CRMEP PhD awards

Jessica Feely
Year completed: 2021
Project: Towards a ‘Negative Universal History': The Interpretation and Construction of History in the Philosophy of Theodor W. Adorno
Supervisor: Peter Osborne

Rebecca Carson
Year completed: 2021
Project: The Life of Capital: Human Life, Reproduction, Money and immanent Logic
Supervisor: Etienne Balibar

Ainhoa Gomez
Year completed: 2021
Project: Metaphysics of Silence from Derrida to Meillassoux
Supervisor: Catherine Malabou

Terrence Thomson
Year completed: 2021
Project: Kant's Opus Postumum: Collapse, Caloric and Transcendental Distortion
Supervisor: Howard Caygill

Gus Hewlett
Year completed: 2021
Project: Simondon and Time of Information: A Human-technical Relation
Supervisor: Howard Caygill

Luhuna Carvalho
Year completed: 2021
Project: Hegel in Rome
Supervisor: Peter Hallward

Marie Louise Krogh
Year completed: 2021
Project: Temporalities and Territories: The Future of World and Universal History
Supervisor: Peter Osborne

Nicolas Schneider
Year completed: 2021
Project: On the Temporality of Resistance
Supervisor: Howard Caygill

Daniel Weizman
Year completed: 2020
Project: Problematics in Philosophy: Epistemology and History
Supervisor: Éric Alliez

Bernadette Schulz
Year completed: 2020
Project: Walter Benjamin and Psychoanalysis: the Unconscious and the Problem of the Subject
Supervisor: Howard Caygill

Alice Gibson
Year completed: 2020
Project: Stories about Animals
Supervisor: Howard Caygill

Isabell Dahms
Year completed: 2020
Project: Speculation and Feminist Thought: Hegel and Irigaray
Supervisor: Catherine Malabou

Luke Collison
Year completed: 2020
Project: Reason and Political Theology: Agamben and Schmitt
Supervisor: Peter Hallward

Franziska Aigner
Project: Technical thought from Kant to Simondon
Year completed: 2020
Supervisor: Howard Caygill

Eric-John Russell
Year completed: 2019
Project: Guy Debord's Concept of the Spectacle
Supervisor: Peter Osborne

Daniel Nemenyi
Year completed: 2019
Project: What is the Internet? An Ontological Investigation
Supervisor: Howard Caygill

Noa Levin
Year completed: 2019
Project: Borders and Boundaries in Benjamin and Derrida
Supervisor: Peter Osborne

Andrew Bevan
Year completed: 2019
Project: Affect and Emotion in Philosophy and Neuroscience
Supervisor: Catherine Malabou

Alex Fletcher
Year completed: 2018
Project: 'Compilation and Critique: The Essay as a Literary, Cinematographical and Videographical Form'
Supervisor: Peter Osborne
External Examiner: Esther Leslie (Birkbeck, University of London)

Michael Washington
Year completed: 2017
Project: 'Giving an Account of the Queer Subject: Plasticity, Psychoanalysis and Queer Theory'
Supervisor: Catherine Malabou
Examiners: Jacqueline Rose and Howard Caygill

Mijael Jimenez
Year completed: 2017
Project: 'Experience and the Crisis of Tradition: History, Memory and Practice in the Philosophy of Walter Benjamin'
Supervisor: Howard Caygill
Examiners: Matt Charles and Andrew Benjamin

Will Potter
Year completed: 2017
Project: 'The Idea of the Generic: The Problem of Form in the Work of Alain Badiou'
Supervisor: Peter Hallward
Examiners: Bruno Bosteels and Éric Alliez

Maria Chedonadshkih
Year completed: 2017
Project: Soviet Epistemologies and the Materialist Ontology of Poor Life: Andrei Platonov, Alexander Bogdanov and Les Vygotsky
Supervisor: Peter Osborne
Examiners: Craig Brandist and Etienne Balibar

George I. García-Quesada
Year completed: 2017
Project: Karl Marx, Historian of Social Times and Spaces
Supervisor: Peter Osborne
Examiners: Gregor McLennan and Stella Sandford

Yaiza Hernández Velázquez
Year completed: 2017
Project: Criticism and Curating in Contemporary Art
Supervisor: Peter Osborne
Examiners: Isobel Whitelegg and Howard Caygill

Steve Howard
Year completed: 2017
Project: Kant and Force: Dynamics, Natural Science and Transcendental Philosophy
Supervisor: Howard Caygill
Examiners: Karin de Boer and Peter Osborne

Jussi Palmusaari
Year completed: 2017
Project: For Revolt: Breaks from Time and Uses of Spatiality in the Work of Jacques Rancière
Supervisor: Peter Hallward
Examiners: Bruno Bosteels and Catherine Malabou

Josefine Wikström
Year completed: 2017
Project: A Critical Concept of Performance in Contemporary Art: Practice, Labour and Mediation in Performance from the 1960s to the Present
Supervisor: Peter Osborne
Examiners: John Roberts and Éric Alliez

Niall Kennedy
Year completed: 2016
Project: Deleuze's Theory of Authorship
Supervisor: Peter Hallward
Examiners: Daniel Yacavone and Howard Caygill

Andres Saenz de Sicilia
Year completed: 2016
Project: The Problem of Subsumption in Kant, Hegel and Marx
Supervisor: Peter Osborne
Examiners: Alberto Toscano and Etienne Balibar

Stefano Pippa
Year completed: 2016
Project: Althusser and Contingency
Supervisors: Peter Hallward
Examiners: Vittorio Morfino and Etienne Balibar

Lucie Mercier
Year completed: 2016
Project: The Inside Passage: Translation as Method and Relation in Serres and Benjamin
Supervisor: Peter Osborne and Etienne Balibar
Examiner: David Webb

Hammam Aldouri
Year completed: 2015
Project: Hegel's Aufhebung
Supervisor: Peter Osborne
Examiner: Antonia Birnbaum

Susana Caló
Year completed: 2015
Project: A Politics of Language: Enunciation as Political Praxis in Guattari and Deleuze
Supervisors: Peter Osborne
Examiner: Nicholas Thoburn

Iain Campbell
Year completed: 2015
Project: Experimental Practices of Music and Philosophy in John Cage and Gilles Deleuze
Supervisors: Éric Alliez
Examiner: Jeremy Gilbert

George Tomlinson
Year completed: 2015
Project: Marx and the Concept of Historical Time
Supervisors: Peter Osborne
Examiner: Werner Bonefeld

Margarita Karkagianni
Year completed: 2015
Project: The Concept of the Pathological in Bergson's Philosophy of Life
Supervisors: Howard Caygill
Examiner: Robin Durie, University of Exeter

Bobby George
Year completed: 2014
Project: Arakawa and Gins: Philosophers of Life
Supervisors: Howard Caygill
Examiner: Jon Cook, University of East Anglia

Max Blechman
Year completed: 2013
Project: Rousseau: The Politics of Common Sense
Supervisors: Peter Hallward
Examiner: Jacques Rancière (Emeritus, University of Paris 8)

Cas McMenamin
Year completed: 2013
Project: Which materialism?
Supervisor: Stella Sandford
Examiner: Iain McKenzie (University of Kent)

Rosa Nogues
Year completed: 2013
Project: Between Ethics and Politics: Feminism in Contemporary Art
Supervisor: Stella Sandford
Examiner: Catherine Grant (Goldsmiths, University of London)

Juan Rinaldi
Year completed: 2013
Project: Art and Geopolitics: The Politics of Autonomy in Contemporary Argentine Art
Supervisor: Peter Osborne and Éric Alliez
Examiner: John Kraniauskas (Birkbeck, University of London)

Georgios Tsagdis
Year completed: 2013
Project: Nihil ex Nihilo: Heidegger and the Archeology of Nothing
Supervisors: Howard Caygill
Examiner: Miguel de Bestigui (University of Warwick)

Bojana Cvejic
Year completed: 2013
Project: Choreographing Problems: Expressive Concepts in European Contemporary Dance
Supervisors: Peter Hallward and Éric Alliez
Examiners: Joe Kelleher (Roehampton University)

Vijak Haddadi
Year completed: 2012
Project: Existential Cosmology: The Foundation of Post-Critical Metaphysics in Schelling
Supervisors: Éric Alliez and Peter Osborne
Examiners: Philippe Büttgen (CNRS, Paris)

Kamini Vellodi
Year completed: 2012
Project: Tintorretto's Difference: Deleuze, Diagrammatics and the Problem of Art History
Supervisors: Éric Alliez and Peter Osborne
Examiners: Patricia Falguières (EHESS, Paris) and Adrian Rifkin (Goldsmiths, University of London)

Tom Eyers
Year completed: 2011
Project: Jacques Lacan and the concept of the 'Real'
Supervisors: Peter Hallward and Stella Sandford
External examiners: Philippe van Haute (Radboud University, Nijmegen)

Katie Lloyd Thomas
Year completed: 2010
Project: Matter and Materials in the Architectural Specification
Supervisors: Peter Osborne and Rob Stone
External examiners: Andrew Barry (University of Oxford) and Mark Dorian (University of Edinburgh)

Matthew Charles
Year completed: 2010
Project: Goethe's Kantian Epistemology in Walter Benjamin's Speculative Critical Theory
Supervisor: Peter Osborne and Stewart Martin
External examiner: Andrew Benjamin (Monash University)

Dustin McWherter
Year completed: 2010
Project: Ontology and Cognitive Experience in Kant and Bhaskar
Supervisors: Peter Hallward and Stella Sandford
External examiners: Christopher Norris (Cardiff University)

Peter Kapos
Year completed: 2010
Project: Freedom Moves in Leaps: The Problem of Choice in Kant and Fichte
Supervisors: Peter Osborne and Christian Kerslake
External examiner: Stephen Houlgate (University of Warwick)

Luke Skrebowski
Year completed: 2009
Project: Systems Aesthetics: Conceptual Art and Critical Theory
Supervisors: Peter Osborne and Jon Bird
External examiner: Michael Newman (Chicago Art Institute & Goldsmiths)

Wesley Phillips
Year completed: 2009
Project: Waiting in Vain: Metaphysics, Modernity and Music: T. W. Adorno, Martin Heidegger and Luigi Nono
Supervisors: Peter Osborne and Éric Alliez
External examiner: Andrew Benjamin (Monash University)

Alan McPherson
Year completed: 2009
Project: Memory and Expectation in Aesthetics: A Study of Adorno's Aesthetic Theory
Supervisors: Peter Osborne and Stewart Martin
External examiner: Gary Peters (York St John University)

Nuno Rodrigues
Year completed: 2009
Project: The Avant-Garde as Production of Difference
Supervisor: Peter Osborne and Éric Alliez
External examiner: John Mullarkey (University of Dundee)

Simon Skempton
Year completed: 2008
Project: Alienation After Derrida
Supervisors: Peter Osborne and Stella Sandford
External examiner: Simon Glendinning (LSE)

Nina Power
Year completed: 2006
Project: From Theoretical Antihumanism to Practical Humanism: The Political Subject in Sartre, Althusser, and Badiou
Supervisors: Peter Osborne and Éric Alliez
External examiner: Etienne Balibar (Paris X-Nanterre)

Andrew McGettigan
Year completed: 2006
Project: Disputes in the 'Metaphysics' of Ethico-Political Transformation: A Reassessment of the Speculative Philosophies of Jacques Derrida and Emmanuel Levinas
Supervisors: Peter Osborne and Stella Sandford
External examiners: Howard Caygill (Goldsmiths) and Marian Hobson (Queen Mary)

Alastair Morgan
Year completed: 2005
Project: "Life Does Not Live": Experience and Life in the Philosophies of Theodor W. Adorno and Giorgio Agamben
Supervisor: Peter Osborne
External examiner: Simon Jarvis (Cambridge)

Julie Kuhlken
Year completed: 2004
Project: Why Would a Philosopher Take an Artist Seriously?
Supervisor: Alex Düttmann
External examiner: Espen Hammer (Essex) and Christoph Menke (Potsdam)

Adam Beck
Year completed: 2002
Project: Heidegger and Science: Nature, Objectivity and the Present-at-Hand
Supervisor: Jonathan Rée
External examiner: Denis McManus (Southampton)

Christian Kerslake
Year completed: 2001
Project: The Problem of Immanence in Kant and Deleuze
Supervisor: Peter Osborne
External examiner: Stephen Houlgate (Warwick)

Stewart Martin
Year completed: 2001
Project: Adorno and the Problem of Philosophy
Supervisor: Peter Osborne
External examiner: Simon Jarvis (Cambridge) and Howard Caygill (Goldsmiths)

Jane Chamberlain
Year completed: 1999
Project: Reading Time: On the Idea of a Philosophical Poetics
Supervisor: Jonathan Rée
External examiner: David Wood (Vanderbilt)

Edward Garrett
Year completed: 1998
Project: A Critical Examination of Private Property in Land, with Particular Application to Conflicts Arising from Section 5 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act
Supervisor: Philip Cole

Bob Cannon
Year completed: 1998
Project: Rethinking the Normative Content of Critical Theory: Marx, Habermas and Beyond
Supervisor: Peter Osborne

Andrew Rossiter
Year completed: 1997
Project: Textuality and Violence: the Difference in Heidegger and Derrida
Supervisor: Jonathan Rée
External examiner: Howard Caygill (Goldsmiths)

Mark Neocleous
Year completed: 1995
Project: State, Power, Administration: Marxist and Foucauldian Perspectives on State Development in Britain 1832-1918
Supervisor: Peter Osborne
External examiner: Peter Dews (Essex)

MPhil awards

Thomas Fitzmaurice
Year completed: 2002
Project: Does Nietzsche Have a Coherent View of Truth?
Supervisor: Alexander Düttmann
External examiner: Beatrice Han (Essex)

Andrew Wilson
Year completed: 1995
Project: New Gods Ascending: Ethics and Action in Lukacs, 1916-1928
Supervisor: Peter Osborne

CRMEP research students