About us

Logo: The BRAINS LabThe 'Behavioural Research Analytics In Neurotechnological Systems' (BRAINS) Lab, is a nationally leading research and innovation facility that pioneers the convergence of behavioural sciences, user experience research and next-generation technologies.

Through cutting-edge research and partnerships, The BRAINS Lab aims to define an ethical, inclusive and sustainable digital future and enhance our collective capacity and capability to mitigate harms and tackle major societal challenges.

Research specialism:


  • Marketing, advertising and nudge
  • Creativity, arts and wellbeing

AI and society

  • Automation, transformation and organisation
  • Data ethics, policy and law


  • Inclusive, accessible and co-design
  • Emotional and persuasive design

Please note: The BRAINS Lab was previously named The Behavioural Science and Creative Insights Lab.

Innovative Research Methods & Tools

We deliver unique leading-edge mixed methods research that integrates behavioural sciences and user experience augmented with psycho-physiological data from a range of biosensors.

Biosensors can provide objective measurements of psycho-physiological parameters such as heart rate, skin conductance, EEG (electroencephalogram), and eye movement.

These metrics offer insights into pre-cognitive states to augment qualitative methods such as self-reporting, reducing the impact of social desirability or memory biases.

Incorporating different biosensors in behavioural analytics research can provide a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of user experience by offering objective, real-time, and contextual insights that complement traditional research methods.


Members of the Brains Lab at an event.


Deputy director

Lab Manager

Research Fellow


Visiting externals

Our Facilities

Observation suite

Our Observation suite is ideal for generating behavioural insights and can be used for evaluating the multichannel branded user experience, product testing, creativity and problem-solving, focus groups and teamwork. Using biosensors such as EEG, heart rate and skin conductance, we can uniquely record and analyse flow states through action and physical gestures.

Pop-up VR suite

Our VR suite is ideal for studying user behaviour in virtual environments. Using biosensors such as EEG, heart rate and skin conductance, we can uniquely record and analyse synchronous virtual stimuli and physical gestures.

Gaze and emotion tracking pod

The pod includes Eye-tracking and facial expression analysis, which can provide insights into attention, engagement, and emotional reactions. Additional biosensors such as EEG, heart rate and skin conductance can be integrated to provide a deeper understanding, as we can cross-validate self-reports with sub-conscious psycho-physiological insights. This is ideal for generating behavioural insights on how people interact with websites, services, marketing or calls to action.

Networked computer suite

Our networked computer suite is ideal for conducting behavioural economic research to gain insights into consumer behaviour, improve marketing strategies, enhance customer experiences, and make more informed decisions regarding product development and pricing strategies.


I think the Brains Lab team are doing groundbreaking work which has huge application in many areas, across business and other organisations such as education and healthcare. I would encourage anyone with an interest in how we learn and improve to make a visit to meet the team in Kingston University. They are brilliant!

Dr Steven Roberts, Barclays UK Head of Culture and Chief Scientific Adviser at Conception X

Research activities

BRiVaRE (Behavioural Research in Virtual & Augmented Reality Environments)

The preliminary BRAINS lab project supports the activities of a wider Collaboratory of researchers and practitioners from multidisciplinary areas interested in questioning critically and creatively the consequences of VR, AR, MR on people, society, and businesses. This interdisciplinary infrastructural programme seeks to explore the potentials, opportunities, pitfalls, and ethical consequences of these new technologies in human life.

Past events

The BRAINS Lab Launch, May 2023

Kingston Business School hosted a two-day event officially opening the Lab, enabling industry partners to experience the facilities of the BRAINS Lab, network, frame research questions and define collaborative next steps for interdisciplinary research projects in behavioural analytics and XR.

Representatives from Google, Barkley's and the NHS were among the businesses to learn about the advantages of working with the BRAINS team and join groups to examine the future of technology, as well as receive hands-on demonstrations of cutting-edge technology from iMotions, Varjo, Ultraleap and Emotiv.

Researcher, curator and broadcaster Creative Director for body>data>space Ghislaine Boddington was the keynote speaker at the event: "The BRAINS Lab is an ethical space shaping ideas that could enable data for good to be used for climate change, sustainability, diversity and inclusivity," she said. "This thinking will impact research and teaching at Kingston Business School – we need our new young business leaders to understand the consequences of particular actions within business terms." She added that the Lab offered an inspiring gathering of different disciplines given a rare opportunity to exchange knowledge and collaborate with a clear focus on impact from the University to a variety of stakeholders.