Xavier Le Roy's “Retrospective” in/as contemporary art. In: Cvejic, Bojana, (ed.) 'Retrospective' by Xavier Le Roy. Paris, France : Les Presses Du Reel. pp. 103-111. ISBN 9782840667025
Osborne, Peter (2014) Illusions of totality: global contemporaneity and the condition of the museum. In: Muzyczuk, Daniel and Polit, Pawel, (eds.) Constellations: Art and the experiences of modernity. Lodz, Poland : Muzeum Sztuki. pp. 426-443. ISBN 9788363820251
Alliez, Eric and Osborne, Peter (2014) Purely financial. Question de philosophie. In: Cassin, Barbara, (ed.) Derrière les grilles: Sortons du tout-évaluation. Paris, France : Mille et une Nuits. pp. 43-64. ISBN 9782755506020
Osborne, Peter (2014) The rhetoric of display. In: Deliss, Clémentine and Yvette, Mutumba, (eds.) Foreign Exchange (or the stories you wouldn't tell a stranger). Zurich, Switzerland : Diaphanes. pp. 167-200. ISBN 9783037346686
Osborne, Peter (2013) October and the problem of formalism. In: Lejeune, Anael , Mignon, Olivier and Pirenne, Raphael, (eds.) French Theory and American Art. Brussels, Belgium : (SIC) & Sternberg Press. pp. 180-195. ISBN 9782930667041
Osborne, Peter (2011) Abstrakte Bilder: Zeichen, Abbild und Asthetik in Gerhard Richters Malerei. In: Elger, Dietmar and Kuster, Kerstin, (eds.) Gerhard Richter: Fotographie und Malerei – Malerei als Fotographie: Acht Texte zu Gerhard Richters Medienstrategie. Koln, Germany : Walther Konig. pp. 161-175. 8 ISBN 9783863350772
Osborne, Peter (2011) Expecting the unexpected: beyond the 'horizon of expectation'. In: Hlavajova, Maria , Sheikh, Simon and Winder, Jill, (eds.) On Horizons: A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art. Utrecht, Netherlands : BAK. pp. 112-128. ISBN 9789460830372
Osborne, Peter (2011) An Interminable Avalanche of Categories: Medium, Concept and Abstraction in the work of Robert Smithson [or Against "Sculpture"]. In: Gaitan, Juan A. , Schafhausen, Nicolaus and Szewczyk, Monika, (eds.) Cornerstones. Berlin, Germany : Sternberg Press. pp. 132-151. ISBN 9781934105481
Osborne, Peter (2011) (Jeff Wall and...) Conceptual art. In: De Wolf, Hans, (ed.) Jeff Wall: the crooked path. Brussels, Belgium : Bozar Books. pp. 138. ISBN 9789055448623
Osborne, Peter (2011) Malerei der Negation: Gerhard Richters Negative. In: Elger, Dietmar and Kuster, Kerstin, (eds.) Gerhard Richter: Fotographie und Malerei – Malerei als Fotographie: Acht Texte zu Gerhard Richters Medienstrategie. Koln, Germany : Walther Konig. pp. 148-160. 8 ISBN 9783863350772
Osborne, Peter (2011) Philosophy after theory: transdisciplinarity and the new. In: Elliott, Jane and Attridge, Derek, (eds.) Theory after 'theory'. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 19-33. ISBN 9780415484190
Osborne, Peter (2011) Yardsticks: when will the postwar end? In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Jane & Louise Wilson: Tempo Suspenso. Santiago de Compostella, Spain : Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Xunta de Galicia. pp. 33-39. ISBN 9788445349755
Osborne, Peter (2011) The fiction of the contemporary: speculative collectivity and transnationalism in The Atlas Group. In: Avanessian, Armen and Skrebowski, Luke, (eds.) Aesthetics and contemporary art. Berlin, Germany : Sternberg Press. pp. 101-123. ISBN 9781934105528
Osborne, Peter (2010) Modernism and philosophy. In: Brooker, Peter , Gasiorek, Andrzej , Longworth, Deborah and Thacker, Andrew, (eds.) The Oxford handbook of modernisms. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. pp. 388-409. (Oxford handbooks of literature) ISBN 0199545448
Osborne, Peter (2010) 'The truth will be known when the last witness is dead': art as evidence, or, history not memory. In: Merewether, Charles and Potts, John, (eds.) After the event: new perspectives on art history. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719081736
Osborne, Peter (2009) Abstract images: sign, image and aesthetic in Gerhard Richter's painting. In: Buchloh, Benjamin H. D., (ed.) Gerhard Richter. London, U.K. : MIT Press. pp. 95-112. ISBN 9780262513128
Osborne, Peter (2009) Modernisms and mediations. In: Halsall, Francis , Jansen, Julia Alejandra and O'Connor, Tony, (eds.) Rediscovering aesthetics: transdisciplinary voices from art history, philosophy, and art practice. Stanford, U.S.A. : Stanford University Press. pp. 163-177. ISBN 9780804759915
Osborne, Peter (2009) Occasionalism. In: Faldbakken, Matias, (ed.) Matias Faldbakken: shocked into abstraction. Birmingham, U.K. : Ikon Gallery Ltd. pp. 44-71. ISBN 9781904864530
Osborne, Peter (2009) Starting up all over again: time and existence in some conceptual art of the 1960s. In: Eleey, Peter, (ed.) The quick and the dead. Minneapolis, U.S.A. : Walker Art Center. pp. 91-106. ISBN 9780935640939
Osborne, Peter and Alliez, Eric (2008) Philosophy and contemporary art after Adorno and Deleuze: an exchange. In: Garnett, Robert and Hunt, Andrew, (eds.) Gest: laboratory of synthesis #1. London, U.K. : Book Works. pp. 35-64. ISBN 9781870699969
Osborne, Peter and Buden, Boris (2008) Uberstezung: zwishen philosophie und kulturtheorie. In: Buden, Boris and Nowotny, Stefan, (eds.) Uberstezung: das versprechen eines begriffs. Vienna, Austria : Verlag Turia + Kant. pp. 185-196. ISBN 9783851325355
Osborne, Peter (2007) Where is the work of art? In: Whittaker, E. and Landrum, A., (eds.) Nonsite to celebration park: essays on art and the politics of space. Bath, U.K. : Bath Spa University. pp. 13-32. ISBN 1905200722
Osborne, Peter (2006) The power of assembly: art, world, industry. In: Merewether, Charles, (ed.) Zones of Contact: 2006 Biennale of Sydney. Sydney, Australia : Biennale of Sydney. pp. 125-128. ISBN 0958040311
Osborne, Peter (2004) Art as displaced urbanism: notes on a new constructivism of the exhibition form. In: Kuzma, Marta and Gioni, Massimiliano, (eds.) With all due intent: Manifesta 5 : European biennial of contemporary art. Spain : Actar. pp. 64-77. ISBN 9788460913481
Osborne, Peter (2004) Distracted reception: time, art, and technology. In: Morgan, Jessica and Muir, Gregor, (eds.) Time zones: recent film and video. London, U.K. : Tate Publishing. pp. 66-75. ISBN 1854375490
Osborne, Peter (2003) Photography in an expanding field: distributive unity and dominant form. In: Green, David, (ed.) Where is the photograph? Maidstone, U.K. : Photoworks. pp. 63-70. ISBN 1903796083
Osborne, Peter (2003) Versuche der Vergangenheit einzuholen. Konservative Modernitat und regressive Modernisierung in Grossbritannien. In: Kurnumaki, Jussi and Polenen, Kari, (eds.) Zeit, Geschichte und Politik: Zum achtzigsten Geburstag von Reinhart Koselleck. Jyvaskyla, Finland : University of Jyvaskyla. pp. 199-211. ISBN 9789513914967
Osborne, Peter (2002) Everywhere, or not at all: Victor Burgin and conceptual art. In: Roberts, Catsou, (ed.) Relocating: Victor Burgin. Bristol, U.K. : Arnolfini. pp. 62-75. ISBN 1902854195
Osborne, Peter (2002) Greedy Kunst. In: Merck, Mandy and Townsend, Chris, (eds.) The art of Tracey Emin. London, U.K. : Thames and Hudson. pp. 40-59. ISBN 0500283850
Sandford, Stella and Osborne, Peter (2002) Introduction: philosophies of race and ethnicity. In: Sandford, Stella and Osborne, Peter, (eds.) Philosophies of Race and Ethnicity. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 1-9. ISBN 0826459943
Osborne, Peter (2000) Introduction: From an aesthetic point of view. In: Osborne, Peter, (ed.) From an aesthetic point of view: philosophy, art and the senses. London, U.K. : Serpent's Tail. pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781852426682
Osborne, Peter (1999) Conceptual art and/as philosophy. In: Newman, Michael and Bird, Jon, (eds.) Rewriting conceptual art. London, U.K. : Reaktion Books. pp. 47-65. ISBN 1861890524
Osborne, Peter (2010) Introduction: Transdiciplinarity. In: From structure to rhizome: transdisciplinarity in French thought, 1945-the present: histories, concepts, constructions; 16 - 17 Apr 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Osborne, Peter (2008) "It is necessary to be absolutely modern": Adorno's categorical imperative of philosophy. In: Fourth Annual Joint Conference of the Society for European Philosophy and the Forum for European Philosophy; 29 - 31 Aug 2008, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)
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